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What would you do?


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9-seater, 2000 starting stack. Kalimar83 tripled up on the first hand when his AA held up against 1010 and 88. He seems to be weak player and i've been taking his blinds with a 3xbb raise, fairly regularly.What would you do here?

$5 - NL - 9 Seats11301174-32Holdem No Limit100/200
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Hand Start.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 1 : Duncyano has $1,080
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 2 : fish pod has $2,840
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has $3,170
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 5 : play36 has $2,000
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 6 : Pennyannie has $3,430
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 7 : Kalimar83 has $5,480
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : play36 is the dealer.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Pennyannie posted small blind.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Kalimar83 posted big blind.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Game [32] started with 6 players.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has Jh Qh
[Aug 26 19:31:54] : Duncyano folded.
[Aug 26 19:31:56] : fish pod folded.
[Aug 26 19:32:02] : jollybhoy7 called 200 and raised 400
[Aug 26 19:32:02] : Stakes: 100/200 Current level: 4 Next level in: 5 min.
[Aug 26 19:32:03] : play36 folded.
[Aug 26 19:32:05] : Pennyannie folded.
[Aug 26 19:32:08] : Kalimar83 called 400
[Aug 26 19:32:09] : Dealing flop.
[Aug 26 19:32:09] : Board cards [3h Ah 7h]
[Aug 26 19:32:15] : Kalimar83 bet 4,880 and is All-in
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Re: What would you do? Do you think this should have been put straight into the "Bad Beat thread"

[Aug 26 19:32:18] : jollybhoy7 called 2,570 and is All-in
[Aug 26 19:32:19] : Showdown!
[Aug 26 19:32:19] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has Jh Qh
[Aug 26 19:32:20] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has Jh Qh
[Aug 26 19:32:20] : Seat 7 : Kalimar83 has Ac 7d
[Aug 26 19:32:22] : Stakes: 100/200 Current level: 4 Next level in: 5 min.
[Aug 26 19:32:26] : Board cards [3h Ah 7h 7c 8d]
[Aug 26 19:32:26] : Seat 7 : Kalimar83 has Ac 7d
[Aug 26 19:32:26] : Kalimar83 has Full House : 7s full of Aces
[Aug 26 19:32:26] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has Jh Qh
[Aug 26 19:32:26] : jollybhoy7 has Flush AQJ73
[Aug 26 19:32:26] : Kalimar83 wins 6,440 with Full House : 7s full of Aces
:sad :puke
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Re: What would you do? fold obviously......:tongue2 oh hang on, he is shoving his two pair/trips/AK hoping you missed - or has decided he has had enough of you stealing and decided to take your pot away from you by bluffing I hope you are not assuming he has the king flush and you are folding? this is an easy call and if he hits the 4th heart to go with his As Kh (et al) then you are unlucky you got the result you wanted somone AI when you have the 2nd best flush Damo

9-seater, 2000 starting stack. Kalimar83 tripled up on the first hand when his AA held up against 1010 and 88. He seems to be weak player and i've been taking his blinds with a 3xbb raise, fairly regularly.What would you do here?
$5 - NL - 9 Seats11301174-32Holdem No Limit100/200
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Hand Start.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 1 : Duncyano has $1,080
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 2 : fish pod has $2,840
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has $3,170
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 5 : play36 has $2,000
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 6 : Pennyannie has $3,430
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 7 : Kalimar83 has $5,480
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : play36 is the dealer.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Pennyannie posted small blind.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Kalimar83 posted big blind.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Game [32] started with 6 players.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Aug 26 19:31:51] : Seat 4 : jollybhoy7 has Jh Qh
[Aug 26 19:31:54] : Duncyano folded.
[Aug 26 19:31:56] : fish pod folded.
[Aug 26 19:32:02] : jollybhoy7 called 200 and raised 400
[Aug 26 19:32:02] : Stakes: 100/200 Current level: 4 Next level in: 5 min.
[Aug 26 19:32:03] : play36 folded.
[Aug 26 19:32:05] : Pennyannie folded.
[Aug 26 19:32:08] : Kalimar83 called 400
[Aug 26 19:32:09] : Dealing flop.
[Aug 26 19:32:09] : Board cards [3h Ah 7h]
[Aug 26 19:32:15] : Kalimar83 bet 4,880 and is All-in
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Re: What would you do?

he only has 6 outs - thats not too many - thats not many yes it is a bad beat Damo
When the money went in, he was 17.5% - that's going to happen 1 time in 6 - so it WILL happen very frequently ....... not really a bad beat - just an overturned favourite.......
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Re: What would you do?

just wondering how....in the bad beat thread SARA had 2 outs and hit against me and i was given a no bad beat verdict! EDITED!
2 outs with one card to come has a 5% chance and will hit one time in 20 - again not that unlikely........
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Re: What would you do? have you been hit on the head? or are you taking "perfectly legal, but them over the counter, happy drugs"? just wondering otherwise then I must assume that having only ONE out with one card to come is the only 'bad beat' you agree with? ;) Damo

2 outs with one card to come has a 5% chance and will hit one time in 20 - again not that unlikely........
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Re: What would you do?

just wondering otherwise then I must assume that having only ONE out with one card to come is the only 'bad beat' you agree with?
Er - 1 out with one card to come isn't that unlikely either - will happen 1 time in 47!!! Wouldn't want to risk my life on it, but hardly an earth shattering shock if it comes in is it!!! When people talk of "Bad Beats", they are implying horrendously unlikely shocks where the cards have really conspired against them!!!! One out with one card to come nowhere near falls into that category for me ..... the amount of poker we all play it would be a shock if we didn't see that happen dozens of times a night....... For me you can only really start talking of bad beats when it is runner runner - not when there is one card to come, cos quite frankly, you are never that far ahead......
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Re: What would you do? LOL I refer you back to my previous post;) villian only one out, hits it and thats not a bad beat :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol is it April 1st today?:tongue2 Damo

Er - 1 out with one card to come isn't that unlikely either - will happen 1 time in 47!!! Wouldn't want to risk my life on it, but hardly an earth shattering shock if it comes in is it!!! When people talk of "Bad Beats", they are implying horrendously unlikely shocks where the cards have really conspired against them!!!! One out with one card to come nowhere near falls into that category for me ..... the amount of poker we all play it would be a shock if we didn't see that happen dozens of times a night....... For me you can only really start talking of bad beats when it is runner runner - not when there is one card to come, cos quite frankly, you are never that far ahead......
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Re: What would you do?

LOL I refer you back to my previous post;) villian only one out, hits it and thats not a bad beat :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol is it April 1st today?:tongue2 Damo
lol - so how would you define a bad beat then?
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Re: What would you do? when your chips are in properly - you raise AI and get called or reriase AI and he STILL calls:eyes and you are miles ahead with the villian having about 6 out or less with a card to come and hits his trips or pairs his Rag Ace on the river to beat you KK pp or something similar, or hits his gutshot straight draw etc you know the improbable cards - like the runner runner flush you mentioned earlier after you have hit trips on the flop Damo

lol - so how would you define a bad beat then?
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Re: What would you do? oh and you have outplayed him at every opportunity, raising/re-raising appropriately, not giving him correct pot odds to call etc if you limp aces on the button, hit trips on the flop and the villain hits a straight on the river to beat you coz you checked the flop & min bet the turn - then you deserve everything you have coming to you so a bad beat must include improabable out draws of cards AND you betting properly to deny the womble the chance to outdraw you (even though he calls and does!) Damo

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Re: What would you do?

having about 6 out or less with a card to come
So you would put the "dividing line" up when you were about an 88% favourite and would win 7 times in 8? (and lose 1 time in 8)..... If everyone posted every bad beat they came across in that category, do you know how many thousands of posts there would be every week (and how boring it would become)? I may one evening do that, just for a 2 hour session or something ..... to illustrate the point..........might be quite interesting (one off)........
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Re: What would you do? and your point? not sure what you are asking here?:unsure (are you testing me? - and I don't have a dividing line as such - but around 6 cards or less seems about right - in which case the player is a womble and deserves to be mentioned so we can all take advantage!) I am not disagreeing that loads of bad beats happen every day - thats why it is worth playing this game as the wombles chase hands and pay you off:ok and to be honest i couldn't give a monkeys about bad beats - they happen! :loon however I don't mind discussinh play if someone has let someone else in to beat them - thats the whole point of posting HH's to discuss and analysis Damo

So you would put the "dividing line" up when you were about an 88% favourite and would win 7 times in 8? (and lose 1 time in 8)..... If everyone posted every bad beat they came across in that category, do you know how many thousands of posts there would be every week (and how boring it would become)? I may one evening do that, just for a 2 hour session or something ..... to illustrate the point..........might be quite interesting (one off)........
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Re: What would you do? I think this was just a sympathy thread wasnt it :lol no bugger in their right mind would fold that :lol If there was any doubt if he has the K flush (and theres 0 reason to think this anyway) then surely it disapears when he goes straight all in off the bat, the nuts doesnt do that here. Ahh the old 'what defines a bad beat' discussion. Personally im quite lenient with the old bad beat classification :lol Basically I personally think its a bad beat if I feel aggrieved to have lost the hand. Where this begins for me is if I get all in with a pair against a lower pair eg AA v KK. Im WELL aware this will be turned over 1 in 5 but lets face it we all think were gona win that one when we get it and I do feel cheated when I lose with it :lol So I think anything 80% and up is a 'bad beat'. Its not a horrendous beat or anything but it is a bit sucky. Whats this with GAF saying a 1 outer isnt a bad beat! fcuk that mate! How often dyou get done by 1 outers? Hardly ever happens

Er - 1 out with one card to come isn't that unlikely either - will happen 1 time in 47!!! Wouldn't want to risk my life on it, but hardly an earth shattering shock if it comes in is it!!! When people talk of "Bad Beats", they are implying horrendously unlikely shocks where the cards have really conspired against them!!!! One out with one card to come nowhere near falls into that category for me ..... the amount of poker we all play it would be a shock if we didn't see that happen dozens of times a night.......
You see dozens of 1 outers every night wtf? I cant remember the last time I was all in and lost to a 1 outer and I play every day
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