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Posts posted by Trotter

  1. Sounds great in principle but very difficult to draw up rules without consequential rule changes rippling through the whole industry

    For example would you also then need rules to prevent owners swapping yards with their horses to get round the 'x number of runners per trainer' ...... and then swapping them back again after the race. This could affect all owners who just want to change yards for a whole variety of reasons

    If the limit was on owners rather than trainers you could see owners having all their horses in joint ownerships with family members and friends that they could swap around before and after races to make sure a different 'owner' appears against all their runners in a big race

    So sounds fine if they can come up with a formula that isn't just really easy to get around

    Also you could argue that if Mullins and Elliott have the dozen best 2 mile novice chasers between them why wouldn't you want most of them to be running in the Arkle ? ......... just so a few British trainers could run some no-hopers






  2. Often this is in the context of a horse just having won a race and the trainer is celebrating with connections and then someone comes and sticks a microphone under his nose and ask 'where's he going next' and the trainer has to say 'something' ........ so it's generally all cliches. ' He's a nice horse, we thought he had a chance today, jockey gave him a good ride, he might get further, we don't know what's next, we'll get him home and think about it tomorrow'

    Also I do think some trainers talk about trips (and going) to big themselves up as the great scientific experts who know everything to within an inch ..... maybe to convince owners that's a lot more complicated than it really is. Gosden is particularly prone to this ....... 'He's won nicely at a mile but 24 hours pouring over his breeding suggests he won't get a mile and 20 yards ...... leave it all up to me, I'm the expert, you just pay the bills'


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