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PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept


PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept  

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

Are we ok Cap-wise Grae? Will be travelling up on the Saturday and buying in on the day, should I check that seats still available before setting off or are we still ok on numbers/GCas allowing us plenty of space?
no problem at all Bart :ok pay on day is fine
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

Are we ok Cap-wise Grae? Will be travelling up on the Saturday and buying in on the day, should I check that seats still available before setting off or are we still ok on numbers/GCas allowing us plenty of space?
deffo ok on numbers, no one can reg unless im there, so deffo not a problem bart we have a cap of 60, we wont meet that i dont think :ok
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Booked into the hotel at the casino. Unfortunately wont be there in time for the afternoon game, but look forward to seeing you all at 6pm for the evening event. Just me playing though, unfortunately the wife will have the pleasure of stayng in the hotel and baby sitting. see you saturday

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept

Booked into the hotel at the casino. Unfortunately wont be there in time for the afternoon game, but look forward to seeing you all at 6pm for the evening event. Just me playing though, unfortunately the wife will have the pleasure of stayng in the hotel and baby sitting. see you saturday
Would be good if there was an opportunity to say hello again to Aimee and hello for the first time to Penelope ? See you tomorrow :ok
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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Hi Duncan (and congrats on your win Helen) We are staying in the same complex and Aimee is going to come into the casino to say hi to everyone. I dont know if Morl can negociate an area where Penelope can come in for 30 minutes:unsure. I very much doubt but I will be with P outside so your more than welcome to come and say hello. see you later :D

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Enroute, traffic surprisingly heavy, unlikely to make 1pm but hope to be there by 2pm or shortly after. Looking forward to meeting everyone and hopefully catch up with those who can't make it at a later date. Counting "Eddies" on the way up ftw > I spy.

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Re: PuntersLounge World Series of Poker 2011 - Coventry G Casino - Sat 3rd Sept Hi Guys PLWSOP 2011 Is now a wrap! Ill do a full write up soon, but here are the winners! PL Omaha Winner = Burnley Joe NL Holdem Winner = Heniek31 Wii Bowling Winner = Morlspin Raffle Winners = 1st Poker Table top - Morlspin 2nd Poker Table top - Andy Bell 3rd Poker Set = Teaulc 4th Poker Set = Miss Daisy 5th PL Cap = Donna :ok

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