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X Factor 2007

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Re: X Factor 2007 Songs for this week Boys 14-24 Andy - Chasing Cars Leon - Dancing In The Moonlight Rhydian - You Raise Me Up Girls 14-24 Alisha - Put Your Records On Over 25s Beverley - Beautiful Niki - Because of You Groups Hope - Back to Black Same Difference - I Don’t Feel Like Dancing

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Re: X Factor 2007 Cheers BB! My preview will be up soon, hopefully - early thoughts are maybe Hope again at 13's worth a nibble, don't think the song particularly suits them and think if they're in the bottom two again it might be the end of the road.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Odds from Betfair as normal.

Andy (2.92) – Chasing Cars – WAY too short. Heartthrob sings best song from a very popular group amongst the ‘indiepop’ teen girls, and judging from talking about the show in school, a lot of Snow Patrol type fans are watching this. Would be very surprised if he’s in the bottom two.

Alisha (4.2) – Put Your Records On – I think this could be awesome. If she’s as relaxed this week as she was last week, and if we avoid the styling cock-ups of the first coupla performances, it’s a really good song that should suit her. I also think the public like people who start off crap and improve, and as I said last week, she could make the final 6.

Same Difference (6) – I Don’t Feel Like Dancing – I THINK they’ll nail it, but it’s a shit-or-bust choice in some ways. Eton Road screwed it up last year and bombed out, SD could do the same. On the other hand, a good performance and I honestly think they’ll be in a strong position to make the final two.

Leon (7.4) – Dancing In The Moonlight – Awful, awful song. How the hell does this get on to modern classics week?! I think he’s mindblowingly bland, and should falter behind Andy in the votes from teenage girls which the two of them will be aiming for, now FP and Daniel are gone. BIG price to go.

Hope (10) - Back To Black – Hey look, they’ve shortened since I tipped them this morning! Terrible choice, IMO, and think they have a decent chance of going – not convinced the judges will save them twice in a row if they’re in the bottom two. Interesting to see what happens with the outfits, covering up last week didn’t help them IMO – partly because the costumes were AWFUL, partly because it was such a stupidly wannabe-erotic song anyway that it just looked dumb.

Bev (10) – You’re Beautiful – I think this is a crap song choice, one of the most overexposed in recent memory, and that she could be vulnerable to being in the bottom two. I also think the judges will probably save her, so am hesitant to recommend betting on her, but may be worth keeping an eye on her performance and seeing how the odds go.

Niki (22) – Because Of You. Rhyd (40) – You Raise Me Up.

Neither of the above are great choices, but still wouldn’t touch either of them with a bargepole at odds of less than 75 or so.

Recommended bets for 4th eviction.

1 point Hope at 10 1 point Leon at 7.4

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Re: X Factor 2007 I agree with most of what Jaded has said but do think that if Alesha is in the bottom 2 she will go as it will be her 3rd time............I also think her song is a bit bland and won't be as good as last weeks plus I don't think she has many fans. Think she'll be the 4th on so if some bad performances are before her then she could survive.............at just over 3/1 I think she is good value for the chop

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Re: X Factor 2007 I'm unconvinced about Alisha's song being bland. It's certainly not great, but it's got more of an edge than You Raise Me Up, Dancing in the Moonlight and You're Beautiful (okay, damning with faint praise there, but still!) If we say the most likely bottom few are Alisha, Leon, Andy, Hope and maybe SD, if they screw up... Alisha vs Leon - Louis gets rid of Alisha, Simon gets rid of Leon, so goes to lowest votes, could go either way. Alisha vs Andy - Probably the same as above, but perhaps slightly more chance of Louis getting rid of Andy, if anything, after his comments last week, so Alisha should be safer against him. Still feel Andy will stay out of the bottom 2 with that song, though. Alisha vs Hope - I think everyone except Simon is fed up of Hope by now, and they'd go here. Alisha vs SD - Would probably be a shock there as Louis breaks down and confesses he's become a fan of the brother-sister combo, and saves them. That's the main way Alisha struggles, IMO, and would be fairly surprised to see SD in the bottom two. So, I think she's safe. But I could well be horribly wrong, obviously!

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Re: X Factor 2007 Niki - Blah. Actually, I thought it was okay, just not up to her normal standards. Looking over at Digital Spy, a lot of people there HATED it. Thought she came across a lot better in responding to the judges than last week, though. SD - This is superb or car crash, nada in between. Here goes... *crosses fingers, shuts eyes, hopes for divine intervention* Oh ffs... just raised the bar on ridiculous. I think Black Lace suddenly look credible. Having said that, it's AWESOME, so incredibly over the top that they're surely safe? Keep talking btw Louis, you're adding to SD's fans every time you open your mouth. (Which I assume is the point, to be fair.) Andy - Really need this one to be good. Why is he upside down?! Oh, just stupid camera angles. Okay, he might sound better if he WAS upside down. Teen girls with no hearing, can you vote vote VOTE please, because no other bugger will and the judges aren't going to save him here. Given the crap songs inflicted on certain others, I'm amazed he's doing such a dreadful job of this. He does look hot enough to get the teenybopper vote, but it may not be enough. Judges' comments as expected, fairly scathing. Can't blame them, admittedly. Bev - Mindblowingly bland, as expected. Nothing to see here, move along.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Hope - Hey, sexier outfits again. Hey, this is fairly terrible. Not up to Andy's standard of bad, but given the added teen girls voting for Andy, they may be in trouble if it ends up 2-2 with the judges and they're in the bottom 2 with him. Louis comes across as even LESS credible than normal when he says they're as good as any girl group in the charts today. No, Louis, they're about as good as the Spice Girls on a bad day. Simon, if you MUST leer over Phoebe so much, can you stop pointing out her age? That way you might only come across as slightly pervy. (And is it 15 or 16, thought it was 16 but sure he said 15 today.) Leon - Oh bless, he's ill. Is there anyone here who ISN'T shamelessly trying for sympathy votes? He's smiling nicely. As for the song, he may have surpassed Toploader's version. Unfortunately, Toploader's version is SHITE. Leon vs Andy bottom 2? God knows how the judges go there... Simon asking if the audience is deaf is awesome. (Although to be fair, once you've praised Hope's performance today, you probably lose the right to question ANYONE else's hearing.) Alisha - This is the one I'm hoping to be good. Wow, she looks GOOD. Given that a few weeks ago she was practically a Minnie Mouse impersonator, this is a huge step forward. I think she's safe. In fact, she's one of the only 3 I'd probably download an album from now. (I wouldn't BUY it, but I'd at least fire up Napster for her, which is more than I can say about Niki, Bev, Andy, Leon or Hope.) Up to 12 to go as the judges speak. Rhyd - OMG, somewhere, Secret Garden are on their knees thanking him for rescuing this tune from Westlife. Red hot, AWESOME performance, and he gets better every week. Danni, apologies for slagging your song choice, a damn good one in the end. AND he's sensible enough to disagree when Sharon says he's definitely the winner. Thank you Rhyd!! Now 1.68 to lay, but I'm staying on for the moment.

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Re: X Factor 2007 my bet on alesha to go looking really bad........bad week for everyone though apart from rhydian who was the best yet again, Jaded - good time to lay off on Rhyd as the odds will lengthen nearer to final time...............andy was atrocious though, when he was lying down at the start it was the most out of tune I've heard for a long long time, he must go tonight, i don't want to hear him again

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Re: X Factor 2007 Donner, take your point about the odds lengthening nearer final time, but I can't see any way he loses from here! Betfair have got a winner without Rhydian market up, VERY tempted by SD there. Think the final 3 could well be Rhyd, SD (always fun) and Alisha (improving rapidly after the shit start.) Niki isn't coming across particularly well and her voice doesn't seem to be quite as good as everyone thought. Leon and Bev are both far too bland, and Hope are dreadful.

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Song picks for tomorrow Alisha - Young Hearts Run Free Beverley - I’m Every Woman Hope - Gimme Gimme Gimme (A man after midnight) Leon - Relight my Fire Niki - Hot Stuff Rhydian - Go West Same Difference - Feels like I’m in Love I await the Jaded review, but the rumour is that The Rhyd has the backing of a Welsh male voice choir.:loon

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Re: X Factor 2007 Struggling to find any real value here guys. Alisha is now about 3.9 to lay, if I HAD to bet laying her to go would probably be my choice - a good song and she's performed well 2 weeks in a row. I don't have to bet, though, so will be leaving it for now - will be posting thoughts in running if anything major crops up.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Leon - I've just picked myself up off the floor after Leon described himself as 'on the same level as' Rhydian. Leon, you're not in the same STRATOSPHERE as Rhyd is. Okay, bye Leon. First bet of the night, 4 points on him to go at 2.56 on Betfair. This is mindblowingly bad.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Bizarrely positive comments from the judges, topped up with 2 more points on Leon to go at 4.6 on BF. Thought him messing up the words at one part was a big problem, and can't see him getting too many votes - Scotland's game not finishing before he started might not help either.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Niki - Wow, she looks... weird, in a not too bad way (admittedly, I'm not focusing on her face much). As a performance, it's absolutely fine. Not great, but easily good enough to stay in. I still don't see her as a credible winner though (even credible by X-Factor standards!) and think she'll end up 4th. Oh, and if she doesn't stop arguing with Simon, she might not make top 4 - ffs woman, being an arrogant bint isn't likely to win you votes! Rhyd - WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! High camp, high hair, high fcuking talent! Louis, Dannii probably IS acting as if he's won the competition already - but so are the bookies. Probably his worst performance of the series, and still bloody marvellous. Also handles himself much better responding to Simon's criticism than Niki does. Hope - Abba SHOULD be unscrewupable, surely. Charlie gets more super-cute by the day, as well. Odds on Simon mentioning Phoebe's miraculously changing age are about 1-10... Speaking of Phoebe, they seem to have made her lead singer permanently now. Probably a good idea, although there's too many nasty rumours going around about her to make me at all confident about them. Like the outfits today, very Abba-esque, sexy without being too trampy. As a performance, it's just... there. Not great, but fine. 8.2 to win is insane, though.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Beverley - Don't like the song choice too much. Don't like the performance that much either - just blah! Alisha - My sleeper choice for the top 3, but currently hot favourite to crash out. Woot, been waiting for the roller skates. Well, I get the feeling this is love or hate, but I really like it. Well choreographed, the four dancing around her on the skates emphasise the tragic loneliness of the singer. (Yes, alright, I'm getting overanalytical about Young Hearts Run Free here, someone break my typing finger...) SD - Here we go. Oooh... song change from the announced one. Nice change, was thinking it was way too weird to have a brother and sister singing a love song. Love Sarah's skirt - Simon, next time you go for sexy with Hope, think back to this as a great example of NOT looking sleazy. As a performance, so-so. They're still safe. Two from Bev, Leon, or Alisha for bottom three.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Awful week all around though. No one tonight stood out - Rhyd is normally head and shoulders above the rest, with SD the only ones close for entertainment. Starting to agree with the people on Digital Spy saying they need to ditch the theme weeks, barely anything tonight rated above 'blah' for vocals.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Apologies for the lack of a preview again, but looks like an incredibly uninspiring week. Wouldn't be surprised to see SD win over a few people though, might jump on them to win without Rhyd if they perform well - will post thoughts as the live show goes on.

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Re: X Factor 2007 Beverley - Decent performance. Still not sold on her, but she should be safe for the week. First bet of the week, looking at the odds at the moment and assuming Bev's safe after that one, 1 point on Niki to go at 15. She's pushing it with her arrogant responses to Simon, and the Power of Love is a complete dirge.

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Re: X Factor 2007 SD - COME ON! This is gonna be the performance of the year, I can feel it. Blah, backing vox is over the top, but decent enough apart from that. She's gotta be the best looking person they've had on for years, as well. Niki - Enough with the sob stories. Go on, be shit... Hmmm... Okay, confused as hell here. I think it's technically REALLY good - I just don't like it. Over-mannered as hell, as well. And the way her outfits are going, is she going to end up topless in the final?!

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Re: X Factor 2007 Rhyd - Crap song, and he still gives me goosebumps. Now 1.47 to lay as winner, and appears to be completely unstoppable. Could have lived without Danni bursting into tears at the end, but a minor hiccup. Hope - Hey, this is the classiest they've ever looked. Not saying much, to be fair. I don't know the song at all, and will be extremely grateful if I never hear it again. Leon - Ooh, quite good. Bearing in mind how badly I burnt my fingers on him last week, this no doubt means he'll bugger off this week when I quite like him. Current thoughts are Hope are very likely to go but 1.8 or so not tempting enough, so looks like I'm a point down for the week - bugger.

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Re: X Factor 2007 This week’s theme is ‘Best of British’, with all the acts singing two songs. Hope We Will Rock You 2 Become 1 Leon The Long and Winding Road Crazy Little Thing Called Love Niki Fields of Gold Total Eclipse of The Heart Rhydian Somebody To Love I Vow to Thee My Country/World In Union Same Difference Wake Me up Before You Go Go Any Dream Will Do Take it away, Jaded, although the public vote, and the choice of songs, should ensure Hope finally depart.

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