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SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January


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Re: SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January

well done TQM cant believe 72o let a PL' date='er down gg m8 and all PL at final table[/quote'] Yea, sorry about that!! :lol I was one lucky bugga tonight and should have been out at least twice but got rescued my the turn or river! :loon Been playing really bad lately (had a few nasty beats too) and my confidence has taken a bit of a dent so this helps! :ok Well done to everyone in the points/money. :clap TQM
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Re: SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January

my first post here' date=' really enjoyed last night, even though i was gutted to go out in 12th.[/quote'] Hello mate - mmmm posting during work time! :spank Anyway, you've made a good choice joining here - nice people and a mine of information.
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Re: SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January Nice Win TQM :clap :clap :clap :clap I think your HU opponent, Beanie, should have a special mention - was VERY sporting of him not to put the boot in when you were disconnected heads up - not sure I'd have been that sporting :unsure :clap :clap :clap

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Re: SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January

Nice Win TQM :clap :clap :clap :clap I think your HU opponent, Beanie, should have a special mention - was VERY sporting of him not to put the boot in when you were disconnected heads up - not sure I'd have been that sporting :unsure :clap :clap :clap
Cheers GaF :ok PC crashed with 3 of us left all around the same in chips! :wall:wall:wall Got back in after around 5 minutes to find I'm Heads up with Beanie. DanDan then told me he'd been slow playing to give me a chance to re-connect. :clap:clap:clap Top bloke Beanie! If you're reading this, cheers and well done as I think you're now top!!! :clap:clap:clap Well done on your 4th place too Gaf! TQM
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Re: SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January Hi all PL'ers, I just want to warn those of you who are playing the champs league who are non-UK players. I won the champs league in december and found out it was actually only for UK players. However, I spoke with the customer support and will get buy-in and a small amount for travel and accommodation. (Thank you for being gentlemens) :notworthy I don't know if it's different now when the league is being played on paradise poker, but you should look it up so you know if you win something if you place good in the league. So I say goodbye to the league, but hope I'll come back if the league turns international. GL to all of you PLers in the league :ok

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Re: SportingOdds Paradise Poker League - January Hi tornis. Our understanding was that all Sporting Odds players were eligible for the league but Paradise players had to be UK. So thanks for the warning if the prize does not cover the additional expenses for travel from outside the UK. Good luck in your tournament - let us know when you are going. :hope

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