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2012 progress


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has to be my worst start to a year since i started playing poker,not disastrous by any means but not exactly a confidence booster. i have been trying to change my game a bit as i am too predictable imo,but finding it hard to loosen up more. keeping absolute records of every game is hard to do as well,but i am determined i will do this this year. i was intending to branch more into the variant side of poker but it hasnt happened so far,tend to be supporting ( and rightly so ) the PL games we have. rt27_2eb_u92am.jpgUploaded at Picoodle.com

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Re: not a great start to 2012 I dont mean this negatively at all, but 32 MTTs is such a ridiculously small sample that results are 100% meaningless - so don't let it bother you - just ensure you're doing the right things, and the results will sort themselves out. :ok I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum - January has been my best month ever (on cash tables) by some considerable margin. I've played a heck of a lot (over 30k hands Heads Up) and am winning at nearly 20 Big Blinds per 100 hands. I felt like God :p Then I read Alun Bowdens editorial (Feb mag) and it brought me right back down to earth. You should make sure you read it - it talks to us both this month ;)

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Re: not a great start to 2012 Had a bad start also wasn't going to play but thought I'd make a deposit on stars last month so put $500 on there lost it all within 3 days and playing nothing higher than $10 games lol. Been on a downswing since about november now although I havn't played to much just don't have the patients to play anymore. I load of a dozen games and within 20 minutes I think gosh I'm actually bord with this why do I continue to play.

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Re: not a great start to 2012 Hi AL if i good read it you play only 32 tournaments and cash in 4 of them ermm i cant see anything wrong or worried about it---just unlucky you cash in small ones...if you only cash in your bigest one$ 50 you will prob. be on profit.. I play 30 tournaments a day and have a day without cash so its even worst that yours stats here....as GAF said its too small sample of results so dont worry about it at all

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Re: not a great start to 2012

dont give him false hope lads' date='predictable and easy to play against ,btw srry for honesty[/quote'] no worries,i know my faults,hence the attempt to change them. we shall see as the year progresses and i will put up a monthly update and any improvements.
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Re: not a great start to 2012

Then I read Alun Bowdens editorial (Feb mag) and it brought me right back down to earth. You should make sure you read it - it talks to us both this month ;)
He's absolutely right. You shouldn't worry about 1 bad month. I have just had my first losing month ever, a month after my biggest ever winning month. Its always difficult when you try to adjust your game. You just have to be brutely honest when reviewing your games and seperate the mistakes from the bad beats. If you are getting it in good most of the time then your wins will come.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: not a great start to 2012 well an improvement made over January,wasnt sure whether to post just February`s stats or the year so far,decided on the latter. Feb. was helped with the V-roll win and then doubling that with my omaha hi/lo cash game. have also taken into account i am not playing as much as i used to,so although still a small amount of games to decipher it is going in the right direction. kynl_3e7_u92am.jpgUploaded at Picoodle.com

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Re: not a great start to 2012 I've been meaning to record my results for a looooooooooong time but as a recreational player didn't think it was worth it but more because I'm too lazy. New month tomorrow though so I'll start. One thing. If you enter say, a freeroll and win a $10+1 ticket do you count that as money won?

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Re: not a great start to 2012

I've been meaning to record my results for a looooooooooong time but as a recreational player didn't think it was worth it but more because I'm too lazy. New month tomorrow though so I'll start. One thing. If you enter say, a freeroll and win a $10+1 ticket do you count that as money won?
yes mate,and when you use that ticket you record it as a buy in.
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Re: not a great start to 2012 I've always had a worse start to the year have played less and not recorded my results , but last year I won in 7 of the first 10 months (apart from April and August) but since October not had a winning month and have lost some the confidence I used to play with. I have taken a bit of a break but my results ain't seemed to take a upturn , any advice?

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Re: not a great start to 2012

Thanks Al. So you import your results to PD manually? I guess I'll be doing that as I only play max 4 tourneys a night and the odd SNG when I fancy a quick fix.
yes mate, including cash games etc etc......... you have to be honest with yourself while doing it, its easy to think i will just forget about tourney or cash game as it didnt go well,but you are just cheating yourself. you can also input time spent etc as well, it really is a decent bit of kit.
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Re: not a great start to 2012

I've always had a worse start to the year have played less and not recorded my results , but last year I won in 7 of the first 10 months (apart from April and August) but since October not had a winning month and have lost some the confidence I used to play with. I have taken a bit of a break but my results ain't seemed to take a upturn , any advice?
just patience really, maybe tighten up a bit until you get your mojo back.
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Re: not a great start to 2012 Ok so I've added my games from this evening and my total hours comes to 8h15m which is the sum total of the games I played but not how long I've actually been playing. Therefore in the long run if I keep inputting the hours each tourney has been played individually, it will skew my winning $/hours played ratio.

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Re: not a great start to 2012

Ok so I've added my games from this evening and my total hours comes to 8h15m which is the sum total of the games I played but not how long I've actually been playing. Therefore in the long run if I keep inputting the hours each tourney has been played individually' date=' it will skew my winning $/hours played ratio.[/quote'] What would you be doing, if you wasn't playing poker on an evening? If you went to pub, would that be counted as a loss? If you watched tv, what would you gain?
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Re: not a great start to 2012

just patience really' date=' maybe tighten up a bit until you get your mojo back.[/quote'] Thanks I have made less moves but this in turn is frustrating when either card dead or hand won't hold , think going to mass table 1c/2c where I can just exploit others mistakes and play ABC because 10 Tabling
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Re: not a great start to 2012

You've lost me.
Basically you cant put hours, per win ratio, because you might end up earning $2 per hour. But what else would you be doing in your spare time, that was making a profit. Am i going too deep? Apologies if so ? I left Poker alone alot in February, just to catch up on things, and relax a bit, and found there isn't much of anything else that i could enjoy, and hopefully make a profit with.
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Re: not a great start to 2012 Ah right I getcha. My original query was that it wouldn't show a true representative of winnings/per hour but as I said later that doesn't really matter. I just thought I would fill in all the criteria but then realised that wasn't necessary as I'm only a pert-time/fun player (and boy it shows!0

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