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Posts posted by erhaab1965

  1. Re: Rewilding Despite having a field of only 5 , its looking like a cracking race , possibly race of the season ,all having a squeak bar the pacemaker. I don't think you can confidently pick the winner but i'm sticking with already on Rewilding , already on @ 12s for small stakes , but missed a great opportunity to tank him at 10/3 each way earlier this week when they were paying first 3.

  2. Re: Hugo Taylor With Betfair it is simply a reaction to an action , if somebody takes the odds the price shrinks. With bookies the price shortens without any action. How is asking for a little bit of the advertised price unreasonable ? I've been punting for over 20 years and the conditions today are attrocious. £25 / £10 is what my local high street bookie offers on a Pricewise horse if you get there on time , the same as they offered me 10 years ago. Yet a mug punter who walks in with a carrier bag full of notes is accommodated on his 4/11 shot. Work that one out.

  3. Re: Hugo Taylor

    So you want Hugh Taylor/Pricewise/Timeform/whoever to do all the hard work finding selections for you, and then the bookmakers to fall over themselves to lay you the best prices on those selections? Sounds like all you really want is something for nothing. And your roulette analogy is quite frankly, pretty ludicrous.
    I'm not asking for something for nothing , only a bit of sportsmanship and lay punters a little bit of the odds on offer , is that too much to ask for ? Is it like the majority of tips are winning tips , no of course not. They make plenty when a 33/1 ,50/1 , 100/1 shot beats the odds on fav . Theres some punters who lump on short priced favourites because they've been shortened significantly , where the form suggests the odds should be much longer , and gets beat accordingly . I am guilty on occassions. A lot of members on are here to find an edge to beat the bookies , but some on here sound like dogs and deem it ok to accept whatever tripe bookies dish out. I totally understand the view the bookies take which from a punters point of view is a crock of rubbish. Just because we have to work round their rules doesn't mean we should agree with them. Tabbythecat where are you i'm interested in your 37 pence worth . Agree or not ?
  4. Re: Hugo Taylor The people that do get on are a tiny tiny minority , for miniscule amounts , so its not really sporting of them , which is the point i'm trying to convey. Also its not only Hugh Taylor and Pricewise , its any tipping service with a decent following , when i followed Timeform several years back all their selections moved the market too without fail.

  5. Re: Hugo Taylor It is to me unacceptable . At least give punters a window of opportunity to get on. Those that do get on would have to sit by the computer waiting for the tips to be posted , then immediately they would have to place the bets on. Only a tiny tiny minority would be able to do this , probably virtually negligable in terms of total volume traded. Ever played roulette in a casino ? What if it came red 6 times on the trot. Then on the next spin everybody in the house wants to tank red . However the pit boss limits everybodys bets and instead of offering evens he offers 8/11. Acceptable ?....................no.

  6. Re: Hugo Taylor

    You can't compare it to that as a shop's price can't fluctuate during the day. We are talking about the gambling industry.. it's totally different. Plus I know people who wait by their computers for these tips to come out and get on and the best possible price seconds after the tips have been published with the view to laying them later on. There are probably hundreds of people doing this all over the country so of course the price is going to come in straight away.
    What i am saying is , is this acceptable ? A lot of you seem to have given up and take it as the norm. Whats the point about advertising a product or price ? You think its acceptable that a bookie offers a certain price , yet 99% of the activaty on the horse are at lesser odds ?
  7. Re: Hugo Taylor Why are do many punters think its accepteble for bookies to slash advertised prices before anybody can get on ? Have you all accepted it because that is how you've know it for all of your punting careers ? Lets put this into another context. Lets say ASDA in the media advertises that from 9am tommorrow morning they are selling their chickens at half price. Hoards of shoppers raid the store at 9am for their half price chickens by the time they get to the checkouts at 9.15am onwards they are informed that the prices have reverted to normal. They held the prices for a full 15 minutes before changing the price. Would any of you find this sort of practice acceptable ?

  8. Re: Hugo Taylor Pricewise Extra is posted at around noon each day and it is slashed within a minute or 2 of being posted , probably regardless of how much has been taken. Those who are working at that time have no choice but to settle for the reduced odds , if they want to follow it.

  9. Re: Hugo Taylor Think Casey Jones has a point but others have blasted him for not fully understanding what he's trying to get across. A lot of tipping services advertise their profits to £100 a point stake , but within minutes of posting the tips the odds are slashed and nobody can get on at advised prices. If your typical stake is in the £100s then you are really going to struggle to get your money on a Hugh Taylor selection at the advised price. Same with pricewise in the past at the end of the year they claim they made £xxx of thousands at advised prices at £xxx a point. Even if you can get on , if its to tiny stakes its not worth the bother. In the late 90s and early 2000s i was religiously following pricewise . My normal stake at the time was £200-£400 a horse, however whenever i got a hit on a pricewise selection at a decent price it would only be for a restricted £25 or sometimes £10 , a tiny fraction of my normal bet. If I could have got on when Mel Collier was doing Pricewise i'd have won a fortune , instead a winning pricewise bet only got me back one or two losing bets

  10. Re: Who's the Daddy ? Tough call here. I hoping Frankel gets it. TQ needs to make his move a little later than his last 2 runs. If he conserves his energy then kicks on after the 4f marker and gets a massive lead CC may have a job pegging him back at the finish . Also hoping R Hughes overdoes the waiting tactics like he often does . Come on Sir Henry !!

  11. Re: Rewilding I very much like the horse. I backed him in each of his 4 UK runs last year. Not sure the trip was the reason for his loss in the St Ledger last year , i think maybe a combination of poor riding tactics and being 3 weeks after the Great Voltiguer made a contibution. His win in Dubai earlier this year proved he is top class. Didn't back him at R Ascot but was not surprised he beat SYT. In the King George he will of had 5 weeks between races , hopefully that will help his cause. I'm not sure who will prevail between him and St Nicholas Abbey , the later looking very impressive for his step up in distance.Hope its Rewilding cos i'm on antepost @ 12s.

  12. Re: Have you ever been "knocked back" Ellison should have done the "change to superior jockey " trick , once the money was down. It looks like the jockey fluffed it at the start. Shame for the connections it was just foiled because next time it won't be the same conditions and the same price , everybody is in the loop now.

  13. Re: Summer Stakes At this moment i time i don't rate either of them as Gr1 horses. Their race at the weekend were career bests for both of them. Both of them appear better at sprint distances having both tried longer distances. There doesn't appear to be anything in their form to suggest they are Gr1 sprinter yet and i'm sure that will be reflected in their prices should they appear in Nunthorpe / Hadock Park Sprint / L'Abaye type races .

  14. Re: Is Ryan Moore Genuinely Miserable?

    For one reason or another Moore has been one of the leading names under the flat code for the last 3 or years. That brings with it certain privileges and alongside them come certain obligations imo. None moreso in the lead up to the derby this year. He was the same, monotone, miserable as sin, seemingly un-coperative bu9ger despite it being the best opportunity flat racing has had for as long as I can remember to promote itself to the wider public. I admit there are huge differences between each others situation but could you ever see the racing media getting behind Moore in the same way they did for Mcoy to be BBC SPOTY? The reasons are simple imo, Moore would do more harm than good if he was under such backing imo. Personally I wish the journo's would just leave him alone and stopped asking him questions pre and post race. Certainly the tv ones anyway, his demeanour in front of the cameras does the sport no favours whatsoever.
    Why would Ryan Moore do more harm than good to racing? I can't see that myself. Its not like he behaves like an ape like a Wayne Rooney on and off the pitch. The media manipulated the BBC SPOTY award last year in favour of McCoy. Many years ago a sportsperson got the most votes via a public campaign but was disqualified because it was against their rules and it was given to someone more popular ( female athelete not 100% sure).Don't know why it was acceptable for McCoy to win it last year under similar circumstances after the precedent of throwing out public campaigns . I wish people would stop hounding Moore and let him do what he does best.
  15. Re: Is Ryan Moore Genuinely Miserable? Lester had an couple of excuses , he had no charisma and he has a speech impediment. I recall watching a programme many years ago , and the voiceover said that Bulgarian journalists asked Lester about the race in fluent English and Lester replied about the race in fluent Bulgarian.

  16. Re: Is Ryan Moore Genuinely Miserable?

    Im just not wearing this insistence from some on here that Moore is a "shy, quiet, timid" sort of bloke. He's made snidey remarks towards just about every member of the racing media. That is not the actions of an unassuming individual to me. He really is just a miserable, pig headed so and so who treats those in the media with an astonishing lack of respect just because they've never been on horseback.
    Maybe he is or maybe he isn't. Doesn't mean he has to give interviews , he can choose not to give them or give one word answers , either are acceptable to me.
  17. Re: Have you ever been "knocked back" I think they are all spineless and full of sh@t. They issue statements like punters having £500k @10/11 on Frankel (VC) , £40k on So You Think (Corals) and other guys with carrier bags full of notes , yet small punters like us can't even get more than £25 on certain selections. A properly run Tote with plenty of liquidity would be fantastic.

  18. Re: Have you ever been "knocked back" I used to back all the Pricewise selections back in the 90s and early 2000s , but i would have to go to towns where there was a few bookies within a minute or 2 walk away from each other. They would all restrict me to £25 or £10 , and at the time you only had 15 minutes from opening to get the price before they were slashed. I stopped following Pricewise in 2001 when Mel Collier quit and Tom Segal tookover. I simply couldn't get on at the amounts i wanted. I tried to follow it when online betting became more popular but after a couple of successes they all restricted certain bets to £25/£10 or even less .Simply not worth following at reduced odds in my opinion. I think bookies like Pricewise in a way because a lot will follow the gamble at lesser odds and as we all know the % strike rate is pretty low. Also when i followed Timeform all the recommended horses were restricted and slashed at the earliest opportunity.

  19. Re: Have you ever been "knocked back"

    I remember when the big Pricewise selection was a Prescott horse for a big handicap, it was 10/1 early price. Couldnt believe all these old women and pensioners coming off the street backing this animal for £25 and I hadnt seen any of them before and i had worked there for 3 years and knew all of my customers by their first names. It won at 4/1 by a country mile.:lol
    I remember running to the my local Stanley betting shop to get there before 10.15am to get the 10/1 about Pasternak. They only gave me £10s worth the rest at 4/1. Dead on 10.15 it went to 4/1. If i recall correctly it beat its stablemate by less than a length.
  20. Re: Well Done Hayley Turner

    Agreed......considering yesterday she had to ride to her low draw' date='circumstances conspired against her to an extent,but she didnt panic,kept her cool got the gap.....race won,would have KATHY GANNON done the same and have emerged victorious? ;)[/quote'] Yes Cathy Gannon would have won under the same circumstances infact i believe most jockeys would have won on him even Dale Gibson.
  21. Re: Well Done Hayley Turner She should be praised for her horseriding ability as oposed the fact she is female and very hot looking. The fact she is very pretty meant that part of her success and popularity was down to the media hyping her. I would like to bet that had she been as talented but a lot less pretty she would have been a lot less high profile with a lower amount of rides.

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