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How far is it fair to go with Sit Outs?

Burnley Joe

How far is it fair to go with Sit Outs?  

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    • Legitimate Tactic
    • Within the rules, but unsporting
    • Outside the rules

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions out in 7th not happy! The big chip leader on the final table(due to the fact he had a table full of sit-outs) is folding his hands instead of checking to keep the sit-outs in. i know its not cheating but consider it very unsportsmanlike he will raise when me and the other player are in the blinds(rightly so) but with the sit-outs will call and when the flop comes down instead of checking will fold. Could even say it is chip dumping as he is folding when he should be checking and passing his chips to the sit-outs? perhaps its just me being in a bad mood but it has left a nasty taste in my mouth.:@

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions sorry if you think its unsportsmanlike but surely this is the only sensible way i can play! obviously i want to protect the sitouts because they arent competitive in the overall standings so i want them to score well!! It prolly wont matter anyways cos the table is now frozen, probably serves me right.

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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces

To be honest he was all in every hand although he would occasionally just call and then let the sit outs win??????????????????/ Was not inpressed
I folded to sit outs in my game too - my stack was significantly larger than the others at my table - the longer I could keep the sit outs in the game, the greater my advantage (and the increased potential of harming the nearest opposing teams) - I think it's a legitimate tactic :unsure
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Sorry goater - I cannot agree (and not because he's a team mate) - I took some opportunities tonight to leave sit outs with chips on my table - so long as you're playing for personal gain (which Reeshah and I were), then I cannot see the issue :unsure

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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

its not against the rules to feed sitouts is it?
I'm surprised how much upset it's causing - I did the same with no worries or hesitation, because I believed it was the play to maximise my result. Is the table still frozen? Make sure you get a screen print ;)
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Sorry goater - I cannot agree (and not because he's a team mate) - I took some opportunities tonight to leave sit outs with chips on my table - so long as you're playing for personal gain (which Reeshah and I were)' date=' then I cannot see the issue :unsure[/quote'] Chip dumping is effectively collusion...you can't see the issue...:eek
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April This is what it says on the Pokerroom website:

Chip Dumping Tournament chip dumping is defined as a situation where one player purposely loses chips to another player with the sole intent of increasing their combined chances of winning prize money. Chip Dumping will incur a permanent ban of all involved accounts and the forfeit of all the total value of prize money. In cases of confirmed chip dumping, all REMAINING players in the event, at the time of the offence, will have the total value of the forfeited prize money split amongst them.
The sole intent has to be to increase combined chances of winning prize money however in this case the sole intent was just to increase personal results (not in the individual tournament, but in the overall leaderboard)
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

This is what it says on the Pokerroom website: The sole intent has to be to increase combined chances of winning prize money however in this case the sole intent was just to increase personal results
And what if the sitout belongs to a team who now score more points and so move up the table into a better paid position??
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well done, Chief! :clap As for the sitout chip-dumping thing - wtf is this league coming to?? Is it not bad enough to have all the sitouts in the first place, without players resorting to these kinda ridiculous tactics, to maybe gain a couple of extra points? How ******* desperate are you, guys?? Geez.

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions cheers guys and slick mick was the one with all the sitouts to himself so we all hit f/t way behind him.....so overall very pleasing. i for one dont agree with their tactics and find it very underhand,but that is my personal opinion..

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Well done, Chief! :clap As for the sitout chip-dumping thing - wtf is this league coming to?? Is it not bad enough to have all the sitouts in the first place, without players resorting to these kinda ridiculous tactics, to maybe gain a couple of extra points? How ******* desperate are you, guys?? Geez.
Surely the objective is to play your cards in the best way possible to maximise points for your team :unsure If folding gets you the most points, that should be your action. If calling then folding gets you most points, that should be your action? :unsure
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April i admit it was very bully-like behavior towards the other non sitouts but isnt bullying what this game is all about? if you were to take this argument a step further consider this scenario, you are on a final table and one of the players is a total donk, you will be much happier losing chips to him than you would be against the others. every player on a table is different and thats what gives you an edge, is knowing how to play against all your opponents, in this situation i bullied the competitors and helped the weak players to maximise my own chances of winning. The only reason it becomes an issue is because players that werent sitouts were hoping to just play tight and hope that the sitouts slowly get eliminated so they can score higher points.

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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

I think it's a clever strategy from reshah to be fair' date=' but did someone dump chips to him to build his massive stack in the first place? or had the deck been really kind to him?[/quote'] actually bill i was on a table with 8 sitouts and i elimated the other player quite quickly so i just pressed F3 over and over again for about 20mins and took all their chips!
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