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PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next games Mon 18 April


PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next games Mon 18 April  

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M

Can I receive password' date='despite I have only two posts, I'm member here for almost 7 years.....:4c::4d::4h::4s:[/quote'] In that case it will only be another 168 years before you make it to 50 posts and can join in. :ok I'll see you in the first freeroll in 2179.
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M

In that case it will only be another 168 years before you make it to 50 posts and can join in. :ok I'll see you in the first freeroll in 2179.
Men,I just asked if I can participate because I'm member here in this PL forum for lot of years,and posts like posts is not all to make decision who can play and who not.....there is lot of useless posts around like this your....:eyes
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M Quasar, DasBoot, Ascot, ive pmmed you the password The idea is for forum regulars to be able to play and to stop the freeroll whores from just stealing the members value. So....if you have under 50 posts, you may still be eligible if you play in our other games, support the forum somehow or we know your not gonna leak the password. Adriano, im sorry, 4 posts in 7 years, never played in any of our weekly games and just popping back on now for a freeroll isnt good enough this week. If you stick around, maybe play in our other promo's, post up around the place then you will be accepted next week:ok

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M

Adriano, im sorry, 4 posts in 7 years, never played in any of our weekly games and just popping back on now for a freeroll isnt good enough this week. If you stick around, maybe play in our other promo's, post up around the place then you will be accepted next week:ok
Ok thank you :cheers
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M

i try an play an read alot of the posts i played in the talk sport betfred 1 an qualifyed for the final freerole but did no good 50 post is a bit extreme as i am only a pretty new member??
Stick around and be a regular member contributing and we then hope to see you at future promotions :ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M

i try an play an read alot of the posts i played in the talk sport betfred 1 an qualifyed for the final freerole but did no good 50 post is a bit extreme as i am only a pretty new member??
The betfred events were nothing to do with PuntersLounge tho, you havent joined in any of our other games and you've made less than 10 posts on the forum. Like ive said, stick around, join in and your more than welcome to play next time:ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M

How can I try this poker site ? What password ? Where I can find it. Thanks, :clap
unfortunately you do not qualify to get the password at this time, read the 1st post and hang around and maybe you might at a later date
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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M I've been away from the PL games too long....I thought 27o always won!:lol:lol:lol ** Hand # 3810705065 starting - 2011-03-07 21:16:17 ** Punterslounge Unibet Open Satellite[3950360]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold'em] (300|600 NL - MTT) Real Money BartMan0 sitting in seat 2 with 1965.00 errigaluni sitting in seat 3 with 6840.00 gedsys sitting in seat 4 with 3775.00 PLmorlspin sitting in seat 5 with 4675.00 HarryDutton sitting in seat 7 with 8615.00[Dealer] Links64 sitting in seat 8 with 2970.00 Links64 posted the small blind - 150.00 BartMan0 posted the big blind - 300.00 ** Dealing cards to Links64: 7c, 2h errigaluni folded gedsys folded PLmorlspin folded HarryDutton raised to 900.00 Links64 went all-in - 2820.00 BartMan0 folded HarryDutton called - 2970.00 HarryDutton shows: Kh, 10c Links64 shows: 7c, 2h ** Dealing the flop: Ad, 8c, Ah ** Dealing the turn: 2c ** Dealing the river: 10d HarryDutton wins 6240.00 from the main pot Good luck!:ok TQM

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M Great game chaps, couple of lucky breaks when down to 3 BB with five left set the ball rolling. Any one got an estimate on how many runners expected to play in the tuesday final??

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Re: PuntersLounge Exclusive Unibet Open Freerolls - $1500 added - Next game Mon 7th M Yes was a friendly fun game, from what I see in this thread last weeks game was somewhat a bit of a disaster with the russian influx, hats off to morls for getting these organised & running smoothly for the remainder. You took a particular bad suckout but all that talk about his womans skillz is perhaps karma playing its part already.

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