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Next Champion jockey

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AP McCoy has been champ 16 years on the trot , someday soon he'll have to relinquish the title either by retirement or by being beaten. Name the jockey you think who will next succeed AP. I'll go for Richard Johnson. Absolutely top class and would have been a multiple champion if AP was taken out of the equation. Or Jason Maguire if R Johnson retires before becoming champ R Walsh and BJ Gerrighty both top class but don't ride donkeys so that eliminates them plus Ruby is quite injury prone.

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Re: Next Champion jockey You 2 need to get a room!! ;) In answer to the question - if McCoy retired tomorrow then of course Johnson would be Champion Jockey - hasn't he finished 2nd to McCoy like a million times!? This is assuming that everyone continued to ride the same amount for the same people etc. Champion Jockey and Best Jockey are completely different things most of the time imho - you're both right.

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Re: Next Champion jockey On that subject, it'd be interesting to see a win percentage in relation to number of rides. Does seem that AP, while a talented jockey, wins courtesy of sheer weight of numbers. Always on the racecard. Yet to be truly convinced by Geraghty, although his Cheltenham performances on Bobs Worth and Riverside Theatre did make me take some notice. Followed Maguire quite a bit lately and think he'd be the most likely as split the McCoy/Johnson top 2. Having said that, if Jamie Moore were to acquire a better book of rides, he'd be up there imo.

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Re: Next Champion jockey yet to be convinced by geraghty?? come on, he is in top 3 jocks at the moment, ok he rides decent horses but he is very decent Johnson isnt liked by a number for obvious reasons, too many high profile falls for me but you cant deny he rides a high number of winners i like Maguire of the remainder and perhaps McCain may increase his number of runners and winners over the next few years to come There isnt much else to be honest out there, i used to like Graham lee but he has gone, and also O'regan who again only comes good every so often too many jocks go with trainers form, if they are cold, the jocks are cold

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Re: Next Champion jockey

On that subject' date=' it'd be interesting to see a win percentage in relation to number of rides. Does seem that AP, while a talented jockey, wins courtesy of sheer weight of numbers. Always on the racecard.[/quote'] I used to think the same, but no - this is one of the big misconceptions. McCoy has had the highest win % amongst the top 5-10 jump jockeys for the last 7 or 8 years, even since he left the Pipe job. Geraghty perhaps beat him one year, not sure. Yes, you'd have to favour Deckie Johnson, however Jason Maguire got closer to him this season than anyone has done previously.
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Re: Next Champion jockey There always seems to be some criticism of McCoy such as weight of rides which determine the championship. The guy wins because he works harder, tries virtually every race and has a will to win beyond all the others. He is the best jumps jockey by a long way but we all have our own opinions

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Re: Next Champion jockey

It would be interesting to see who would get McCoys rides were he to retire tomorrow' date=' because I dont think Johnson would pick up that many and he is a pretty average jockey really.[/quote'] I have a feeling we could see Noel Fehily take Jonjo's rides when McCoy steps down... ?
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Re: Next Champion jockey Jason Maguire is surely going to be a future champion jockey. Picks up a lot of rides and with a decent stable backing him as well then there's surely only one way for him to go. I think some of the criticism towards Richard Johnson is a bit harsh. I'm not his biggest fan by any means but day in and day out he rides the winners and has been second to AP a ridiculous amount of times.

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