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Re: Railing nvm, I'm already out :cry ** Hand # 2765759804 starting - 2009-08-09 01:47:15 ** Be the Bounty €1,000 Guarantee[3064935]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (4000.00|8000.00 NL - MTT) Real Money hurry12 sitting in seat 1 with 70300.16 RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 5 with 51859.84 dominf sitting in seat 8 with 81840.00[Dealer] hurry12 posted the small blind - 2000.00 RiverChaser_ posted the big blind - 4000.00 ** Dealing cards to RiverChaser_: 8c, 8d dominf went all-in - 81840.00 hurry12 folded RiverChaser_ > wish me luck RiverChaser_ went all-in - 47859.84 dominf shows: 4c, Kc ** Dealing the flop: 6d, Kd, 3s ** Dealing the turn: Jc ** Dealing the river: As dominf wins 105719.68 from the main pot Rake: 0.00

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Re: Railing Next break - 7/11, just under average, AdKd lost a big pot to QQ - big steps up on FT, if I get there crossfingers.gif But I didn't - out in 10th for $154.03. Lost about 450k after the break when I made a woeful steal from the SB with A6o, and ran in to shorter-stacked BB's QQ :$

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Re: Railing I took you to bed with me ;) but think I nodded off and woke up just in time to see that hand and a load of your chips gone. When I was watching you'd been pushing the table around big time with your 1m chips. Maybe falling asleep while railing is the new bad vibe railing with me. :sad Anyway, still great result in a field that size and a decent cash. :clap How's work today? :tongue2

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