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Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August


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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August plus maybe a pound for the 72os sweepstake:eek it was very funny last time, kotp managed to bluff us all out from 1st position to act on the very first hand to win the £20 ,mind you he was a tad tricky to read as he could barely stand up:lol

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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August hi, please put me down as a definite,it will be good to see paul ross going all in first hand and wandering around aimlessly for an hour again :rollin . just waiting for confirmation for the burlington hotel,if not the back seat of the car will be comfy enough... do we need membership for the casino?

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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August Just a few details: 1) You don't have to be a member of the casino, you can be signed in by a member on the night. However the UK law is now such that you can join on the night and play straight away so you might aswell join up on the night anyway. 2) If you're not already a member you will need ID, regardless of whether you want to join up or just be signed in you will need either a passport or drivers licence. If you want you can also join online through the stanleycasino website. 3) If you can't get in the Burlington there are numerous alternative hotels VERY close by. I'd recommend the IBIS on Ladywell walk. Likely to be about £45 for a double room. It's basic but very clean and the rooms are ok. 4) Buy in is likely to be £10 and there will be a few games on the night so plenty of playing time for everyone 5) I really wish I was going:sad I'll update the list of entrants tonight:ok

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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August

thanks sam...if it is going to be anything like newcastle it will be a good`un' date=',,looking forward to meeting some new faces[/quote'] Great Mr V and I look forward to meeting you and all the others that we talk to regularly at the tables :ok
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August

not at all' date='but i hope i will get some nice midland hospitality for a southerner :dude :dude[/quote'] I'm sure you will. Just watch your dinner when Big Andy's around;) You're more or less right in the city. When meeting places/times have been decided I'll PM you some directions:ok
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August

100/1 again Danny? :rollin
Yeah count me in providing I get that price and am allowed to stake more than a quid this time!!
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August excellent thanks Sam re parking - anyone know of anything else round there, don't fancy getting locke in when I am crushing the rest of you on the final table..... ;) On street parking? Damo

smart casual mate - and there is an ncp across the road that was used last time- but this closed at mid-night. :eyes here's the casino: http://www.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&hs=TND&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=circus+casino&near=Birmingham&sa=X&oi=local&ct=title
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August

excellent thanks Sam re parking - anyone know of anything else round there, don't fancy getting locke in when I am crushing the rest of you on the final table..... ;) On street parking? Damo
There is a shopping centre with a huge parking lot right next door. Ubermonkey picked me up in the airport the last time, Bless him, and parked over night in that centre :ok PM him for details. Pene
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August cheers girlie Damo [ quote=Penelopeys]There is a shopping centre with a huge parking lot right next door. Ubermonkey picked me up in the airport the last time, Bless him, and parked over night in that centre :ok PM him for details. Pene

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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August hey damo id guess we'll probly all meet in the burlington as so many of us are staying there,so you may be better off parking at the station which is right next to it, there were 4 or 5 parking lots nearby. i think a few of the places nearby had 24 hour parking and weren't very expensive , and its only about 10 mins from the casino:ok

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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August thanks for the advice BTW is there a schedule for this? what time we are starting etc Damo

hey damo id guess we'll probly all meet in the burlington as so many of us are staying there,so you may be better off parking at the station which is right next to it, there were 4 or 5 parking lots nearby. i think a few of the places nearby had 24 hour parking and weren't very expensive , and its only about 10 mins from the casino:ok
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August

Just to confirm now for sure' date=' i wont be coming along to this one unfortunately, hope you all have a great time as usual and see ya soon no doubt[/quote'] How much fun are you??? :spank :spank :zzz :moon
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Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August

How much fun are you??? :spank :spank :zzz :moon
You know how much fun i am!!!:unsure however Im just a lowly paid NHS worker who needs to be saving money from now on! I have Vegas in november and as yet i have no hotel, no spending money and no transfers to london......:( I wish i could go to every single event as it just gets better and better, but i gotta get my priorities in order or else i wont make the most of Vegas and my birthday!:nana Im sure the gang will provide enough entertainment as usual, and you wont even notice im not there after the 1st drink!:cheers
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