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poker.co.uk MTT League Series II


poker.co.uk MTT League Series II  

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II Out 11th so doesn't improve my total. Cards had dried up ages ago and sat in front of Hyperman on big stack didn't dare try to steal. :( Will take decimal places to split me and Morls but with Milou going well have dropped out of top 6 anyway. Well played all on FT and good luck those defending places!

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

If its any consolation Morls I´m out now:tongue2
good!!!!!! lol only jokin, no probs mate....when u bet originally...i said to myself....ill lose this and as fate had it i did! only Mr V left who can catch me in the BPP league and always 1 more game to go!
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Well played all on FT and good luck those defending places!
Er....actually just realised that this worksheet doesn't go to decimal places - I fixed one of the others to when we had a tie in the money, but not this one ....... will try and sort it (but not tonight)
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Er....actually just realised that this worksheet doesn't go to decimal places - I fixed one of the others to when we had a tie in the money' date=' but not this one ....... will try and sort it (but not tonight)[/quote'] Nah, just count all scores in the event of a tie with the best 3. ;)
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Well played all :clap :clap :clap I was begining to enjoy that until BM started to mess around with the software :@
It is getting to be a pain in the backside. I don't think I'll play this anymore, I've given up on the Wednesday MTT because there's too many idiots playing their lifes freeroll winnings but Boss is getting so bad I don't thing I've played an MTT for about 3 weeks where there hasn't been problems. As soon as the blinds stopped being issued last night I lost the heart to continue, especially after the ballsup on Sunday night. The past few champs league games have been the same, I get in the top 3 with a decent stack- get kicked out and by the time I'm back i'm down to 10th-( 25 minutes it took to get back on last week) it seems like you have to try and win every tourney twice. I'll think twice about champs lge next month too, the added value at the end is not worth the complete frustration of the software forever cocking up. It's a shame really as the skin is possibly one of the best there is.
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

It is getting to be a pain in the backside. I don't think I'll play this anymore, I've given up on the Wednesday MTT because there's too many idiots playing their lifes freeroll winnings but Boss is getting so bad I don't thing I've played an MTT for about 3 weeks where there hasn't been problems. As soon as the blinds stopped being issued last night I lost the heart to continue, especially after the ballsup on Sunday night. The past few champs league games have been the same, I get in the top 3 with a decent stack- get kicked out and by the time I'm back i'm down to 10th-( 25 minutes it took to get back on last week) it seems like you have to try and win every tourney twice. I'll think twice about champs lge next month too, the added value at the end is not worth the complete frustration of the software forever cocking up. It's a shame really as the skin is possibly one of the best there is.
I think they should sort it. It sat me out that many times I thought I was watching. It folded me, KK QQ and 22 with a 2 on the flop :@ :@ :@
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

now if i could just win a bloody STT.....
I know how you feel mate - I am terrible with them, after i won on champions league i had enough $$ss to have a play. Andy coached me on my first 2 where I won one and lost one, can't remember if i finished in the money.:cow When left to my own devices I lost 4 on the trot not even making the bubble and gave up,:sad:sad:sad I made the $20 lost back up on 5 card draw (love that game). :nana I'll have to sit and patiently try again.:hope :hope:hope:hope for you to be successful at them - I intend to give it a bloody good try. :ok
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II I will be keeping trying, even if its a case of dropping down a level or two (for bankrolls considerations) - have found since following the advice given to me on the thread that I am more patient, but unless there are a few maniacs about early that the point at which i need to push comes when there are still quite a few in, and i end up being outdrawn (although after last night can't complain about that!!)

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II Just entered tonight's game and I see King Volca is playing. Has he joined PL and I've missed it ? - if you have KV I guess I apologise for saying you were usually the luckiest player when getting knocked out of the Champions League on SO last night * Mind you a bigger surprise than seeing your name on the list is that you are not hungarian ! :lol * viggosen - this has reminded me that I didn't explain my comment last night on SO when I typed "apart from vigg" in the chat box - it came after my comment about KV being the luckiest player in the CL ...... (and was said cos you had just reraised me !). It was a joke, although I realised after you wouldn't have known it and I wasn't quick enough to type an explanation :eyes

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II Final table updated :ok Will drop Matt an email with the prizes: Tax Monkey $225 and Trophy Avatar kevshat2 $125 and BPP Daft Pegasus $75 2damnhype $40 ubermonkey $25 the_cloud1 $10 Jaded Wooden Spoon Avatar :lol :lol

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Final table updated :ok Will drop Matt an email with the prizes: Tax Monkey $225 and Trophy Avatar kevshat2 $125 and BPP Daft Pegasus $75 2damnhype $40 ubermonkey $25 the_cloud1 $10 Jaded Wooden Spoon Avatar :lol :lol
Gaf Surely 2damn and I both scored 282 and therefore should share 3rd & 4th prizes equally?
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Surely 2damn and I both scored 282 and therefore should share 3rd & 4th prizes equally?
Sorry Mate - well spotted - I'm not having a good night with scores!!!! Was aware this problem could potentially arise, but forgot to check for it ...... just checking decimal places now .......
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II Mate - I'm afraid 2damnhype beats you with decimal places :$

PL UsernameBest4-1Best4-2Best4-3Best4-4Best4-5Avg
32damnhype 50.93059151.851481.95439284.74
4daftpegasus47.71213 114.6128 121.7484284.07
Thanks for your honestly and sorry for my **** up!!!
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