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Dissalusioned with poker


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Ive only been playing poker about 3 weeks,I read a book memorised the outs and I've listened to what the so called experts have said to me while Ive been removing them of their money Usualy threats or U were lucky or u shouldnt play cards that way. One even said he was going to fly up to "punterslounge" to do me in because I dont play properly :lol That was for $40 (The same guy left with zip after I' d finished with him ") I mean £20 for fcks sake !!!!!!!!!!! ( I wish he would I realy do Komp could video the massacre lol ) Im shit at the game :o I admit it but I keep beating so called experts who end up with nothing while I am winning???? Am I super lucky? I dont think so :o So I came to the conclusion that 99% of all poker talk is bullshit To prove my point (and Jay will be my witness) I entered a comp on PP tonight and let my 8 yr old lad play it with no help from me , Jay watched as my lad played the hands and Knocked them out one by one as they complimented him on his good decisions and nice plays, I even typed up once he knew f all about poker they thought I was joking.(Jay found it highly amusing) He went on to win it and won $25 and I was well proud of him It just goes to show who's right a $25 expert who's read a book on poker or an 8 year old kid No doubt Ill get the experts on saying Ill play him for a milllion quid blah blah and It was a one off (that just happened at that moment in time ) If he played 20 comps he wouldnt win them , Ill play him anytime you want But I dont care Tipstar jnr No 1 top dog poker under 9's league (better than them Yankie bastards)

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker Tipstar - now were you a little drunk when you posted this? :lol On a serious note - why the title "Disillusioned with Poker" if you are always winning? This seems like the title of a thread that someone would post if they were on a losing run - not a winning run? Or did you mean "Disillusioned with Poker Theory"? If so, let me deal with the points you make.

No doubt Ill get the experts on saying Ill play him for a million quid blah blah
Firstly - poker theory / science is not a load of old bollox Tipstar. Here is an example why. Say you are holding J,10 and the flop comes A, K, 3. Someone raises £10 and the pot stands at £20 as a result. You have to call £10 to get a pot of £30 (which includes the £10 you just put in - so a 2/1 bet). Now the only card that can save you (assuming the raiser has an Ace or a King) is the Queen - giving you the straight. Now you know the two cards in your hand and you know the three cards on the flop - so you know 5 cards - and none are the queen so you rightly calculate that out of 47 cards left in the pack the 4 queens remain. Your odds of hitting the Queen are 43 / 4 (about 11/1). Now if you take an 11/1 chance to get a 2/1 pay off you are a mug. You might hit the middle pin and consider yourself a good player and that all poker theory is a load of old bollox as a result - but you would be wrong. You would have just been a very lucky (and silly) player. Betting in poker is like punting on a sports book. You need to play when there is value to be had. Now there is no argument with regards to the very simple example I have laid out above. They are statistical facts. All poker theory is based on the above and you need to calculate when to bet or not accordingly. The only factor that you can add to the above is how good you are at reading other peoples play. Given the above example you might make the bet if you consider the player to be bluffing. Now if you call thinking that the opponent has trash and that at worst you have a straight draw and two over cards, then this is fair enough. However you would need to have pretty solid grounds to make such a call and if an opponent was this bad I would wait for a better chance to catch him later on personally. As for your kid winning a one table tourney? Well I have no reason to disbelieve you (drunken posting or not ;) :tongue2 ) but all I have to say is the following. a) He was lucky b) He was playing people who were awful (they were yanks after all :lol) c) He understands 'chance' / odds better than you think d) He reads peoples play better than you imagine. e) A combination of all of the above. Whilst I know your thread was light hearted I thought I would post up the answer for any new players or lurkers who might be reading. :ok
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Re: Dissalusioned with poker Gettin I wrote that because last night I was sick to death of yanks telling me I am wrong everytime I beat them. The dissalusioned part was because I think playing poker is great fun but I cant stand some of the morons who I end up playing against and it ruins my enjoyment and I feel I just cant be bothered, I realy shouldnt let it get to me but it does :( . I think the pl tourneys are great some banter etc and people who like myself can learn a bit more as they play. I know I am not a very good player because I dont take it serious and I like to play it just for fun or just small stakes. My lad watches me play all the time and I am sick of him seeing you F8kin this and that put up on the screen by bad losing yanks. if they were so good and know poker inside out why dont they play on the big boys tables for real money, they dont because they know they would get whooped by people like Jez who do know the game. All they do is hang around the low limit tables looking for easy pickings off bad players like myself and mouthing of how good they are until they get beat then start hurling abuse. My lad Mat did play that mini tourney $5+$1 and he did win it $25 :dude If i'd have helped him he most probably would have been out first :rollin

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker As an aside if you do get into a conversation with someone who tells you how bad you are then just type back "Why are you complaining then? Surely you will take all my money soon so you should be pleased I'm in here with you". If that doesn't work tell them that your "gazing at the top of their momma's head."

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker

There is a option at the bottom of the table (on PP) where you can switch the dealer and player comments to 'silent' by the way. I switch people off quite a lot when my son is in the room. :ok
I didnt know that :clap Cheers for that, It will be well and truly pressed :ok
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Re: Dissalusioned with poker Tipstar, maybe you could also try a different site. I've been playing mostly on Ladbrokes, and although you occasionally get the kind of jerk you describe, it seems quite rare. It may well be that different sites develop a different culture of whether this kind of behaviour is tolerated. The only other site I've used is VC, which seemed to have more jerks (although still not nearly as many as you seem to have come across), which is partly why I play on Ladbrokes now.

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker When people get pissed off when you win a hand I think it's funny. Rub it in, winds them up more. If they start telling you how bad your play was agree with them, but remind them who has the money. All these so called "experts" are not experts at all. They are moany yanks who don't really know what they are talking about. Don't let yourself be dilluded into thinking all this poker thing is talk and its luck. As time goes on the money flows from the good players to the bad players.

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker Call me a prude but, Tipstar you are a disgrace if you set the example of playing on-line poker to an 8 yr old. What sort of a lead are you giving him? The world of on-line gambling is not something to be taken lightly, it requires the mind of someone who realise the consequences and the responsibility of their actions, it is not a new toy, it is serious. It may seem fun to him at the mo, in a few years he will be throwing his hard-earned at this fun because his dad showed him how, hope you start to teach him sensible betting otherwise...?? :cry lecture over..gl. :hope

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker

Call me a prude but, Tipstar you are a disgrace if you set the example of playing on-line poker to an 8 yr old. What sort of a lead are you giving him? The world of on-line gambling is not something to be taken lightly, it requires the mind of someone who realise the consequences and the responsibility of their actions, it is not a new toy, it is serious. It may seem fun to him at the mo, in a few years he will be throwing his hard-earned at this fun because his dad showed him how, hope you start to teach him sensible betting otherwise...?? :cry lecture over..gl. :hope
A good point spreadit, but I think tipstar seems clever enough to have thought of that already, better to teach them the right way to do it if they are that way inclined (sons virtually always follow their dad's habits), than for a dad not tell them anything and watch them do 30k before they realise they haven't got a clue. ;)
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Re: Dissalusioned with poker

A good point spreadit' date=' but I think tipstar seems clever enough to have thought of that already, better to teach them the right way to do it if they are that way inclined (sons virtually always follow their dad's habits), than for a dad not tell them anything and watch them do 30k before they realise they haven't got a clue. ;)[/quote'] My concern is : the lad is 8 yrs old..!! More important lessons to be learnt at 8 than "how to win at poker ??"...perhaps I look at life different, I think gambling is a really serious hobby/pastime, played with money you must be able to LOSE and not something of a bit of fun for an 8 yr old...perhaps I have got it wrong? gl.
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Re: Dissalusioned with poker I agree about online poker chat, it can get pretty, well, amusing at times. It's just the whole 18 yr old college kid who is a hard man behind his computer thing innit, I highly doubt they would dare say the same things to your face in a rl poker game :lol. I have seen it even taking to stalking levels - holding AA preflop a tight aggressive player raises it up on a cash table before me. Deciding to try and outplay him rather and be a bit deceptive about my hand I just smooth call his raise instead of reraising (as he is an ok player and liable to know what i have if I reraise). The flop comes Axx - perfect. He bets I raise a little he goes all in, naturally I call and bust his ass. When the cards are turned over it is seen that he had AK and he types in the chat box. THE FIRST TIME I GET A F***ING ACE TONIGHT THAT BASTARD GETS 2 ( :rollin ) and then goes on a rant about how "lucky" I was in that hand and how noone else at the table deserves to have his money. For the rest of the night he periodically pops up as an observor in the box wherever I am playing cheering on the next guy :lol . It really doesn't bother me tho infact it just shows how little control some of these guys have over themselves but I agree a table with good banter is far more enjoyable to play it than one full of whining yanks. As for the 8yr old well I reckon its one of these dangerous subjects. If you tell an 8yr old kid gambling is bad and never to do it and blah blah blah then really thats just going to make them more curious isnt it? Its like if you are given a plate and told "dont touch it its hot" - you have to fcuking touch it in a "wow is it really that hot" kinda way. If I had an 8yr old son I would quite happily teach him poker and let him watch me play or even play under my account on occasion as I would be far happier knowing he understood gambling rather than just told it was evil. Jez

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker I have taught my 11 year old how to play poker and have even let him play one of those £200 freerolls on Bet365 on my account. I told him if he won anything he could have it. He lasted until the last 1,000 out of about 2,500 by playing very tight for most of it. He's very good at maths and has just had his mock SATs. He got the top grade and is considered to be advanced when it comes to this subject5. Consequently he doesn't play to badly as he understands probability even at this tender age. I'm with Jezza on this. I have told my son all about gambling, poker, fighting, drinking, drugs and smoking. Nothing (barring conversations about sex as yet) is taboo. When I was his age I was intrigued about all the things adults did - the vices. As I grew older I couldn't wait to try them all. My lad has seen me do all of the above (bar drugs) and sees it all as being a bit ridiculous and a little boring (especially the drinking bit). Personally I believe the best way to bring your kids up is not to shelter them to the extent that a vice seems mysterious. Nothing will turn a child onto a vice quicker than that in my opinion.

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Re: Dissalusioned with poker

Call me a prude but, Tipstar you are a disgrace if you set the example of playing on-line poker to an 8 yr old. What sort of a lead are you giving him? The world of on-line gambling is not something to be taken lightly, it requires the mind of someone who realise the consequences and the responsibility of their actions, it is not a new toy, it is serious. It may seem fun to him at the mo, in a few years he will be throwing his hard-earned at this fun because his dad showed him how, hope you start to teach him sensible betting otherwise...?? :cry lecture over..gl. :hope
As gambling for a living is my ownly form of income(not at poker btw) I think my son tends to come into contact with it on a daily basis and find that to teach him the rights and wrongs (as Paul pointed out) of gambling is the best thing to do. Do you have kids? if you do do you drink or smoke infront of them? Have they ever seen you drunk ? If you do that could be called a disgrace to some people. Its only that smoking and drinking has less of a stigma attached to it than gambling does. I would rather have my son down @ Belle View dogs when he is older than hanging around the streets getting pissed and smoking dope like most of the kids do today. I have played cards(pontoon,cibbage,etc) with my son since he was little and the one thing it has done is bring him on bigstlye with his maths (not done much for his english tho) and playing poker is just another card game. I never purposely let him win so he learns the taste of defeat and that you cant win all the time and he knows that. I am in the same fame of mind as Gettin If you dont teach them these things when they are young, when they get older they go OTT and thats when things do become a problem.
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