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Re: GUKPT Luton Hi Pete, I also won entry, via the generosity of both BlueSq (GCasino) and the PL league. Will be in Flight 1a and equally low on live experience being just my 4th live tournament proper (£100+) with a handful more lower buy in/donkament events also under my belt. PM me your real name & mobile number if you want to meet up for a beer and share bad beat stories etc while there. Will reply with mine. :D And good luck buddy, PL ftw :hope Bart

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Re: GUKPT Luton Okay bud, will do. Do you know if there are dealers? Might sound silly but I can deal about as well as I can do a backflip so I'm a bit concerned about that! For anyone interested it looks like they'll be streaming it online through pokernews.com although I'm not sure if it's just the final table or whatever. Good luck to you too. :hope

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Re: GUKPT Luton i played London a few months ago and found the standard pretty average for a tourney supposedly full of top British pros. Having said that, all the top pros seemed to be on one table (Trickett, Toby Lewis, Stuart Rutter, Andrew Teng, JP Kelly etc!!) - but you'll definitely get some very very good players dotted around. Just enjoy the atmosphere, they're great fun to play in.

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Re: GUKPT Luton Thx everyone, very much appreciated :cheers I will do my best to represent you all well, will undoubtably pick up valuable experience and above all else I will genuinely enjoy every single moment. It has been a long held aim of mine to play in just a single GUKPT event, I just didn't expect it so soon after making the switch to live events :eek - only possible due to the amazing generousity of BlueSq, PL & you all, grateful thanks as always :notworthy Whilst I'm highly unlikely to cash, I will return a total of 10% of anything I manage to bink both here & in GUKPT Coventry in October to those who I had the privilege of playing alongside in the March & April leagues (when I binked big time) and other regs who've supported the PL leagues on a regular basis. Format/distribution to be decided at a later date by myself alongside Grae & BlueSq. Just don't get your hopes up, 10% of £0 is still £0 :rollin With grateful thanks, Bart p.s. Mods, I haven't posted anything in the Staking thread as it's not the usual kind of staking, no members money at stake and may take a while for a freeroll or something to be organised and set up, but I give my word here that I will contact Grae within 7 days of winning anything to discuss/agree/arrangement community event.

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Re: GUKPT Luton I'm in day 1a (starting 12noon Friday) mate, sorry confused everyone by travelling up a day early to stay with my sister in nearby Herts to avoid the M25 on the day of the tourney. Was my first good call of the week as journey took 4.5 hours when usually only 2, sigh. Will try to update twitter during each break and/or when I can. I think there are updates and possibly live feed on GUKPT site or blonde or somewhere. Gl to LtfcPete and any other PL'ers too :ok

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Re: GUKPT Luton That was great fun, loved every minute of it, but a little tired now and no cash this time, sorry guys & girls. Will provide a more detailed summary next week (if people are interested in it) when back home on proper broadband, but jist of it is: > lost quite a few chips early on in an ever building 3-way pot with KK, but managed to find a fold on the turn when 3rd club appeared and after the 2x villans started repopping like crazy a hand where I had been the original aggressor. River brought 4th club and Villan#2 showed AcAx. > rebuilt up slowly stealing & showing KK & QQ once each then opening up range a little more. > somewhere in the midst of this Praz Bansi sits down on my right and becomes both my nemesis and chip supplier in similar proportions over the next few hours. > lost a bigish pot to the maniac 40/20 player (2 to the right of Praz) who was controlling most of the chips. Basically I was in the middle of a 4 hour totally card dead (and I mean championship quality razz hands) spell, got bored/frustrated/tilty/whatever, double-barrelled AJo no pair on Qxx, got called each time and regretted it greatly thereafter (he only had 44!)... sigh back to the auto-fold. > after pretty much treading water arrived in push/fold, called allin with 88 and managed to triple up after outdrawing JJ... oops sorry! > blinding away again until deep into Level 7 (approx 7 hours in), Praz opens LP as usual, I shove with AJ ( i think it was) but his A9 hits a 9 on the turn to bust me out in circa 65th (126 starters in day 1a). > Just one level from day 2, but needed that and possibly 1 more double-up to return with a playable stack and happy with (most of) my play overall. Still lots of room for improvement, was too tight, folded too much, tried some moves of which some didn't work, but thoughly enjoyed the whole experience. Actually the whole table was pretty funny/good banter which also helped. Thx again to everyone at Rank Interactive (BlueSq) & PL and hope Pete faired better?

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Re: GUKPT Luton

That was great fun, loved every minute of it, but a little tired now and no cash this time, sorry guys & girls. Will provide a more detailed summary next week (if people are interested in it) when back home on proper broadband, but jist of it is: > lost quite a few chips early on in an ever building 3-way pot with KK, but managed to find a fold on the turn when 3rd club appeared and after the 2x villans started repopping like crazy a hand where I had been the original aggressor. River brought 4th club and Villan#2 showed AcAx. > rebuilt up slowly stealing & showing KK & QQ once each then opening up range a little more. > somewhere in the midst of this Praz Bansi sits down on my right and becomes both my nemesis and chip supplier in similar proportions over the next few hours. > lost a bigish pot to the maniac 40/20 player (2 to the right of Praz) who was controlling most of the chips. Basically I was in the middle of a 4 hour totally card dead (and I mean championship quality razz hands) spell, got bored/frustrated/tilty/whatever, double-barrelled AJo no pair on Qxx, got called each time and regretted it greatly thereafter (he only had 44!)... sigh back to the auto-fold. > after pretty much treading water arrived in push/fold, called allin with 88 and managed to triple up after outdrawing JJ... oops sorry! > blinding away again until deep into Level 7 (approx 7 hours in), Praz opens LP as usual, I shove with AJ ( i think it was) but his A9 hits a 9 on the turn to bust me out in circa 65th (126 starters in day 1a). > Just one level from day 2, but needed that and possibly 1 more double-up to return with a playable stack and happy with (most of) my play overall. Still lots of room for improvement, was too tight, folded too much, tried some moves of which some didn't work, but thoughly enjoyed the whole experience. Actually the whole table was pretty funny/good banter which also helped. Thx again to everyone at Rank Interactive (BlueSq) & PL and hope Pete faired better?
Thanks for the mini write up Keith, I was watching a bit via Twitter and so glad you enjoyed the experience! Next time the 9 misses and you make day 2 and the cash, keep ya chin up mate, you did us proud:ok
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