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PL Exclusive - Grosvenor GUKPT March League - Over £1000 added Final Wed 3rd April


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Re: PL Exclusive - Grosvenor GUKPT March League - Over £1000 added! - Starts Wed 6th

Very well played ExcitableBoy, well deserved victory, totally owned me HU :clap [ATTACH]4385[/ATTACH]
Very kind, if not entirely true. I just suddenly started running very hot. Please accept my apologies for disappearing at the final hand - I was also playing the daily dollar and had hit a set of Kings. As I say, running hot. Currently on the Final table, 4/9/1132 (153).
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Re: PL Exclusive - Grosvenor GUKPT March League - Over £1000 added! - Starts Wed 6th

Ticking along nicely 11/16/35 at the second break, then before play recommences BT Broadband decides to die. 42 minutes on the phone, more in hope than expectation that anyone will answer... suddenly it comes back on, I log in and I've finished 9th. If I had a cat I'd kick it :wall
Would you like to borrow mine? :)
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Re: PL Exclusive - Grosvenor GUKPT March League - Over £1000 added! - Leg 2 Weds 13th

probably me but could not find tourney
Make sure all filters are off, doesn't always appear in the Punters tab, need to check under "All Tournaments". No late reg either. Still plenty of time to qualify, good luck next week.
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Re: PL Exclusive - Grosvenor GUKPT March League - Over £1000 added! - Leg 3 Weds 20th

League table now posted. Well done to MissHoolie :clap and another great result from ExcitableBoy sees him at the top of the league. :clap
My unbelieveable good luck ran out two hands short last night as I went from chip lead to out thanks to consecutive rivered flushes. Can't complain really though as I coolered at least two people by catching sets with lower pocket pairs. That's poker I suppose, but my apologies to those concerned. Very well played to MissHoolie who played a much more measured and sensible game! See you in the final!
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