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PL Exclusive Prague Poker Palooza with Victor Chandler


PL Exclusive Prague Poker Palooza with Victor Chandler  

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Re: PL Exclusive Prague Poker Palooza with Victor Chandler Out in 36th. Must say I haven't enjoyed a game like this for ages. Gaf and Tealc at loggerheads to win the most hands with 27o...it was amazing. Finally all-in against Tealc with my AK suited...unfortunately he had 10 10 and took me out. Great value and great fun to boot. Can't beat that!

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Re: PL Exclusive Prague Poker Palooza with Victor Chandler

But you still called and went "eeeek" like a girl even though the river gave a nut flush board!! :tongue2
:sad I was going to say "I had to call" but just looking back, the pot was smaller than I realised, and I should've got away from it :sad You're still a lucky **** (ok So I overpaid for my inside straight draw post flop,that I hit on the turn :sad) ok ...ok..... I'm a muppet!!!
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