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Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December


Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December  

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    • Yes - I am eligible because I have more than 250 posts
    • Yes - I am eligible because I have more than 500 BPP points
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Me - poor old ColU-No-Mates. :sad
I refer the honorable gentleman to post 56 32red pl tourney for an explanation as to why YOU cannot have the password until 5 minutes before the tourney starts.
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

You've forgotten about me. :cry
I might give this a go so if someone would not mind sending me the password. Bear in mind though I am a complete novice.
PM's on their way. :ok Fraz I'm sorry but you don't meet the entry qualifications this time. There will be others though. :ok
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Woo Hoo, I'm in, I'm not ColU-No-Mates no more. :ok And it doesn't matter what blandishments that Mrs_ColU might use in order to worm the password out of me, I'm not telling, so there. :moon

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Hands up those who have been hounded at the tables for the password.:clap me. Lukeja... something asking me for it on paradise cash table. Giving it a wide berth till its time to play.....

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll

Nice one PL? May I add another $100 with a bounty on my head?
Do we know if you've been allowed to post this bounty? And if so why's it not in Euro's you tight git;) P.S If like last night I knock you out:$ you can whack the old Bounty to a Childrens Charity of your choice.:ok
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Hands up those who have been hounded at the tables for the password.:clap me. Lukeja... something asking me for it on paradise cash table. Giving it a wide berth till its time to play.....
Red - send them to this thread: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59379 .
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Hands up those who have been hounded at the tables for the password.:clap me. Lukeja... something asking me for it on paradise cash table. Giving it a wide berth till its time to play.....
OOoooo me thinks I'm gonna play some cash table then:nana
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Hands up those who have been hounded at the tables for the password.:clap me. Lukeja... something asking me for it on paradise cash table. Giving it a wide berth till its time to play.....
I've had arek177 asking me, i think, but i was playing an STT on virgin at the time!:@
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Guest gazza271

Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December :@:@:@:@:@:@:@ Heavy traffic on way home from work meant I missed registration by minutes :sad:sad:sad:sad Gutted :(:(:( GL all :ok

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