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PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11


PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11  

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11 What a sick finish.......very unlucky Das!:loon Well played to Ken though, a great performance and good luck in the main event, let me know if you want to play Blackpool, if not, you may be allowed to carry it over, but I cant confirm that yet. :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11

Make of this what you will Well done Ken I suppose.
Bit Harsh Das. Top Pair with a backdoor straight draw in a heads up with a virtual winner takes all prize is a pretty big hand IMO, would others have called? probably yes and probably no, hard decision but I can see benefits of both decisions :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11 I'm sure in the morning I'll be more reflective. I supported the league through all four legs so I'm happy with that. Thanks for putting on another great league Graeme :clap

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11 Sorry couldn't rail much tonight, unlucky Das, feel for you son :\ Well played Ken, Das, Mark (& Jonesy ;)), gl in Blackpool and your satellites respectively, let's see if we can get 2 more through the quali's :hope

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11 Thank you to Punters,blue square and Morlspin for fulfilling my poker ambition of playing a gukpt main event. :ok Im sorry Das Boot for upsetting you, it was never my intention, but i hit top pair and checked in the hope of you putting in a bet, when you went all-in, i put you on a draw and believed , i was infront, i could do nothing after that, im sorry, it was a cruel river.

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11 Ken I'm sorry if I seemed less than gracious to your win. I should have taken a few minutes away from the keyboard :D Good luck in Blackpool mate and have a great time :hope

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11 Thank you everyone, will be playing Blackpool, if it gets sorted in time, did not realise it was so close, only a week away :eek Be great to jump in with the punters team at Blackpool, looks like we will be well supported there, so makings of a great weekend. :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11

Thank you everyone, will be playing Blackpool, if it gets sorted in time, did not realise it was so close, only a week away :eek Be great to jump in with the punters team at Blackpool, looks like we will be well supported there, so makings of a great weekend. :ok
Should have had an email today mate, all sorted now:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - Grand Final STT 2/11/11

As Karl (jones12345) told us early on that he couldn't play the rearranged day of the final we have agreed that he can offer his place in the final to the next person down the league' date=' on a staking basis. This means ooblio can play in the STT if the two of you can make an agreement and confirm to us. :ok[/quote'] Not sure whats happening :unsure
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