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The Equaliser

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Posts posted by The Equaliser

  1. @LeMale Many thanks for your reply.  I am not taking the £20 challenge too seriously, I am just trying to get more people to take part in it.  From now on I will only claim success if my returns exceeds £20 and they exceed anyone else's.

    You no need to be concerned over the £20 challenge being jinxed by me posting up here.  There will always be a number of days that I achieve zilch waiting for a combined double to click.

    Best of luck with your last two today


  2. No winners yesterday.


    (A)   3.40 Mus (2) Caustic Love 11/4, 7.55 KM (2) The Pinto Kid 9/4 = £4 v £48.72

    (B)   3.50 Cat (4) LuizVaz De Tore 9/2, 4.20 Catt (1) Dantes View 15/8 = £4 V £60.00

    (C)   5.15 Worc (5) Wolfcatcher 9/4, 6.45 Worc (2) the Pinto Kid 9/4 = £4 v £60.64

    (D)   .40 Mus (8) Super Julian 7/1, 5.25 Catt (7) Redosczorro 7/2 = £4 v £144.00


    (1)    3.40 Muss Caustic Love,  3.50 Cat Luiz Vaz de Tore and 7.55 KM The Pinto Kid = £2 v £102.24

    (2)    4.20 Cat Dantes View, 5.15 Worc Wolfcatcher and 6.45 Worc Maria Magdalena = £2 v £87.20

    Total = £20 stakes

  3. Four doubles and two trebles today.

    I placed one double bet on my strongest selections last night which has proved to be the right thing to do.  What I didn’t realise was that “Sportsbook” DO NOT offer BOG when one places bets the night before.  Luckily I spotted it and waited until today to get BOG on my other selections.  I have taken 15/8 about Dantes View which is against my religion, however,  its price is mitigated somewhat by a better price I have got for Luis Vaz de Tore


    (A)   3.40 Mus (2) Caustic Love 11/4, 7.55 KM (2) The Pinto Kid 9/4 = £4 v £48.72

    (B)   3.50 Cat (4) LuizVaz De Tore 9/2, 4.20 Catt (1) Dantes View 15/8 = £4 V £60.00

    (C)   5.15 Worc (5) Wolfcatcher 9/4, 6.45 Worc (2) the Pinto Kid 9/4 = £4 v £60.64

    (D)   .40 Mus (8) Super Julian 7/1, 5.25 Catt (7) Redosczorro 7/2 = £4 v £144.00


    (1)    3.40 Muss Caustic Love,  3.50 Cat Luiz Vaz de Tore and 7.55 KM The Pinto Kid = £2 v £102.24

    (2)    4.20 Cat Dantes View, 5.15 Worc Wolfcatcher and 6.45 Worc Maria Magdalena = £2 v £87.20

    Total = £20 stakes

    Results Update:

    One winner and two seconds today so no double to report.

    Hence, £16 loss on the day

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trixies add £206.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,425.57

    C/Fwd ROI N/A


  4. @MCLARKE Very interesting point that you make about if my selections do not make a profit if backed singularly then there is not logical that that they will make a profit in doubles and trebles.  I would love to see some figures to prove it.  It would appear that my August figures support the opposite and I can produce figures to show that two horses at 3/1 and 4/1 in a double can at least do as well as backing them in singles.



  5. @MCLARKE I don't keep a track on the selections from a singles point of view.  I suspect that they do not make a profit.  My strategy is to combine well fancied selections at a price of at least 5/2 (3/1) + preferably into doubles and trebles in the hope that I can couple them together so as to make a decent profit when this occurs.  I am not a lover of singles bets; I find doubles and trebles much more exciting.  If it means a lot to you I will record say a notional £10 on each (I won't be backing them) throughout September and let you know the comparison between win bets versus doubles and trebles.  

  6. Three doubles and two trebles today.

    I can only find six selections for today.  Should be interesting

     I have placed my bets early doors as I believe my prices will shorten.  I can always fall back on BOG.


    (A)   3.35 Rip (4) Benadaled 11/4, 4.35 Rip (4) Morning Duel 11/4 = £4 v £56.24

    (B)   3.15 Eps (2) Poyle Vinnie 4/1, 6.30 Muss (1) How Bizarre 6/1 = £4 V £140.00

    (C)   4.05 Rip (1) Betsy Trotter 11/4, 4.20 Eps (1) Swift Approval 4/1 = £4 v £75


    (1)    3.15 Eps Poyle Vinnie, 3.35 Rip Benadaled and 4.35 Rip Morning Duel = £2 v £140.62

    (2)    4.05 Rip Betsy Trotter, 4.20 Eps Swift Approval and 6.30 Muss How Bizarre = £2 v £262.50

    Total = £16 stakes

    Results Update:

    Another bout of seconditis yesterday, four seconds and a third.

    Hence, £20 loss on the day

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trrxies add £222.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,441.57

    C/Fwd ROI N/A



    No winners yesterday

    Three doubles and two trebles today.

    (A)   3.35 Rip (4) Benadaled 11/4, 4.35 Rip (4) Morning Duel 11/4 = £4 v £56.24

    (B)   3.15 Eps (2) Poyle Vinnie 4/1, 6.30 Muss (1) How Bizarre 6/1 = £4 V £140.00

    (C)   4.05 Rip (1) Betsy Trotter 11/4, 4.20 Eps (1) Swift Approval 4/1 = £4 v £75


    (1)    3.15 Eps Poyle Vinnie, 3.35 Rip Benadaled and 4.35 Rip Morning Duel = £2 v £140.62

    (2)    4.05 Rip Betsy Trotter, 4.20 Eps Swift Approval and 6.30 Muss How Bizarre = £2 v £262.50

    44.35 Rip (4) Morning Duel £4 win at 11/4

    Total = £20 stakes




    Hi folks, my aim is to win the £20 challenge on more days than anyone else in any one month

    Four doubles and two trebles today.


    (A)   2.45 Rip (5) Highwaygrey 5/1, 4.25 Cart (2) Double Treasure 11/4  = £4 v £90.00

    (B)   2.25 Sou (7) Gorgeous General  7/2. 3.35 S(4) Fantasy Keeper 5/2 = £4 V £63.00

    (C)   2.0 Chep (6) Gambon 3/1, 3.15 Cart (5) Nietzsche 3/1 = £4 v £64

    (D)   4.30 Rip (4) Alfred Richardson, 5.0 Cart (5) Justatenner 7/2 = £4 v £117.00


    (1)    2.25 Sou Gorgeous General, 2.45 Rip Highwaygrey and 4.25 Cart Double Treasure = £2 v £202.50

    (2)    2.0 Chep Gambon, 3.15 Cart Nietzsche and 3.35 Sou Fantasy Keeper = £2 v £112.00

    Total = £20 stakes

  9. Four doubles and two trebles today.

    After dismissing class 6 races where horses seem to take it turns to win their races I struggled to find 8 selections from a total of 35 races.  The bookies seem to want it all ways.  They shorten up the prices on favourites in a lot of races which means that if you lay the favourites they win and if you back them they lose.  My history of laying favourites is not good, however, I can’t see Teaser winning the 3.15 at Cartmel.  It doesn’t jump that well and it quite often jumps to the right.  Not a clever thing to do on a sharp left-handed track.

     I placed my bets last night and all my selections have drifted in price.  Thank God for BOG.


    (A)   2.45 Rip (5) Highwaygrey 5/1, 4.25 Cart (2) Double Treasure 11/4  = £4 v £90.00

    (B)   2.25 Sou (7) Gorgeous General  7/2. 3.35 S(4) Fantasy Keeper 5/2 = £4 V £63.00

    (C)   2.0 Chep (6) Gambon 3/1, 3.15 Cart (5) Nietzsche 3/1 = £4 v £64

    (D)   4.30 Rip (4) Alfred Richardson, 5.0 Cart (5) Justatenner 7/2 = £4 v £117.00


    (1)    2.25 Sou Gorgeous General, 2.45 Rip Highwaygrey and 4.25 Cart Double Treasure = £2 v £202.50

    (2)    2.0 Chep Gambon, 3.15 Cart Nietzsche and 3.35 Sou Fantasy Keeper = £2 v £112.00

    Total = £20 stakes

    Results Update:

    Three seconds and a third with one non-runner yesterday so a little unlucky.  I was going to criticise Hayley Turner for not winning on Lightening Dance but after watching the race I don’t think that the way the horse ran that she did anything wrong

    Hence, £14 loss on the day

    riginal Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trrxies add £242.96 August Doubles and trebles

  10. Two doubles and one treble today.

    Not a lot of my type of races today.  Too many short-priced favourites and, as you know, I don’t bet in class 6 or above races.  I am posting up my bets very early as I believe that the likes of “Country” and others will be shortened up too much by our beloved layers come tomorrow morning.


    (A)   2.20 Yar (5) Sudona 3/1, 3.00 Gdwd (5) Country 11/4  = £4 v £60.00

    (B)   5.20 Gdwd (2) Zac Brown 10/3, 5.50 Gdwd (3) Lightening Dance = £4 V £56.32


    (1)    2.20 Yar Sudona, 3.0 Gdwd Country and 5.20 Gdwd Zac Brown = £2 V £130.00

    Total = £10 staked today.

    Results Update:

    One winner and no doubles which are not good results for a Saturday   

    Hence, £20 loss on the day

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trrxies add £256.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,475.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A


  11. @BillyHills Point taken.  I will not comment on my side bets in future; I will just highlight the strategy.

    I'm sure I won one of your daily challenge bets about a week ago, however I was the only one who wrote up on that day.  It seemed to me that it was unfair to win your £20 when there were no other challengers.  If I did win it I would like you to send the money to a charity for the benefit of gamblers with addiction to gambling.  It would only be a fun rivalry thing for me to do.



  12. @BillyHills Hi Billy, I am sure you are a busy guy but I need to emphasise that ALL my P&L figures are accurate because I do not include the profits or losses on my side bets.  If you care to look you will see this even from my latest result where I say I got my money back BUT still showed the doubles and trebles bets as a £20 loss and deducted it from my August profit figures.

    Fair enough that my sideline chat may be causing confusion but I am only human after all and was just letting people know that I did not lose out on the day.

    However, the comments that you picked up on are indeed part of my overall strategy.  I don't like losing just as much as anyone else doesn't like losing and so when things go wrong I try to redress a losing situation.  In effect what this means is that I will add up to a maximum of 50% investment stakes if necessary so as to either make a small profit or break even on the day.

    I will include a standard paragraph in future underneath the results figures to show how I manage my multiples when things start to go wrong.  I will not report on any of the results associated with my recovery bets as this seems to be confusing.  I do feel that readers of my page should be aware that I don't just leave things as they are when things go wrong and that I am trying to still get out with either a small profit or break even on the day in a very managed way by limiting my efforts to just 50% stakes of my initial multiples investment.

    I hope that you will find thsi acceptable 

    PS Does anyone do your £20 daily challenge; it looked like I was the only one when I had a go last week?

  13. Four doubles and two trebles today.

    A lot of racing today so I’m spoilt for choice.  I have only backed one at York in the 5.20.  I would love to see Kings Advice win the Ebor, but sentimentality doesn’t go hand in hand with professional betting does it?


    (A)   5.05 Nm ((1) Equitation 3/1, 7.20 Win (4) Rock The Cradle 11/4  = £4 v £60.00

    (B)   2.50 Cart (3) River Icon 9/4 (yuk), 5.10 Cart(2) Beano 6/1 = £4 V £91.00

    (C)   3.15 Gdwd(2) Oh This Is Us 5/1, 4.35 Cart (4) Nortonthorpelegend 3/1 = £4 v £96.00

    (D)   5.00 Gdwd( 6) Never surrender 4/1, 5.20 Yk (14) Moss Gill 11/4 = £4 v £75.00


    (1)    2.50 Cart River Icon, 5.05 Nm Equitation and 7.20 Win Rock the cradle = £2 V £97.50

    (2)    3.15 Gdwd Oh this is Us, 4.35 Cart Nortonthorpe legend and 5.20 Cart Beano = £2 v £336.00

    Total = £20 staked today.

    Results Update:

    Two winners but no double yesterday.  I did get my money back on a back/lay bet on Green Power.  I had a bit of a shock when the race went to a photo.  I wasn’t quick enough to back the other horse but luckily my horse won by a nose.  It doesn’t count for my published figures but it means a lot to me.   

    Hence, £20 loss on the day

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trrxies add £276.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,495.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  14. Four doubles and two trebles today.

    The bookies are taking minimum risks today with loads of short-priced favourites.  I have found 8 selections and the only adjustment that I have made is to back Beyond the Clouds instead of Fox Vardy that has been smashed into.  The only worry about Beyond the Clouds is the going, but Hey, if the trainer isn’t worried why should I be.


    (A)   2.15 Ffos (8) Tritonic 4/1, 4.55 Nm (2) Mina Vagente 10/3  = £4 v £86.64

    (B)   1.55 YK (14) Mandarin 7/1, 6.35 (2) Geen Power 4/1 = £4 V £180.00

    (C)   2.50 Ffos (7) Breath of Air 4/1, 6.05 Gdwd (4) Qaadim 5/2 = £4 v £70.00

    (D)   4.25 Nm (2) Beyond The Clouds 4/1, 4.50 Nm (15) Irv 9/1 = £4 v £200.00


    (1)    1.55 YK Mandarin, 2.15 Ffos Tritonic and 4.55 Nm Mina Vagante  = £2 V £346.66

    (2)    2.50 Ffos Breath of Air, 6.05 Gdwd Qaadim and 6.35 Gdwd Green Power  = £2 v £175.00

    Total = £20 staked today.

    Results Update:

    Three winners yesterday but no coupled double.  I missed out on two winning doubles because I was swayed by what I thought to be superior professional advice.  I don’t believe in hard luck stories but I shall be very guarded in the future about opposing my top-rated selections.  As it happened I did not lose on the day as I laid Gennady for £21.05 @ 1.47 which somehow got matched  (I do this for all my 2nd leg doubles candidates. I don’t mind shaving £9.89 off a winning double). Anyway, it doesn’t count for my published figures.   

    Hence, £20 loss on the day

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trrxies add £296.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,515.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  15. Four doubles and two trebles today.

    Let's see if a few of our four-legged friends will run to form today.  Not a lot of strong contenders today but just like the bookies, I need turnover to make money.


    (A)   4.15 YK (8) Search For A Song 2/1 (yuk!) 5.0 Stra (4) Grenardy 3/1 = £4 v £48.00

    (B)   3.0 YK (5) Kynren 9/2, 4.50 YK (11) Salayel 10/3 = £4 V £95.32

    (C)   2.25 Yk (1) Mums Tipple 9/2, 6.30 Leic (6) Baalbek 10/3 = £4 v £104.00

    (D)   2.15 Chp (5) Amorously 5/1, 2.40 Str (4) Meldrum Lad 5/1= £4 v £144.00


    (1)    3.00 YK Kynren, 4.15 Yk Search For A Song and 5.0 Str Grenardy = £2 V £132.00

    (2)    2.25 YK Mums Tipple, 4.50 Yk Salayel and 6.30 Leic Baalbek  = £2 v £225.32

    Total = £20 staked today.

    Results Update:

    Two winners but not in a double today.  My class 1 runner Persuasion could only finish 6th, something not right there being beaten by 25/1 & 28/1 shots.  It shouldn’t have run should it?                        £20 loss on the day

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Trrxies add £316.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,535.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  16. Four doubles and two trebles today.

    A lot of selections to choose from today so I am spoilt for choice


    (A)   2.25 YK (6) Persuasion 9/4, 3.10 Carl (1) Ugo Gregory 5/2 = £4 v £45.48

    (B)   5.25 Carl (8) Sootability 5/1, 6.45 Km (5) Lapidary 3/1  = £4 V £96.00

    (C)   3.45 Carl(7) Four Wheel drive 4/1, 5.0 Worc (1) Isle Road 9/2 = £4 v £99.00

    (D)   2.50 Bath (9) Gallatin 9/2, 4.25 Carl (3) Navajo Pass 3/1 = £4 v £88.00


    (1)    2.25 YK Persuasion, 3.20 Carl Ugo Gregory and 5.25 Carl Sootability = £2 V £136.50

    (2)    2.50 Bath Gallatin, 4.25 Carl Navajo Pass and 5.0 Worc Isle Road = £2 v £264.00

    Total = £20 staked today.

    Results Update:

    Two seconds yesterday so nothing to show for my efforts.  Hence a £10 loss

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Tirxies add £336.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,555.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  17. Two doubles and one treble today.

    There are loads of short-priced favourites running in class 5 races and below today.  I have found four selections today which was a struggle.  I have to post these up now as I have no time tomorrow morning.  I am hoping that I have got some good early prices.


    (A)   7.05 N.Abb (6) Don’t Look Here 3/1, 7.35 N Abb (1) Bermeo  = £4 v £56.00

    (B)   7.25 Yar (1) Sir Titan 10/3, 8.05 N Abb (11) Polar Chance 6/1 = £4 V £121.32


    (1)    7.05 N Abb Don’t Look Here, 7.25 Yar Sir Titan and 7.35 N Abb Bermeo 5/2 = £2 V £121.32

    Total = £10 staked today.

    Results Update:

    Two-thirds today; even the short priced favourites lost.  Hence a £10 hit today

    Original Bank £2,538.61 Less £320 July  Tirxies add £346.96 August Doubles and trebles = £2,565.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  18. @pirate53  I once read about the principle ingredients for intelligence, persistence was the only one I felt I qualified for.

    You make a very valid point though.  Although I got it all wrong with Trixies back in July.  I didn't really give up on them but the wins were so infrequent that I found it depressing.  I was then committed to doubles and trebles throughout August and will continue to do so.  Unfortunately too many people give up too soon on a strategy.  Spreading my £20 among more than three selections seems to yield better results than just pinning my hopes on three.  The problem is that although all my selections are meant to run well the fact is that a lot of horses seem to have off days when they just do not live up to their reputations. Once I accepted this phenomenon I just increased my number of selections when and where possible in the belief that at least some of these animals would perform as they were supposed to do so.     

  19. Two doubles and one treble today.

    Only four selections today.  I do like Mauricio 5.35 Catt 3.33 and 6.30 Win Indian Raj 3.0 but I don’t like their prices so I won’t be backing them.


    (A)   2.15 Ling (5) Zappiness 11/4, 6.10 Bang(5) Red Inca 9/2 = £4 v £82.48

    (B)   5.30 Win ((6) Tone The Baron 7/2, 7.0 Win (8) High Acclaim 3/1 = £4 V £72.00


    (1)    2.15 Ling Zappiness, 5.30 Win Tone The Barone and  6.10 Bang High Acclaim = £2 V £185.62

    Total = £10 staked today.

    Results Update:

    Well, now you know why I don’t put great store by short-priced favourites.  Magical Effect was sent off 13/8F. It could only finish 3rd beaten 1.75 lengths.  As Jenny Pitman used to say “It doesn’t matter how much money you put on a horse, it won’t make it run any faster”. Had it won I would have received £57.50 for the double and £129.38 for the treble = £186.88.  Not to be  though

    I’m not complaining as I did at least get yet another double in for £82.50 less £16 = £66.50 on the day. Guess what I am now in accumulated profit and having a great run in August after allowing for a brought forward loss of £320 from July. This is an equivalent of £356.96/£2538.61 = 14% ROI.  Not bad for mug punters bets eh?

    Original Bank £2,538.61 ADD £36.96 = £2,575.57 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  20. Three doubles and two trebles today.

    I was going to take a day off today but just couldn’t help myself from having another go.


    (A)   3.20 Sou (3) Royal Village 4/1, 5.0 Pont (1) Magical Effect 15/8 (steamed into from 3/1, should have taken 3/1 last night = £4 v £57.48

    (B)   3.30 Pont ( 2) Perfection 9/2 (did take the price last night; now 7/2), 5.30 Pont( 8) Springwood Drive 11/4 = £4 V £82.48

    (C)   2.50 Sou ( (1) Capital Force 5/2, 5.20 Sou Nemean Lion 6/1 = £4 V £98


    (1)    3.20 Sou Royal Village, 3.30 Pont Perfection and 5.0 Pont Magical Effect  = £2 V £129.36

    (2)    2.50 Sou Capital Force, 5.20 Sou Nemean Lion and 5.30 Pont Springwood Drive = £2 v £196.86

    This equals £16 staked in total today.  Incidentally, should one of my first leg doubles blow out and I’m around I will place a £2 win double using the second leg selection with the next strongest selection available.  This is part of my overall strategy.  I am able to do this twice today to make up my full £20 wager for the day.  For obvious reasons any wins or losses have to be off the book figures as I cannot give the revised selections out properly in advance

    Results Update:

    One double; should have paid more but for a withdrawn horse = £68.90 less £10 = £58.90

    Original Bank £2,538.61 LESS £29.54 = £2,509.07 C/Fwd ROI N/A

  21. Two doubles and a treble today.

    Not enough time for full research.  I really like Hortzadar in the 4.25 Ripon

    (A)   3.0 NB Rip Orf 3/1, 3.20 NM Graceful Magic 11/4 = £4 V £60.00

    (B)   3.25 Don Orvar 3/1, 4.25 Rip Hortzadar 7/2 = £4 V £72


    (1)    3.0 NB Ripp Orf , 3.20 NM Graceful Magic and 4.25 Rip Hortzadar  = £2 V £135.00

    Results Update:

    No winners today. Two seconds that traded at less than 1.40 but still got beat.  Losss for the day = £20

    Original Bank £2,538.61 LESS 88.44 = £2,450.17 C/Fwd ROI N/A

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