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Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Guest gazza271

Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive  

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Guest gazza271

BOOTY468x60.gif The Tournament <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Over the weekend of 24th/25th November Virgin Poker are running the Virgin Festival of Poker in Birmingham. £105 two day deep stacked main event £5,000 added to prize pot plus loads of Virgin bounties including flights to Vegas. Low buy-in side events with added value After chatting with Virgin we now have at least 1 more seat guaranteed The Tournament This will be a one off MTT with 12 minute blinds When? Monday 12th November at 8pm Buy-In The buy in will be €10 + €1 The prize structure is 1 seat guaranteed and 1 added for every further 15 entrants. As it's exclusive to PL this will be password protected, please vote in the poll above if you wish to be sent the password :ok This tournament is open to all PL members, decisions on any new members wanting to enter will be judged by the poker mod's. As before the seat is transferable as long as it goes to an established PL'er :ok Other than Virgin's own sat's these seats will be probably be the last available for this event.
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

let's go for it - daresay McG Senior would have a mini barney at me if I didn't :rollin
Junior, how DARE you suggest that I am some kind of control freak !!! :spank Oh, and don't forget to phone your Mum :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

The prize structure is 1 seat guaranteed and 1 added for every further 15 entrants.
How many entrants does it have to be before the extra seat for every further 15 kicks in?? The way I'm reading it is 2 seats = 15, 3 seats = 30, 4 seats = 45. Is this correct?? :unsure If it is I'm sure there could be 4 seats going. :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive I'm voting for the password but am by no means certain to play so don't count on me for numbers. I have a few issues with getting there in time for the start of play as me and run will likely be travelling independently due to work commitments.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

I think it would be 1 seat even if less than 15 entrants' date=' and 1 seat for every further 15, so 1 less than you are working on.[/quote'] :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive The tourny is now showing in the lobby :ok I will post the password in the mods section and it will be sent to everyone who voted in the poll on the day of the tourny :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Password has been sent out by either PM or to the email address you registered when joining PL :ok Good luck all :ok

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Managed to win enough on the cash tables qualifying for the Vroll to cover the buy in for this so I will use it for the good of PL and worry about how to get to the venue on time if I win it. :tongue2 I'm in. Good luck all. :ok

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

You've got time to register as a PL member before the tourney starts matey - go on hop to it ! :tongue2
Hmmm...thats a good point. Well made. But if I win a seat then I'll be a "new member" and may lose it again.... :unsure GL gazza, give Hilly a lesson in PL poker..:hope Dan
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