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Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Burnley Joe

Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament  

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Spur 1 Morl 0 ul mate. Just did not believe you had the Ace.
if ya gonna post tell the full story!!! i bet, u raised 660, and i go all in 5k.....u call with ace 4...pair of aces, i have 2 pair 8's n 6s......he hits his 4 on the river......
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

if ya gonna post tell the full story!!! i bet, u raised 660, and i go all in 5k.....u call with ace 4...pair of aces, i have 2 pair 8's n 6s......he hits his 4 on the river......
I think anyone would call with a pair of aces HU... if you don't call a hand like that... you shouldn't play HU games...
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

if ya gonna post tell the full story!!! i bet, u raised 660, and i go all in 5k.....u call with ace 4...pair of aces, i have 2 pair 8's n 6s......he hits his 4 on the river......
OK, I had a little more luck than my footie team are having at the mo:$:$ I was right though, you didn't have an Ace, which is why I called. I did think 'Oh smeg' when I saw the 2 pair tho.
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Guest gazza271

Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament Post 1 updated :ok Dont forget folks if you dont see your result updated within a couple of hours then please PM me.................ta

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

on a flop of 6 A 8' date=' you would call a 4400 re-raise all in with a 4 kicker?[/quote'] Because... what are the odds for a better hand against me??? Only 7 cards dealt from the deck... 3 aces out??? Nah.... Maybe you hit a set... but if you had... you wouldnt go all in on me... you have less than that... Maybe 2 pair... but your huge reraise tells me you're trying to scare me off...
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament Pair of aces is a huge hand HU... even with a low kicker!!!!!!!!!! I would call it any day... Maybe that's why I am still in this competition... and you're not... :tongue2 :lol Sorry... couldn't help it :tongue2 ... BUT... would still call it any day!!!!

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Because... what are the odds for a better hand against me??? Only 7 cards dealt from the deck... 3 aces out??? Nah.... Maybe you hit a set... but if you had... you wouldnt go all in on me... you have less than that... Maybe 2 pair... but your huge reraise tells me you're trying to scare me off...
My God. I read the hand the same as Pene!!!:eek:eek:nana:nana:nana Maybe I am getting better at this game!! (even if in this case a lucky river bailed me out)
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament just wondering what the time frame is to get this tourny finished? are Betfred going to leave it open indefinite? I thought from an early post that we need to finish sooner rather than later? just wondering, as its been a week and a half and some 1st round games haven't been played yet? cheers Damo

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament now this is a different kettle of fish given the blind structure bet/min raise/ reraise 5 times/shove dunno, very tricky now - I would believe my Ace was good as you hadn't raised PF, but have I let you in with a crap min raise PF and you hit 2 pair? I might just fold - very tricky - depends if I think I am the better player and know I will beat you in the long run, if so fold - if I think I am a weaker player then call and hope you are on a flush draw or have slowplayed KK PF :) Nice one Morls, much better explained when we see the HH Damo

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

just wondering what the time frame is to get this tourny finished? are Betfred going to leave it open indefinite? I thought from an early post that we need to finish sooner rather than later? just wondering, as its been a week and a half and some 1st round games haven't been played yet? cheers Damo
Gazza is on top of the first round games that haven't been played yet. No strict time limits from Betfred - they're being good to us and have left it open "indefinitely" - we don't want to abuse that though and Gazza is trying to keep the pace of the tourney moving for us :ok Generally he is allowing a week from a game being decided to it being completed - beyond that he is looking at the reasons games aren't being played and looking to award Bye's :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament IMPORTANT Folks the tournament is pretty much moving on at a decent pace so thanks to all for that :ok However.............:\ There are still 3 first round matches that have yet to be played:( Betfred have not given us any specific deadline for the tables but we want to keep the tournament moving and not take the mickey with regard to the time span that we need the tables kept for us. Below I will list the 3 1st round games that are outstanding and a proposed course of action should no contact me made or post's entered on here............ Lesjohnston V Fenners A PM was sent to both players on 26th asking if there were any problems and also stating we were looking at a 30th deadline for 1st round games. No reply from fenners at time of posting, Les has replied tonight stating unfortunately fenners had to pull out of the first game and has not been in contact since. Should no contact be made by 10pm tonight (30th) then a bye to round 2 will be awarded to Lesjohnston. Jolly67 V McGin This match was originally played and resulted in a win for Jolly67 BUT it was posted on here regarding a re-match due to connection problems suffered by McGin, This was agreed by both players. A PM was sent on 24th explaining deadline and no contact from either since. Guys can one of you make contact with me by 10pm tonight or the original result will have to stand. Valiant23 V chelskired Mr V has informed me that he PM'd chelski at an early date to try and arrange the match but has not had any reply. I also PM'd chelski on 26th explaining the deadline for 30th but of yet no reply. It also appears that chelski has not been on PL for some time now, hope everything is ok mate and no major problems but it also brings us back to the deadline problem :\ Should Mr V or myself not receive any communication by 10pm tonight then a bye to round 2 will be awarded to Valiant. One point I do want to make is that I realise not everyone is on PL 24/7 :unsure BUT Betfred have once again supported us with this tournament and we do not want to let it go on for ages. For me personally having to type this post has been very difficult, I do not want to pi** people off but also feel we have an obligation to Betfred and people already through to the next round. To the boss PR and the poker forum mods i take my hat off to you on your organisational skills, For you to do this sort of thing on a regular basis is an outstanding feat and one I had not fully appreciated until now :notworthy :notworthy To the folks mentioned in this post please make contact before 10pm tonight and should that not be possible I hope you understand the course of action regarding byes :hope Anyone with issues regading this post please feel free to PM me or post on here :ok gazza :cheers

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Guest gazza271

Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

me and les on for tonight sorry for the delay were supposed to play a few nights ago but had a glitch
cheers mate :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament Gazza, Didn't receive that PM on 24th so guess thats why you got no update from me :) We're planning on playing tonight @ 7.30. Sorry for the delay, but me n Jolly appear to be online at conflicting times so been difficult to get a spot.

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Re: Punters Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Do I have to book the table on Betfred or anything or just log into Betfred? Where do I find the tables? Sorry for all the questions. I already have the PW needed, but just want to make sure I'm in the right place. Many thanks chaps,
Just log in, Go to Tournaments, then Heads Up and you'll see it in Red. :ok
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