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August Champions League - Sporting Odds


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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

is it possible to add a column of profit/loss' date=' like GAf does in the PL MTT tables ?[/quote'] Possible, but would create alot of extra work :( . At the mo I only look at the top 20 players each game, and take no notice of the rest, ie. whether someone played but didn't score or simply did not play. I would need to check off everyone each time to keep track of money+/-. Nice idea tho.
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Definitely a good idea Avon! :ok Well, another great months entertainment (for some). I'm really pleased we've got another PL winner. Its a shame that it didn't quite work out for teaulc or Robbie, but I'm sure their chance will come. As regards ed, 5 final tables and 2 wins in this alone is fantastic achievement, and I'm looking forward to watching him live in Walsall. ;) I'm sure a couple of other local PLers may pop along too.... :ok I just hope DP returns from his hols in time. :D Congratulations ed! :clap :clap :clap

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Well first of all. Thanks Avon for taking care of the scoring and the table updates:clap :clap :clap :clap And my dear friend Mr Wilks:lol :lol Congrat's Ed(are the Midlands ready for the Darvel invasion).:lol As regards that pee poor bet, ed ,from the dealer button:lol the walloping all-in(with my AQs against your KJ,good fold fella:ok ) did help you in the long run(where else would you have had the chance to come up with Quad Kings later) and got the extra places you needed.And my slow play to get down to one table as the blinds were flying around.(hehe was for my benefit as well) Still there was no way I was soft playing anything because there was still a chance of more cash if I finished high enough, as proved by my dispatch of Teaul's with the 10 Js which took out his AKs(still feel :$ with that one) And another cheer must go out to Jaded cos this aggressive lark is rubbing off(especially calling an all in with 47s and hitting a 4):lol I was still flying and then ran into the dreaded Aces(in my hand this time) Up Against QQ and AQ. And for 2 hands dominating the AQ it came through for DPbee with a straight by the turn.:lol :lol I'd been waiting to get him as well. Still i'd had so much fun by that stage it didn't bother me in the slightest. Well done to all PLer's for making the cash and all who played. And for all the fun banter that went on:ok

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds And wohoo got me $25 dollars in their now. Nice going Sporting Odds. Better register for the next Tikay's so I don't waste it. And it looks like the midland masters again for the Champs League. Only 12 rounds though showing though.

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds SportingOdds Champions League Uncle_Ed came through at the last to win the closest Champions League yet in August and will now be playing at the Midlands Masters in November. Can you join him there by winning big in October? Best of luck to all. Go to the Multi Tourney Section in the SportingOdds Poker room to register for the next round. Prizes 1st - A £1500 seat at the Midland Masters in November plus travel and accomodation. 2nd - $400 3rd - $300 4th - $200 5th - $100 6th-10th - $50 11th-20th - $25 Champions League Table Champions League Top 20 August League Table - Final Table

PositionNicknamePointsCounted Scores
1stuncle_ed 312 5
2nddjuju1 309 5
3rdDPbee 302 5
4th68allin 296 5
5throbbie1960 289 5
6thdiliger21 270 5
7thteaulc 268 5
9thpaul2511 261 5
10thdexter 258 5
11thhobbo thre 254 5
12thSharpe1ne 250 5
13ththe mole 238 5
14thmike saban 236 5
15thloopylou5 226 5
16threaper132 222 5
17thPenelopeys 217 5
18tholeola1311 215 5
19thDai 213 5
20thspannerj 210 5
Fame at last eh:lol
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

Oi, that's my job. You beat me to it. :lol Thank goodness it agrees with my version.:dude Will start up a Sept thread now. :ok
Great job Avon, forgot to thank you what with all the commotion ;) :clap :clap :clap :clap :ok :cheers
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

Well done Ed :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap ........................ i wasn't playing the champions league last month so didn't know you had won it as i haven't been paying any attention to it :$ :$ :$ Nice One :ok
Cheers :ok Tough month, glad it's over ;) :cheers
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