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The Equaliser

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Posts posted by The Equaliser

  1. One Trixie today:

    1.55 York Boccacio £2 at 9/4
    2.15 Nb Nahaar £2 win at 2.96 = £3.72
    4.00 Nb Selino £2 win at 6.4 = £10.26
    One Trixie at £1.50 = £6 v Poss Return £128.63

    Other single bets:

    2.30 Yk Golden Dragon 50p win at 33/1 (needs gd/gd/frm ground)
    3.05 Yk Made In India 50p win at 16/1
    3.35 Yk Swiss Knight 50p at 11/1
    4.10 Yk Northern Powerhouse £1 win at 11/2 (suckered in by media press hype)

    Total multiples = £6

    Total singles bets £8.50

    Total stakes = £14.50

    I will be looking for further 10/1 plus horses later on but have to get lunch ready right now.  Not sure if I will publish them yet; depends on the effect that the associated booze has on me.  Good luck to all punting today. Should be an entertaining day no matter what

    I am adding a few more win bets:

    1.40 Nb Alkumait 50p win at 11/1
    3.25 Nb Extra Elusive 50p win at 10/1
    5.00 Nb Fromnowon 50p win at 14/1
    3.50 Sou Grania O'Malley 50p win at 11/1

    Total singles stakes = £10.50

    I reckon that placing 50p win stakes on horse selections of one's choice from a price range of 10/1 to 100/1 plus is the best strategy that any armchair punter could wish to have.  I will prove that this is so over the coming months.

    NB my staking goes £4 for 1/1 to 15/8 (not proven as financially viable yet) £2 between 2/1 and 7/2 and £1 between 4/1 & 9/1. As stated 50p for 10/1 to 100/1.  Just adding this in for purr-spective ,Cali the cat endorsement)

    Just one winner today from my Trixie so a blank day for my multiples

    Therefore - a £6 loss and a balance C/Fwd of £647.63 (Bank £800)

    One winner on my singles bets; hence £10.50 less £3.72 = a loss of £6.78.  This means a balance c/Fwd of £342.44 (Bank £400) 

    None of my 50p bets won so a £3.50 loss was incurred and is reflected in my singles balance.  I made a couple of mistakes today with these that cost me not to make a profit, however, I am very excited that these will be fruitful in the future.  Hopefully I will pick the right one for the Naps comp as I progress.

    I will keep a running P/L of my 50p bets in the future.







  2. A lot of top class racing today but very tricky and parental guidance required even if one is over 70 years old

    Despite that I have gone for two Trixies:

    2.15 Nb Method 5/6 £0 win bet (Joined in with the masses on this one; a banker???)
    2.50 Nb Tomorrow's Dream £2 win at 5/2 (unfortunately Matt Chapman has selected this one too)
    7.55 Hd Alternative Fact £2 at 7/2
    One £1 win Trixie = £4 v poss return of £59.29

    3.05 Yk Que Amoro £2 win at 16/5 (Let's hope that she shows a clean pair of heals to the boys)
    3.40 Yk Arctic Fox £1 win at 4/1
    4.00 Nb Judicial £1 win at 8/1
    one 50p win Trixie = £2 v poss return of £146.40

    Multiples = £6 staked

    Singles = £8 staked

    Total stakes = £14

    Only the odds on shot obliged for me today so a complete blank

    Multiples = a loss of £6.  The Balance C/Fwd is £653.63 (Bank £800)

    Singles a loss of £8.  The balance C/Fwd is £349.22 (Bank £400)

    Although the results were not good I at least made 95p profit on my other bets.  From tomorrow I will include some 50p win bets on outsiders along with my trixie(s) + £2 and £1 win bets.

    More good quality racing tomorrow which I'm looking forward to.  The only problem is finding the time to do all the research and analysis for my bets.  I am trying to cut the work down time-wise.  One person trying to weigh up each day's racing is an arduous task.




  3. Good morning to all.  I'm in a better frame of mind today and full of hope for my selections today.

    One Trixie and some singles:

    2.40 Bev Breanski £2 win at 7/4
    6.25 Hd Trueshan £2 win at 6/4
    6.55 Hd Happy Power £2 win at 5/2

    One Trixie at £1.50 = £6.00 Poss Return of £73.99

    NB I was going to choose Raatea over Happy Power in the 5.35 at Leic but with Kinsman a non runner and the price of evens I fe;t I wouldn't get value.
    NBB I have decided that horses in the price bracket of 1/1 to 15/8 are not worth a £4 win but instead I will back them for a £2 win along with horse selections in the 2/1 - 7/2 price range

    Other win bets:

    2.40 Bev Parys Mountain 50p win at 16/1
    6.25 Hd El Misk £1 win at 11/2 (A lot of sporting press support for this including a PL tip)

    Total Multiples = £6.00

    Total singles = £7.50

    Total stakes = £13.50

    Well my optimism was not rewarded.  Only Trueshan scraped home so as to avoid a totally fruitless day  I think I was right in cutting back the win stakes to £2 on these short priced favourite beasts.

    Anyway, the multiples was a £6 loss hence the balance C/Fwd is now £659.63 (Bank £800)

    The win paid £5 on Trueshan so a £2.50 loss.  The balance C/Fwd on my singles is now £357.22 (Bank £400)

    Better class racing at York and Newbury tomorrow so fingers crossed













  4. Late to the plate today.

    One Trixie today

    3.30 Ham Old Harbour £4 win at 15/8
    4.20 San Indian Raj £2 win at 16/5
    4.55 San Koncheck £2 win at 16/5

    £1 win Trixie = £4 with a poss return of £92.51

    3.30 Ham Masham Star £1 win at 11/2 (Just in case the other Johnston runner wins instead)

    Total singles stakes = £9

    Total Multiples stakes = £4

    Total stakes = £13

    Haha, so I put £4 to win on Old Harbour and included it in my Trixie and only put £1 on Masham Star and excluded it from my Trixie.  The hotpot finished 2nd to last at 9/4f whilst the other Mark Johnston horse Masham Star won the race by 3/4 length at odds of 5/1.  Deary me!
    As far as I'm concerned I will no longer place win bets of such proportion on my short priced Trixie selections; I just don't think that they are worth it.

    Anyway a £4 loss on my multiples means a balance C/Fwd of £665.63 (Bank £800)

    The win bet on Masham Star at least reduced the loss on my singles bets to £2.50.  Hence the Singles balance C/Fwd is £359.72 (Bank £400)

    Four UK meetings tomorrow, only one class 1 and one class 3 race at Haydock; all the rest are class 4 and above.  Happy hunting to all.








  5. One Trixie and some singles today

    2.50 Catt Intrinsic Bond 10/3 (£2 win at 4.5)
    3.40 Yar Poets Dance 10/3 (£2 win at 10/3)
    6.10 Km Youthful £2 win at 15/4)  Hope it hnadles the AW track

    £1 win trixie at £1 = £4 = poss return of £149.14

    Other singles:

    2.50 Catt Alsvinder 50p win at 14/1 (PL Tip EW)

    6.45 Km Emirates Knight £5 win at 4.9 (supposed to be using a £5 Exchange bonus, hope it works)

    Singles = £11.50

    Multiples = £4.00

    Total stakes = £15.50

    Well I screwed up in misunderstanding how to use my Exchange bonus of £5.  After about 30 mins on the awful "messaging" helpline the penny dropped how to do it.  In the event, in fear of losing the bonus I placed a win bet on the favourite in the 8.45 at Kempton.  The damn thing got beaten by 3/4 of a length.  At least I know how to do this in future.

    Just one winner today so my multiple failed .  Therefore my multiples balance c/fwd is £669.63 (Bank £800)

    One singles winner at 100/30 gave a return of £8.67 hence a loss of £2.83 on the day.  The balance c/fwd is £362.22 (£400 Bank)

    Four races of Class 1 to 3 action tomorrow, one favourite odds on.  A few Class 4 events too.





  6. Not a lot of class racing today. 1 class 2, 1 class 3 and 4 class 4.  The rest are class 5 and 6

    No Multiples today.

    The best bet may be 3.25 Sou Makety £4 win at 7/4 with Betfair

    My singles seem to rely on Brian Hughes having a good day

    12.15 Sou Youracert £1 win at 7/1
    1.20 Sou Knockrobin £1 win at 5/1
    2.55 Sou Jack's Last Hope 50p win at 10/1

    Total singles stake = £6.50

    Out for most of the day but hopefully back later for either some long shots or lay bets in the lower class races


    My hot pot bet could only manage 3rd; I guess that's what you get for relying on out of date form.  Lesson learned money burned.  No other winners either so a £6.50 total loss on the day.

    The singles C/Fwd balance now stands at £365.05 (Bank £400)

    The multiples balance is unchanged at £673.63 (Bank £800)

    I'll be sratching around to find class 3/4 races again tomorrow





  7. One Trixie today with short priced horses.  Not betting at Ayr; all class 6 races

    1.0 Win Zamaani 11/10
    3.10 Win First Water Ev
    3.40 Win Casting Vote 7/5

    One £1.50 Trixie = £6 poss return of £36.18

    Longer priced singles today:

    12.25 Win Danzart 50p win at 11/1

    1.00 Win Bodak Yellow 50p win at 11/1

    1.35 Win Magic Ride 50p win at 12/1
    1.35 Win A sure Welcome 50p 2in at 14/1

    2.10 Win Loves Dreams 50p win 10/1
    2.10 Win Marshall Dan 50p win at 17/2 (should drift)
    2.10 Win Pinnata 25p win at 25/1

    4.10 Win Sherpa Trail £1 win at 11/2

    5.40 Km Ahorsecalledwanda 50p win at 12/1
    5.40 KM Feel Good Factor 50p win at 22/1

    6.10 Km, The Blue Bower £1 win at 11/2 (lots of experts support but friendless in the market)

    6.45 Km Lily Like 50p win at 11/1
    6.45 Km Dark Phoenix 50p win at 16/1

    Multiples = £6.00

    Singles = £7.25

    Total stakes = £13.25

    At long last I get a trixie in.  Not a lot of money but it all adds up. Hmm, maybe I can compete with the PL Accumuator, which always seems to be a treble anyway.

    The Trixie paid £33.57 less outlay £6.00 = a profit of £27.57

    Multiples balance C/Fwd = £673.63 (Bank £800)

    No singles winners hence a loss of £7.25

    Singles balance C/Fwd = £371.55 (Bank £400)





  8. Two Trixies today.  I can't be bothered to place win bets on theses wretched beasts.  I have placed some win bets on some outsiders but won't list them as this will just confuse everyone.

    2.05 Lin Champagne Supanova 2/1
    3.15 Bang Mercian Prince 15/8 (drifting and now in 3rd market position)
    5.20 Bang Yeavering Belle 15/8

    One £1.50 Trixie = £6 v poss return of £75.47

    2.25 Ham Heart Of Soul 5/2
    3.15 Bang Del Duque 9/4 (moved to market position 2)
    3.35 Ling Walk It Talk It 5/2

    One £1 Trixie = £4 v poss return of £74.81

    Total stakes today = £10, all on multiples


    Three winners today but only two in a Trixie; I feel a little bit unlucky that champagne Supanova got beaten a head at 9/4 but that's racing

    The double paid £14.02 hence a £10 outlay on multiples = a £4.02 profit on the day.
    The balance C/Fwd on Multiples is £646.06 (Bank £800)

    No published singles today so the balance C/Fwd is £378.80 (Bank £400)










  9. 5 hours ago, Old codger said:

    Hi all

    My next selection

    335 Newmarket Golden Horde 1pt win 5/2 hills bog Expect this classy individual to cement his reputation here.

    Start bank 100 W12 L8 Bank 113.95

    Just reviewing things since I started posting on here. 20 selections with a strike rate of 60% is pretty much how this selection process I have been following has shown its value. I was hoping for around 50-60% and so pleasantly at the upper end. Only around half a dozen selections each month and sometimes less than that but patience is the key in betting. I have set aside a decent bank to place on these selections. The key with any such bank is that it has to be money you are prepared to lose and definitely not money you need for everyday living. Gambling under financial pressure is the road to ruin and if you are gambling under such pressure it is time to accept you have to stop and probably seek some help before it becomes overwhelming.

    Well said.  I would add that the key to survival of remaining as a long term punter is self discipline and money management.  Much more difficult to be successful in making  profits over a long period of time though that should be the driving force behind any serious punter's intentions.  Nothing wrong with anyone setting aside £10, £20 etc of ones hard earned cash to enjoy an afternoon's entertainment in going to or watching horse racing or anything else.  As any content pussy cat will tell you; you need purr-spective

    Unfortunately there is no hope for a compulsive gambler anywhere in sports or any other type of betting.  Even when they win they will just keep betting more and more until they lose everything that they have.  Far better for them to abandon betting and take up a different hobby and life style altogether

  10. Today's Trixie

    12.25 Asc Bobby On the Beat 7/4 £2 win
    1.30 Asc Apperate £2 win at 3/1
    2.05 Asc Malinkova £2 win at 11/4

    One £1 win Trixie = £4 v £77.56

    1.50 Nm Haqealy £1 win at 11/2
    1.50 Nm Surf Dancer 50p at 9/1
    1.50 Nm Dogged 25p win at 50/1

    12.10 Nm Fantastic Blue 50p win at 16/1

    4.10 Nm Tomfre 50p win at 9/1 (I think it will drift)
    4.10 Nm Spanish City 50p win at 16/1

    Singles stakes = £9.25

    Multiples = £4.00

    = Total stakes £13.25

    A very tough day and I drew a blank

    £9.25 loss on singles = Balance C/Fwd £378.80 (Bank £400)

    £4.00 Loss on multiples = Balance C/Fwd £642.04 (Bank £800)

    Just as the bookies won't lose any sleep tonight, neither will I.  Only one class 3 race tomorrow though. I can't do anything worse



  11. My bets got screwed up with Saeiqa being withdrawn from the 1.15 at Nm.  I have tried to re-arrange them now.

    12.10 Nm Eastern Sheriff £1 win at 5/1 = 6/1 for Trixie
    12.45 Nm Celsius £2 win at 85/40 = 9/4 for Trixie
    1.50 Nm Beanski £1 win at 11/2 Already beaten Presidential and better off at the weights anyway

    One 50p win Trixie - £118.63 for £2 stakes

    1.15 Nm Youth Spirit £1 win at 11/2

    Total stakes = £7.00


    No return on the Trixie so a £2 loss = Balance £646.04 C/Fwd (£800 Bank)

    One Singles winner = £6.50 = £1.50 profit = Balance £388.05 C/Fwd (£400 Bank)


  12. Strange day today; I had to go out early and have not been able to knuckle down to making selections for singles, multiples and lay bets.  I had a few losing personal bets and then got out of trouble with a win bet on Rythmic Intent in the 3.45 at Newmarket.  Good job I didn't go for Enbihaar in the 4.10.  That's the trouble with favourites one never knows when one will get a decent run from them.

    Be back tomorrow



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