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UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September


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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September

Hi Does anyone know re; 2nd & 3rd september are optional or do you have to be present on the first day and the second for qualifiers or can you be present on each day? .......i don't know if i understand how i've written it...if anyone understands the question and knows the answer i would be grateful. Regards Carrie aka Jammie
tourney starts on the 2nd of september at 1600, you can register on the day at stanley starcity in birmingham on the day ,registration closes at 1530 on 02/09/06, you can also register from any stanleys casino in the country (i couldnt tell you where these casino's are located), or i believe you can register direct through littlewoodpoker.com
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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September

I will be in the Ladies UK Open this weekend... and Paul will be wearing his skirt... Watching :lol Anyway... flights are booked... hope to see some fellow PL's there :ok
hope to see you there then , me, mike, donna and paul will be there, apparently there will be some side games on for the men if they get bored
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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September

Good luck Lou' date=' Donna and Pene. :hope[/quote'] thanks for the support , will be texting sherry (another pl'er) so she can update the thread (hopefully the updates wont end at 1610:hope ) im really looking forward to the experience and playing a serious live game (my usual live games consist of very many beers and a bit of banter and a laugh) anything more than that is a bonus
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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September I'm really not looking forward to my experience as a rail bird,......... I hate watching, however will take a picture or two, hoping to get involved in a couple of sidegame SNG's, hopefully bump into a Mr P Ross to buy him a a beer or two and then join Lou for the photo's as she collects the winners cheque on Sunday,.....anything else will be a disappointment :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 Seriously thou, good luck Lou, Donna and Pene :hope I really hope we have some good congratulation type threads for the guys to read on Monday - all the best ladies. mike

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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September ok guys just a quick update 10,000 starting chips. Penelope as about 7,000 Donna as about 4,000 lou as about 10,000 mike says rumour as it there gonna play down to last 20 tonite or finish about 3.30 am. Mike saban Paul ross Paul cameron r having fun on mtt Paul ross just got down to last 4 in 1 and still going,mike says hes visited the bar loads :beer ps let u know more as soon as i hear anything :poker

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Re: UK Ladies championship at star city 2nd/3rd September Yeah, I was quite unlucky... when I actually had a good hand... I got rivered... 3 times :wall :wall ... in fairly big pots... When I was low I went all in with 88... Donna (lou's friend) was low too, and she called me with... 99 ... :cry Was very short now... and won my way back to 2500... and chipleader at our table (think she was really a man :unsure a lot of these ladies looked like blokes:unsure ) raised me in my BB...and I went all in... I had 77... she had A9... Flop: JJK turn: K :puke :puke :puke River: Not another 7 :cry What a horrible way to go :sad But hey... always next time... and hopefully some :moon :moon to kick in a few side games today :nana Our plane is tomorrow... so might aswell play some more poker :ok

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