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e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions


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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Wow - I've no idea how you can have a clue who's top - Can you put your version of the table up please? :tongue2
i am going by the official one at the moment as it is the only one relevant considering that esport have no interest in the frozen game 8,and i am sure we did okay in frozen game 15, i know it is galling to you but hey thats poker and we are winners :tongue2:tongue2
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Kippe - you seen week 8 and how it's settled at the moment? Top 5 points scorers are based on the 5 players knocked out of the frozen game (including a team with just 2 team points) and the bottom 15 are those that werre still in - there is no way in a million years that can stand if there is to be ANY credibility at all......

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions trouble is Trev,just what have they done to adress it??nothing............ if they were gonna do anything it would have been done by now,which raises another question and one i am sure has been in peoples minds,are we really gonna be paid??? because to be honest i aint 100% sure it is gonna happen and i hope to god i am wrong,but they have had ample time to sort all the problems out,if they cant do it then pay me £50,000 a year to sort it,i would be very happy to do it then

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well, the German league is running successfully (and so far as I understand is being managed properly) - they got paid out last season. I understand the German League to be a massive success. They make up the majority of the Champions League - if that is to go ahead (which at this stage you imagine it will) then I cannot see any problems with payment next week. Yes - if there are any issues with payment, we find out next week, but I'm expecting/hoping that will go smoothly. eSport are on record, on PL, of saying they have no intention of leaving the result as it is and it WILL be changed - it's hard to imagine it wont be after such clarity from them..... Having said that, I agree, it gets harder and harder to implement the solution the longer it's left (but it HAS to be done) - Royal Flush think they won week 8 - after this long I dont know what their reaction will be when the real results are put in......

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions on a lighter note guys,well done tonight,just 3 points off top spot with 2? games to go and back to full strength from wedsnesday onwards, we are virtually guaranteed a spot in the Champions League and a possible very nice payday :cow please post your availability and i will let you know the team for wednesdays game on tuesday evening :ok

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

SJ got 11th as a sit out = 3pts :clap
Glad I could help. :tongue2 But well done, guys! 2nd place, playing short-handed... :clap And I just got back home, so I will be available again for the last couple of games. Let's see if we can grab and/or hold on to that top spot (whatever the case may be with this Week 8 issue...)
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Available, but don,t mind sitting out to let Mr V play:ok as for the other issue, obviously they can,t leave round 8 as it stands. The logical solution is either 1: cancel the round altogether 2: cancel the round and try to replay it (probably not viable) 3: recalculate the result with the chip leaders getting max points etc It really needs to be sorted before the final game.

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Bikeradar were clear winners on week 8 and 15 - would be incredibly unfair to cancel or replay...... I cannot see any fair/reasonable way of resolving it except to split the points in the frozen games in the same way cash would be split if a cash tournament crashed :unsure (and that would be unfair on us too as it would give the sit outs too many points.....more than they could have won - but a decision HAS to be taken)

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Sorry, only 9th for me. Re-raised pre-flop with AA, and was put all-in by one of the three big stacks. Knew he probably had a pair as well, but too hard to put it down. And heck... some people apparently win with pocket Aces occasionally. :eyes Anyway, he had 10s and hit his set... I didn't. :\ Good luck the rest of the way, guys! :hope

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions 3rd for me,,up against the 2 biggest fish going reeshah and dazzler:sad got rivered in the end as usual. dazzler was the one i was h/u with last time we played..calls anything and hits,amazes me how many players always get so bloody lucky

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Available, but don,t mind sitting out to let Mr V play:ok
Thanks Goat. I was a bit nervous about playing last night seeing as I hadn't played at all for over 2 and a half weeks but I think I did okay, if not spectacular. You guys have done really well over the last two weeks and I'll be quite happy to step down for the final game if the skip says so. :ok
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions well i am not sure if Sunday is the last game or not,but we have had a decent enough crack at winning this and i am well pleased with how we have done,thanks guys for your efforts..:notworthy tough choice in picking the team but gonna go with the following: teaulc fonzie goater kippe silentjay lets give this our best shot of the league and win this thing.:ok:ok

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