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Posts posted by erhaab1965

  1. Re: Shergar Cup Thread

    But why compare it to the champs league final? More like the charity shield. This is not Cheltenham and it's not trying to be. Leave all the glamour to royal ascot and the champions day
    Just realised by the responses that some of you may not know who Shergar was , It won the Derby in the early 80s under W Swinburn and trained by M Stoute.Considered a champion. So if they are going to put on a mediocre show use a name more fitting like Vhujon Cup , Johnny Lesters Hair Cup or even Quixall Crossett Cup ( younger punters may have to google that one). It would not be fitting for David Beckham to lend his name to the David Beckham jumble sale at your local primary school but a Division 2 footballer may be ok. Hope you get my point.
  2. Re: New To The Horses

    Well in that case, they are stupid and deserve to lose! I can't even see you argument; in fact, you don't have one! I can't even be bothered counter what you have written above because it's so dumb! What do you want, a disclaimer!?
    Why have you taken the attitude that punters who stumble on here looking and using tips from here are " stupid and deserve to lose". Isn't it a forum to help fellow punters ? Whats so "dumb" about a points system to indicate the strength of punters selections. I understand that it may not fit the individual threads , but surely the there is nothing dumb about a universal points system. I don't understand the tone of your response .
  3. Re: New To The Horses

    I don't think you can compare the strength of bets between punters on the forum in this way, as Jay has said, the staking plans are tailored to each individual, if anyone is planning on following a tip off the forum surely they would do their research by looking at the past history of the punter in the thread and ascertaining whether the stake size in question is large or small for that person?
    I thought this was the case. If gamblers stumble across this site after seeing " The worlds best betting forum" they may not neccessarily do their own research into that particular punter as you suggested. They may not understand the nature of the posts and take the tips at face value.
  4. Re: Shergar Cup Thread

    The thing is how many people who are going care about the standard of racing? Not many' date=' for a start if you were that bothered about it you would not really go to this event in the first place[/quote'] Its not a case of whether people go or not. The use of the name Shergar suggests greatness and therefore there should be prestige surrounding the event which in it current guise does not deliver. If you were going to the Champions League final you would expect them to put on something spectacular during the event and also would not expect the teams to field their youth squad.
  5. Re: Shergar Cup Thread

    I thought you were talking about getting top jockeys in. Richard Hills is one of the worse around. I think having the current champion jockey is fair enough and I dont see too much wrong with having Hayley either. I get your point about Jim though although he is a decent jockey. To be honest I would have thought this would have been a good meeting for punters as there are only 10 runners a race, what difference does it make that its linked to the Shergar Cup? Also if you fancy a couple of jockeys rides you can back them to gain the most points which gives you an interest all afternoon. I remember the first one taking place at Goodwood and it was an utter disaster though. I think it might even have been based on owners rather than jockeys and no one turned up to it. Ascot have clearly made it into a big success. Also the concert afterwards is a load of 80s acts headlined by Jason Donavon so we arent talking massive stars here.
    There is absolutely no doubt that Richard Hills is one of the most decorated jockeys in the weighing room today. Whatever big races Hanagan , Turner and Crowley have won collectively wouldn't even amount to only a quarter of the top races Richard has won. He has maintained his job as first jockey to Britain's biggest individual owner for well over a decade , arguably the best job in racing for a jockey. Who can forget his win in the 1994 Gr1 QE2 on 2nd string Maroof at 66/1 and the following year again in the black cap he trumped on 2nd string Harayir in the 1000 Guineas. It was top class rides like them which got him the number 1 position which he still holds today.
  6. Re: Shergar Cup Thread Not seen the cards yet but recall the inaugural event back in the late 90s when it had class horses and class trainers with decent prize money approx £50k if i recall correctly. The last one had moderate horses by lesser name trainers with awful prize money. Shergar won the Derby , his name should be associated with champion events . No wonder the arabs have stuck 2 fingers up at this farce in recent years. Is this what Peter Saville envisaged when he came up with the concept ?

  7. Re: Shergar Cup Thread The overseas jockeys have between them won hundreds of big races and they are known the world over.Why do we have Hanegan ,Turner and former journeyman jump jockey J Crowley ? What big races have they won ? Don't include this years July Cup and dont cheat ! Best of British ? The opposition must be peeing themselves. Why have we not selected some top Gr1 pilots like Daryll Holland , Michael and Richard Hills ?

  8. Re: All Female Card Tomorrow! Your Thoughts! Why isn't the British team comprised of top jockeys ? Paul Hanegan fair enough up and comming , but Turner and Crowley ! They should be using big race jockeys like Richard Hills and Daryll Holland. We showcasing the best of British ,and this is one of the many points i dislike about the Shergar Cup.

  9. Re: New To The Horses So my point is that you cannot guage the strength of a particaular bet by the points staked. If somebody staked 10 points on a selection does that mean he likes it 10 times more than a 1 point bet ? Also would that be comparable to a 5 point max bet somebody else ? So for somebody using some of the tips it would be helpful if some sort of staking plan was in place.

  10. Re: New To The Horses Agree , for the purpose of posting tips it would be more useful if a points system was adopted. Like you say it would give casual members an indication of stronlgy fancied a paricular tips was. If somebody posted a 10 point bet it may apear that they may fancy it strongly , but if we knew it was 50p a point then £5 on a horse doesn't look that strong to some people. Like you say it is all down to what we are comfortable betting with.

  11. Re: All Female Card Tomorrow! Your Thoughts! Can't understand the negativity towards the initiative. Had lots of support from public/trainers/jockeys, big fields too. If you don't like it , don't support it , bet on the grayhounds or Portman Park instead. Creating opportunities for those with few can only be a good thing. Comming up at the weekend is the truely awful Shergar Cup , any negativity towards this event i can understand.

  12. Re: New To The Horses Advice to beginners. Avoid having chunky bets on short priced horse in maidens. Once /twice raced 2YOs/3YOs with a 2nd or 3rd place to its name that are very short priced / heavy odds on are not worthy betting propositons in my opinion. Yes they do win sometimes , but betting on these races is slow road to ruin. Only my opinion .

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