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Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!


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Hi everybody :D Lillelars and I just arrived at the hotel at Picadilly...safe and sound :clap See you all tomorrow...:nana :nana :nana Terrible keyboard...a pain to type:unsure
Welcome back to England Pene...You've been away tooooooooooo long :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Hi everybody :D Lillelars and I just arrived at the hotel at Picadilly...safe and sound :clap See you all tomorrow...:nana :nana :nana Terrible keyboard...a pain to type:unsure
The keyboards in English Pene, thats probabaly why your having trouble.....
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** BTW: Lillelars brought laptop and speakers = music... We also brought a special Danish Drink for all of you .... a very harsh one ;) ... so... if we need a place to party... Ibis: Pene and Lars' Room :nana :nana :nana :cheers :cheers Gal... I missed you too ;)

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Guest gazza271

Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Bedtime for me, looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow. Good news is that me better half is coming so i can really abuse that free bar :beer :beer :beer

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** :( sorry ppl.flights are just an absolute joke at this late stage...but on a brighter note i have booked my copenhagen flights...:nana .Thanx for your,e help paul :ok world cup piss up @ kotp,s in june..pennys in august and i,m pretty sure we could squeeze another PL outing in somewhere...:loon Best of luck ppl for tonights game... ps..Keep kotp away from any plants...:rollin

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Guest gazza271


Where is everyone meeting up then?:loon
Pub opposite the venue mate, weatherspoons called "The Ledger Buildings" I will be there for about 4 :cheers :cheers :ok
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

The map of the pub is betfair7ll.jpg As far as I can tell the City Bunker is just opposite, so that'll be great. Perhaps if one of the 'London mob' knows they'll be there first, can they share a mobile number (by PM) with the rest of us just for when my driving gets us in Brighton or somewhere. No pressure mind, I'll be happy to share mine with those who don't have it. :)
Nice one. :ok
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Just got a web cam shot of Milous directions and of the map... Hopefully we will be able to find the pub... will be at the hotel shortly though... ... maybe we will meet some of you there before we go to the pub :clap

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Ok, hoping to get to Wetherspoons some time after 5. I'll leave it to 6ooner & Milou to introduce me but if they're not there by then, you might see me sitting in a corner with 2 huge suitcases with Air Slovakia stickers all over them so feel free to come over and say hi. :loon

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Ok' date=' hoping to get to Wetherspoons some time after 5. I'll leave it to 6ooner & Milou to introduce me but if they're not there by then, you might see me sitting in a corner with 2 huge suitcases with Air Slovakia stickers all over them so feel free to come over and say hi. :loon[/quote'] Mind if I give that a miss?:lol
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** I saw the guys (& gals) at the boozer before they went in. All looked well & nice to see them again albeit only for 1/2 hr! Frisky arrived & they promptly left the pub - Paul R must be learning!!!;) Met some new faces tonight briefly, plus some old ones:ok

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Wow, what can I say. A great game of poker. Still sobering up. I'm at the airport with a throbbing head. I went out 40 somethingth, my JJ never held up against QQ but it didn't matter. I still owe some of you a pint (or 10). MY final STT was broke up with 5 people left on it. That meant I got £40 back so my net loss for the night was £0 minus my cost for flights. Its a pity I never found the hotel you went back too (maybe its just as well) but in true Ovalman fashion, I walked back to Liverpool Street. This means I've walked a total of 1200 miles for the trip. Is this a record?

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Well, before I go back to bed again, I few points re last night. Negatives.... Traffic on Tower Bridge Road meant I didn't get to join most of you in the Wetherspoons before the game. Driving (more fool me) meant that apart from a couple of bottles of London Pride, I had to survive on Coffees all night. Driving,tiredness and the knowledge that I couldn't drown my sorrows meant I had to pass on the post-event piss-up. Lasted too long in the game that I missed out on the grub... it looked good... and didn't get a chance to use the golf facilities. Totally gutted that after a comeback Lazarus would have been proud of having been short stacked so early in the game with still 45 left, I then made the final table only to bubble. Positives.... Most importantly of all, I got a chance to meet a lot of you and that alone out does the negatives. A great nights Poker.... (make's a note to try harder in future to actually qualify for more of these live finals). Only 2 bottles of Pride but they did taste good. Not having the embarrassment of saying I went out early but instead will get all the commisserations and free drinks tonight (at least I hope so cos i'm not driving to the London game tonight)!!!!!! A good final table representation of PL'ers (although we blew it as regards the big one). Probably get some of the names wrong or miss someone out (excuse me as it's the first time I've met most of you) but :clap Pene, Andy, Rich?, Gal who cashed. Almost my last point... If I thought I deserved the Lazarus award early doors, I think I was passed by 2 others. Rich? (I just know I'm so wrong with that name) would be close, for joining the final table in BB with not enough chips to even cover the BB. Pene makes it a heads-up with a preflop raise and turns over 99 to challenge the mighty 10 3 off. No 9s or 10s appear on the board but 4 spades do and the 10s means Rich doubles up. Another immediate double up leads to Rich getting into the dosh. But winner of the L award would have to go to Gal. A short stacked All-in BLIND 3 times from about the 18 player stage, survives them all, and also eventually cashes. Final point. Pene.... Didn't quite pull it off (ooh doctor) but 3 left in, Andy goes all in, folds to Pene who after a few minutes deliberation exclaims she'll be a PL legend if this comes off, calls and throws over the mighty 72 off. Andy flips JJ and the stage is set. Flop no help but a 2 on turn just gives that teasing hope that the play of the century might come off. Alas, river lets her down and we haven't got the story to talk about for years to come. You got balls though girl :eek

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** I was great to see you lot for the first time. Lots of nice and friendly people! Great evening indeed! :ok As for poker, since I lack live game experience, I managed to get bullied a few times, got short stacked eventually, went all in with my ATs, Lars called with A9o and managed to get FH , Qs full of 9s. well done mate. Well played, everyone, especially those at the final table. :clap

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** well, what a night.:nana I was given a substitute spot at late notice and ended up finishing 2nd for a very nice £1500.:dude I`ll elaborate a bit more later but i`ve not long got back in the house and haven`t slept for what seems like ages. It was great to see some new and familiar PL faces. more laters :loon

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well, what a night.:nana I was given a substitute spot at late notice and ended up finishing 2nd for a very nice £1500.:dude I`ll elaborate a bit more later but i`ve not long got back in the house and haven`t slept for what seems like ages. It was great to see some new and familiar PL faces. more laters :loon
Fantastic goin:clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Hi everyone... Still in London, having a look around town with Lillelars before going out tonight with the Boss-man, Dave, Kevshat, Happy hammer...and who else?? Anyway... had my best live tourney ever last night... Was small stacked all the way (as usual :unsure ) but managed to finish 3rd... for 800 pounds ...which was a pity considering I had the chiplead for a while when 3 left... but still... I was soooo lucky to survive all those times I went all in... which were ALOT :dude Well....as for calling Andy's all in with 7 2 off... I was on my BB... chipleader... and to make the call was an additional BB... so I felt I had pot odds... :unsure ...anyway... it was fun though :rollin :rollin :rollin The most crazy survival hand for me was: 7 players left... I think... I am in my BB... have 33... and a guy is all in with the exact same amount as me... ifI don't call I am down to 2 x BB... so I decide to call...:loon He turns over 77...Gutted ....:wall :wall :wall FLOP: JJ3.... and the PL crowd audience goes absolutely wild... :clap :clap :clap :clap I am up from my chair... the other guy gets a 4 card flush on the river and the speaker announces that Pene is out.... But she is NOT.... FULL HOUSE MISTER :spank :spank :spank He he... I played aggressively to get 1st... I could probably have waited for Big Andy to blind out though he was smallest stack... but hey... I play to win ;) Thank you all for a wonderful evening... and the greatest experience ever to have 20+ PL's cheering you on at the final table :clap :clap :clap Love you guys... XXXX Pene

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Hi everyone... Still in London, having a look around town with Lillelars before going out tonight with the Boss-man, Dave, Kevshat, Happy hammer...and who else?? Anyway... had my best live tourney ever last night... Was small stacked all the way (as usual :unsure ) but managed to finish 3rd... for 800 pounds ...which was a pity considering I had the chiplead for a while when 3 left... but still... I was soooo lucky to survive all those times I went all in... which were ALOT :dude Well....as for calling Andy's all in with 7 2 off... I was on my BB... chipleader... and to make the call was an additional BB... so I felt I had pot odds... :unsure ...anyway... it was fun though :rollin :rollin :rollin The most crazy survival hand for me was: 7 players left... I think... I am in my BB... have 33... and a guy is all in with the exact same amount as me... ifI don't call I am down to 2 x BB... so I decide to call...:loon He turns over 77...Gutted ....:wall :wall :wall FLOP: JJ3.... and the PL crowd audience goes absolutely wild... :clap :clap :clap :clap I am up from my chair... the other guy gets a 4 card flush on the river and the speaker announces that Pene is out.... But she is NOT.... FULL HOUSE MISTER :spank :spank :spank He he... I played aggressively to get 1st... I could probably have waited for Big Andy to blind out though he was smallest stack... but hey... I play to win ;) Thank you all for a wonderful evening... and the greatest experience ever to have 20+ PL's cheering you on at the final table :clap :clap :clap Love you guys... XXXX Pene
:notworthy Well done Pen:dude copenhagen draws nearer by the day...:loon
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well, what a night.:nana I was given a substitute spot at late notice and ended up finishing 2nd for a very nice £1500.:dude I`ll elaborate a bit more later but i`ve not long got back in the house and haven`t slept for what seems like ages. It was great to see some new and familiar PL faces. more laters :loon
:ok superb stuff ,, big man you were missed at york....
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