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Posts posted by Trotter

  1. Both sites load immediately for me using the latest Windows 10 and the Edge browser

    It might just be that Windows 7 can't cope with 'modern' sites that are very content heavy with lots of ads, moving bits, lots of things that need loading before the site works, lots of links etc

    have you got an adblocker ? * ............. might speed things up

    but that's a layman's view ................ I don't know much about computers


    * by the way ........... must congratulate the PL tech guys as they seem to find a way to get the ads past the adblocker but as they're not obtrusive or flashing lights and whistles, that's fine !


  2. Interesting posts on the staking plans !

    good luck with all the paper trials

    I've been trying a staking plan for the last few months but I've only been betting on football since about last October with 95% single win bets with the odd double and 'fancy' bet here and there .............so basically I was expecting a pretty good strike rate, up around 50%

    Since around mid March I tried the following ...........


    Started with 100 and had 20 times 5 bets.

    At the end of that sequence I had around 141 so then did 20 times 7 

    At the end of that I had around 145 so did 20 times 7 again

    At the end of that I had 165 so did 20 times 8

    That's when the losing run set in and before long I was back down to 105

    So I had a reset and started again at 20 times 5 .............that's the sequence I'm currently in


    I guess it's a common staking plan but I found it stopped me doing stupid bets like 30 quid on Burnley to beat Lincoln at 1/6 ..............:@ ............to be fair that was the shocker which made me think I needed a disciplined staking plan !

    I think 20 bets at a level stake is a good number to get you over any reasonable losing runs and by increasing or decreasing your stake at the end of every sequence of 20 bets it stretches out your betting bank









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