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Posts posted by Trotter

  1. 8 minutes ago, Sporting Sam said:

    Kempton 1325



    this is a match race which sees the debut over fences of the high class handicap hurdler First Street for the reknowned trainer Nicky “ it was the vet” Henderson.

    No doubt whatsoever there is a distance between these two of a street as first street was prominent at Cheltenham last year and is certain to be well schooled for this debut.

    There was a lot ( for) me to like about bourbalis’ debut last week where he led the entire race before pulling up due to a slipped saddle. Even if the saddle holds today, he’s nearly twenty pounds wrong at the ratings and would have to put in a high class repeat performance just to make par. Although this could be settled in a matter of strides and first street will only need be pushed out to put distance between his rival here, the lack of cover has to be an issue for the odds on shot and those buying money 💰 may have a few shaky moments or not. You’ve got to love the underdog sometimes,  otherwise what is the point of sport? I’m dangling my carrot 🥕 of eight pounds right under my bookies nose today.

    I posted Bourbali in the Nap of the Day comp before I read your post

    The outsider does sometimes win in a 2 horse race and my reasoning is that Bourbali will make all which might make the 1/5 ON Favourite go a bit faster than he might want to just to stay in touch ...... there's no other horse to drag the field back to the leader

    Kempton has notoriously difficult fences so always risky to back a debut chase ..... particularly one bred for the Flat (by Golden Horn out of a Dutch Art mare, so there's a bit of sprinter in there!) and going into tricky fences a bit faster than you want to looks risky ....... 

    Of course he might just hold back and pick him off at the end but hopefully the Fav will be put under pressure over difficult fences




  2. I gave up the daily grind a few years ago after maybe 7 or 8 years when I was spending every evening on the following days races

    I used to spend a lot of time particularly on all weather races, speed ratings, group races ........ but at some point It just dawned on me that it had become a chore not an enjoyable hobby. It had become work !

    To be honest I was never a big bettor, just small stakes stuff for fun and doing all the competitions on PL. I think my biggest ever bet on a horse was £10 (and it probably lost!)

    I keep meaning to get back into it but never get round to it. 

    I still follow the racing news, watch the big races, still pick things for the competitions but only spend a couple of minutes on a selection rather than half an hour !

    I can tell you one thing for sure ...... there are no short cuts. If you want to be successful you have to put the time in. My winner picking ratio has fallen off a cliff since I stopped spending hours on it.

    good luck @Zilzalian - hope you enjoy a break. Hope you can still follow and enjoy the racing without betting and without devoting all your spare time to it




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