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e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions


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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Can you get PokerRoom and eSport name to me please :ok
PokerRoom: Dr.Evil_1969 eSport name I don't know. Don't know whether he's registered yet. But he may already be in a team in the German league, for all I know. (There's a huge German forum I'm also a member of, and most of the top players there are already in teams, since that started a while ago...) Anyway, I sent him an official invite via the PokerRoom team page. Haven't heard back yet. As I said, I don't really know him personally, or anything. We've had a couple of nice chats at the table, so I thought I'd invite him, since we seemed to be in trouble here, member-wise. But sounds like we'll get enough players anyway. 6 of us now. :ok (1 or 2 more probably wouldn't hurt, though.)
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

SilentJay 76 MemberMar 5, 2008de.gif
teaulcPLMemberMar 5, 2008gb.gif
marrsinnMemberMar 6, 2008ie.gif
I_Got_I.D.23MemberMar 7, 2008gb.gif
We still need one more. :\ And as it's a UK league, the captain should be (or must be?) from the UK, so that narrows it down. I nominate teaulc, who's done most of the "captaining" so far anyway.
ty SJ,i am happy to do it if everyone else is happy
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions just checked on pokerroom and my name(readie) has now been added to the CVG team. I am available for selection tomorrow but considering I,m one of the last to join wont mind sitting out if enough players ahead of me want to play.

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions The registration is for the series, not the game (I thought it was the game too!!) - everyone must be reg'd for the series as you cannot get in after about 3pm today (apparently it doesn't matter if you put "Playing" or "not playing" - but I think you're better off with "playing" the series, even if unavailable tonight!!)

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

The registration is for the series' date=' not the game (I thought it was the game too!!) - everyone must be reg'd for the series as you cannot get in after about 3pm today (apparently it doesn't matter if you put "Playing" or "not playing" - but I think you're better off with "playing" the series, even if unavailable tonight!!)[/quote'] cheersGaF I,ve registered for tonights game(series) but dont mind keeping the subs bench warm:D
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions ok chaps,gonna be 1st come 1st to play and take it from there... tonights team will be myself,Silentjay,Marsinn,mrV and Kippe.. if Marsinn doenst show up then it will be Goater... will play the top 3 players in next weeks game and replace 4th and 5th with the next 2 on waiting list...is that okay??? open to better suggestions for future games Team Members

isl_uk_115ManagerMar 4, 2008 de.gif$0.00 Offline
readieMemberMar 8, 2008 gb.gif$0.00 Offline
Fat8oyFatMemberMar 9, 2008 gb.gif$0.00 Offline
SilentJay 76MemberMar 5, 2008 de.gif$0.00 Offline
Fonzie1411MemberMar 8, 2008 gb.gif$0.00 Offline
teaulcPLMemberMar 5, 2008 gb.gif$0.00 Online
kippe6666MemberMar 8, 2008 gb.gif$0.00 Online
marrsinnMemberMar 6, 2008 ie.gif$0.00 Offline
I_Got_I.D.23MemberMar 7, 2008 gb.gif$0.00 Offline
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions tryig to get them all read, guys ;) Short info: No need to register or signup in the software itself for the event. It will pop up automatically, if you are asigned to that round. More Qs, use that sticky thread up there with the MSN LIVE support ;) cheerio, Jo

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Al? Sorry to be a pain but can I suggest that you change players over quicker? I'm assuming that its STT format (although I don't know:unsure :$) What I'd say was that anyone who wins their STT will retain their place for the next tourney, but if they don't then the best 2 players play the next one. Just my opinion but 3 player changeover out of 10 will give a quicker turnover.

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions 20 teams = 20 players per tournament. So I'd imagine they are 2-table-tournaments. The original rule was made when we were only 6 players or whatever. So I guess getting 3 new players in every game might be fairer now. But either way is fine with me.

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