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VIP Poker League Season 3


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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 I would love to play but as I am in Ireland for the week I can't make a deposit into bwin and even if I could they won't let me play.:\ 'Please be kindly advised that due to IP address restrictions you will only be able to play poker whilst in the UK, and regretably not whilst travelling to Ireland or any other country.' The bwin site also kept disconnecting on me....not happened with any other poker sites.

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3

Whats happening with this league - James ? unless i've missed something posted elsewhere. 1 games gone ahead and the others cancelled :(
the longer this goes on and games being cancelled it aint gonna work,hopefully James you can get the people needed to play down to half,or else everyone is just gonna say fook it,and that would be a real shame
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 Hi all, We'll get an email out regarding the league either this evening or tomorrow. We just want to wait and see what happens with tournament tonight. We're a little baffled by the tournaments not even getting 50 runners. We weren't particularly expecting to get the 100+ that we had been hoping for admittedly, but didn't think we would get less than 50. There have been over 150 players register for the league since the new structure was announced - less that we had wanted but should have been enough to get the tournaments going. We'll be discussing some options tomorrow and will make sure we keep everyone informed. James

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3

Hi all, We'll get an email out regarding the league either this evening or tomorrow. We just want to wait and see what happens with tournament tonight. We're a little baffled by the tournaments not even getting 50 runners. We weren't particularly expecting to get the 100+ that we had been hoping for admittedly, but didn't think we would get less than 50. There have been over 150 players register for the league since the new structure was announced - less that we had wanted but should have been enough to get the tournaments going. We'll be discussing some options tomorrow and will make sure we keep everyone informed. James
Far be it from me James but... Have you thought of sending out email reminders? as I have no idea when the games are until someone tells me but an email will do the trick:ok I'm in tonights game but it looks like it will not run. Does this mean I win the league? Can I have a trophy please? thx
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 I didn't bother registering tonight as it would have meant spending the evening down at the other house and with an hour to go there were still less than 30 in. Don't know how many other people are in the same situation as we are, where we can't both play in the tourney in the same house, but it doesn't help numbers. I agree with Brian's suggestion :loon At least for the first few weeks til we get used to which days and times this is running, an email to all registered league players on the day of each game would surely get a few more in.

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 Seems like a decent suggestion regarding the email reminder. To be honest, I'm not sure where we go from here, as the numbers are obviously quite a bit off. I was observing today and there was quite a lot of negative comments in the chat - including one suggestion that the whole thing was a con to get signups at bwin, which is a frankly absurd comment. Any signups we or bwin get out of this are considered a bonus at this stage - the primary goal is to create a league that was popular among players and had the potential to grow (hopefully grow a lot!) and then start attracting new players. This kind of negativity is more than a little disappointing to say the very least. I completely understand the frustrations of players wanting to take part and seeing the tournament cancelled - I would be equally annoyed. I do feel it's a little unjust to level such accusations at us though. We made the structure very clear from the outset and we haven't made any "after the event" adjustments. It sort of defeats the object of what we are/were trying to acheive. It's supposed to be a fun league with some decent added value and hopefully a great tournament at the end. We made sure there was the added value in this league, and we've marketed the league to a pretty large audience. But we can't make people take part and we can't make them have fun! To be fair, this community has been very supportive and I'm personally grateful for that. But if it's going to start creating negative feelings and potentially damaging to our parent brand, then we obviously have to reconsider the whole thing. One of the things that has occured to me is that perhaps we've timed it wrong. It's the World Cup coming up, and the weather has started to improve and either of these could have had an impact on the amount of people wanting to commit to playing regular games. As I've mentioned, we're going to discuss some options tomorrow and work out where to go from here. Any thoughts - via this forum, PM, our forum or email are welcomed. We certainly want to keep those who have made the effort to get involved as happy as possible!! Cheers James

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 Dont forget your also having the final in the same place....Luton The people from up north or outside the country may not want to travel that far and to be honest, its a shithole with nothing to do after the event....so if your planning a weekend there and are out in the 1st couple of hours, your fooked!

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3

Dont forget your also having the final in the same place....Luton The people from up north or outside the country may not want to travel that far and to be honest, its a shithole with nothing to do after the event....so if your planning a weekend there and are out in the 1st couple of hours, your fooked!
Better duck quick next time you see kevshat morls.
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 James For me and Geordiegaz to attend the last time, we spent 5 hrs driving there and back, £100 on hotels and spending money for 2 days in luton, its not cheap Hosting the finals around the country, say north, mid and south and alternate these, would benefit players more than sticking with same location. I dont mind the travel or the cost, but will deffo put smaller stake players off if they need to cash big just to break even:ok

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3

James For me and Geordiegaz to attend the last time, we spent 5 hrs driving there and back, £100 on hotels and spending money for 2 days in luton, its not cheap Hosting the finals around the country, say north, mid and south and alternate these, would benefit players more than sticking with same location. I dont mind the travel or the cost, but will deffo put smaller stake players off if they need to cash big just to break even:ok
Yep, makes sense. With a "national" league like this with players spread all over, it's never going to be perfect for everyone, so a rotation would be fairest. The long term goal for the league is to have something like quarterly regional finals and one annual national final. If we ever manage to get the numbers to justify such a structure, that should help as well. We could even make national final packages include accommodation and contributions to travel expenses. It was also one of the reasons why we made the "Main Event" final a guaranteed prize for everyone who qualified. Worst case scenario people would have at least won enough to cover some of their expenses.
Wouldn't hurt if Bwin could be persuaded to open it to all nationalities for the purpose of the VIP league at least.
I absolutely agree - but it's pretty unlikely for this season. The bwin organisation is very much divided into geographical locations - and it is the UK division that are providing bwins share of the prizes for this so they want it UK exclusive. Slightly counter-intuitive in my opinion, particularly with regards the guarantees - as there would be less cost if more were playing!! James
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3

James For me and Geordiegaz to attend the last time, we spent 5 hrs driving there and back, £100 on hotels and spending money for 2 days in luton, its not cheap Hosting the finals around the country, say north, mid and south and alternate these, would benefit players more than sticking with same location. I dont mind the travel or the cost, but will deffo put smaller stake players off if they need to cash big just to break even:ok
Understand what you are saying Morls - its not cheap, but where ever its situated its not going to be cheap for someone, so dont really think moving the venue around would make any difference at all to the numbers.
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 As i see it you are dead in the water unless you get the touneys started. if that means removing or grealty reducing the guarantee them it must be done. The numbers will probably dorp even lower but at least you will have something to build on and once people see the leagues runnig the numbers will hopefully increase to a point where it is viable.

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3

Understand what you are saying Morls - its not cheap' date=' but where ever its situated its not going to be cheap for someone, so dont really think moving the venue around would make any difference at all to the numbers.[/quote'] You'd be suprised mate. You guys from the south east/London areas had to travel 60-90 mins, which is an easy trek back if you bust early. Anyone from Manchester, Newcastle, Scotland and Abroad have to make a decision weeks in advance to either stay over or face a possible drive home at 2-3am if they do well and that costs money. If they pay the hotel in advance to get cheaper rates (99% do) and you bust in an hour, your screwed, you either go home and lose your money on the hotel, or you stay over, in which case your gonna spend a fortune....... I will not play any events under £100 now in which i have to travel more than 2 hrs to get to or which require an overnighter, unless its a PL exclusive or there is massive added value. Look at the costs involved as an example: Hotel for Sat Night = £70 Train/petrol = £70 Spends = £70 Entry Fee £110 Total Spend on average £320 (less if sharing hotels etc) To make a profit its gonna take a final table finish and thats -ev at the end of the day Host the events in the middle of the country, then you get more willing to make the sub 2hr journeys, which opens the events up to a much bigger market.
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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 Thanks for the continued feedback and suggestions all. Sadly, I'm not that confident we'll salvage this. An email was sent out to all registered players yesterday and the response was very poor. Which gives me the impression that people have, understandably, lost interest already. We've made a proposal for a re-structure to bwin, which would take effect from tomorrow. This will involve removing the guarantees and minimum player restriction, reducing the prizes throughout the season, but having a guaranteed final with a decent prizepool still. I'm not completely giving up, but I did just want to be honest with you guys as you've given us great support all along. The bottom line is the league has not been supported as well as we would like, and too many of the registered players have not been taking part in the tournaments. Cheers, James

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Re: VIP Poker League Season 3 Totally agree with alternating the venues, and what Morls said in regard to expenses incurred for a small stakes event. On the upside, it was nice to find a place worse than Hull :rollin The Virgin poker festival moved around quite a bit, but always managed to get around 200 runners even though it was relatively low stakes. It may be worth considering the model used there (ie, not much in the way of online prizes but a juiced pot at the live final - virgin used to add £5k to the prize pool on top). I think more players would prefer this set up IMO. Also I think BWIN needs to be less prohibitive in letting players play from the same location. Some time ago a friend of mine had to write to pokerroom (ongame) asking for written permission for himself and his partner to have an account at the same ISP address. It was either this or they could only have one account from their address. I think this same system is in place at BWIN and will put a lot of people off playing. Anyway, I hope it works out and I hope a decision is made quickly to avoid further loss of interest. I really enjoyed the last 2 live games, but would prefer a more central, or northern location, cheers ;)

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