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Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!


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I know there a quite a few of us playing in this; Chess DaMatrix Gaf?* Heniek Doob* - ColU Mr.I* - 6ooner Frisky Washman Deathmask (KC Royal) Galronix Valiant23 Jamiebhoy* Ovalman Slick Mick* - Paul Ross Jomell* - Gazza271 Pokerrich (Betfair name?) PremierBlade Those with an asterisk are sending a sub. I know all of them, but it's not my place to say in the thread, so I'll leave it to the parties involved. First of all, have I missed anyone? If so, please put your PL/Betfair name below. Secondly, this is the itinerary;

6.30pm: Arrival of players, Canapés served and bar open

6.50pm: Welcome by Ben Fried, Head of >Betfair Poker and Martin Muncaster, Head of Commercial at City A.M

7.00pm: Tournament Director to explain rules and structure, play commences.

9.00pm: Break.

9.15pm: Play commences.

11.15pm: Final presentation by >Betfair and City A.M

Speaking for myself and my car-full, I'm hoping to touchdown around 4pm-ish. Does anyone fancy meeting up beforehand and 'meeting and greeting' BEFORE going to the tourney? I know I'd like to relax a little before playing, so if people are up for it perhaps the locals (Milou?, Gazza?, Galronix?) could suggest a meeting point?
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Guest gazza271

Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May Yeah right up for meeting before hand,there's a nice Weatherspoons 30 seconds walk from the venue called The Ledger Building.

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

Yeah right up for meeting before hand' date='there's a nice Weatherspoons 30 seconds walk from the venue called The Ledger Building.[/quote'] I'll be up for that if I can get there early enough..... arriving into Gatwick about 2.15 so should be onthe way to Victoria by about 3.30. Assuming I get a clear run - then i should be at Canary Wharf area about 5 at the latest. I could do with a pint or two as I'll be swiftly away directly after the event to catch a plane back to Ireland See you guys there...... :ok :ok
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May The map of the pub is betfair7ll.jpg As far as I can tell the City Bunker is just opposite, so that'll be great. Perhaps if one of the 'London mob' knows they'll be there first, can they share a mobile number (by PM) with the rest of us just for when my driving gets us in Brighton or somewhere. No pressure mind, I'll be happy to share mine with those who don't have it. :)

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May I'm in about 10.30am but I'm going to do a little sight seeing around the Cutty Sark, Greenwich Observatory etc. to try something different. Weatherspoons sounds good to me, I'm sure I'll see you guys at some stage. Frisky, I'm going to get the bus into and out of London, leaving from Liverpool st. bus station (I didn't realise Liverpool St was closer to Stansted and the Citybunker than Victoria). I'm not as rushed as you going home and I have until 5.00am to catch my bus. Are you still up for sharing a taxi? (we can always pre arrange a price with the driver) And if so, what do you reckon is the latest we can stay in the City Bunker?

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

Unfortunately I cannot go to this now :( What is this about a sub, I have e-mailed Kate Wright telling her I cannot make it but I wasn't aware I could nominate a sub!
If you email Kate with details of a sub who you would like to play for you it is no problem and there are plenty of volunteers here.
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May Due to Doob's generosity I'll be playing as his sub. Mrs ColU will be coming as my guest. We'll see you in the Weatherspoons. I've booked a room at the Ibis. The cost is £76.95 for the room and unlike some other Docklands hotels there is no charge to park your car. Anyone else staying there? Once again, as in Dublin, you will have no trouble recognising me.:rollin

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May Mr V, I'm Mr I's sub. (600ner on Betfair) As I'm back over that weekend and I'm not really doing anything I'll PM my UK mobile to provide travel help/link up info. Unfortunately having just got back from Paris and a night of some of the bizzarrest poker I'v' ever played - more infor to follow, Milou is completely zonked and having 60 winks, and as she knows it and I don't I need her to wake up so it'l be later today or sometime tomorrow that I do it.

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

Frisky, I'm going to get the bus into and out of London, leaving from Liverpool st. bus station (I didn't realise Liverpool St was closer to Stansted and the Citybunker than Victoria). I'm not as rushed as you going home and I have until 5.00am to catch my bus. Are you still up for sharing a taxi? (we can always pre arrange a price with the driver) And if so, what do you reckon is the latest we can stay in the City Bunker?
If you are going to Liverpool St then we will effectively be going to 2 different parts of the City Centre so the wise option is probably to get 2 seperate taxis (it will probably cost a lot less tbh) I genuninely cannot say what the latest time to stay will be but chances are that I wont last in play very long anyway :lol :lol :lol I'll most likely be home for 8pm :rollin :rollin
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May For those of you arriving by public transport, check out http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk/user/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?language=en You will need to get to either West India Quay station on the DLR (Docklands Light Railway) or Canary Wharf station on the underground. However, whatever the journey planner might tell you do NOT bother changing from the tube to the DLR at Canary Wharf to finish the journey - by the time you've walked to Canary Wharf DLR station, you're almost there!!! There is also a reasonably (for London!) priced car park nearby - I'll find the details for that too for those who are driving. I'll be at work, but will meet you all in the Wetherspoons at 5ish (or before if I can sneak away early ;) ). If anyone wants my phone number to sort out logistics / advice, PM me :ok

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

If you are going to Liverpool St then we will effectively be going to 2 different parts of the City Centre so the wise option is probably to get 2 seperate taxis (it will probably cost a lot less tbh) I genuninely cannot say what the latest time to stay will be but chances are that I wont last in play very long anyway :lol :lol :lol I'll most likely be home for 8pm :rollin :rollin
No probs Frisky, they were only inches apart on the map :D I'll see you and the rest in Wetherspoons, I'll probably be last to leave if theres a free bar :rollin
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May Ok im seriously consider coming now , have checked the train from glasgow to euston 25/5 - kingsx to glasgow 26/5 £74.50 (which i cant afford because im going on holiday in 13 days) Creditcard springs to mind :eek I can stay with my sister inlaw in anerley se london - couple of trains leave london bridge between 23.50 and 00.20 to get me to her house after tourney. What to do...

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

Ok im seriously consider coming now , have checked the train from glasgow to euston 25/5 - kingsx to glasgow 26/5 £74.50 (which i cant afford because im going on holiday in 13 days) Creditcard springs to mind :eek
would a flight not be cheaper red? I priced flights from Prestwick for The Sun game in December and found the total cost, including return train from Stansted, to be really expensive but ended up getting a cheap package flying from Glasgow. Could be worth checking out Easyjet from Glasgow to London...:unsure EDIT - Sorry London Luton... not a lot of difference is there!!
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May yikes... must be as it's so close to the date of travel... I got a package deal through lastminute.com for £300... 2 adult return flights Glasgow International to Heathrow plus 2 nights B&B... just had a look at flight only options there and the cheapest is £150+ :\ The train seems like a good option...!!

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May Thanks for trying Brael. BTW whats the dress code? Can i wear jeans n top or are we all dressing up? Also i rang betfair and waiting to see if its ok to take my dads place. I'm guessing it wont be a problem but as he wasnt an original qualifier there might be a chance they would offer it to someone who placed under him. I'll hold off booking tickets for just now

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May

Thanks for trying Brael. BTW whats the dress code? Can i wear jeans n top or are we all dressing up? Also i rang betfair and waiting to see if its ok to take my dads place. I'm guessing it wont be a problem but as he wasnt an original qualifier there might be a chance they would offer it to someone who placed under him. I'll hold off booking tickets for just now
Red, extracts from some E_Mails with Kate Wright that might help you: ----- Original Message ----- From: Kate To: David Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:44 PM Subject: RE: CITY AM Final That’s fine David. As long as the jeans are not ripped etc.



Thanks for your swift reply. Regarding dress for the night. Are jeans, trainers and a football shirt (all clean and presentable of course) acceptable? The reason for the football shirt - my poker alias that most people know me by is ColU_FC; if I wear the shirt they will recognise me. :-)


From: David Sent: 18 May 2006 15:02 To: Kate Subject: Re: CITY AM Final

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Guest gazza271

Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May Thanks to Jomell's generosity i will also be there on the night as his sub :nana Red, ColU FC mentioned Kate Wright - She has been really helpful and replys to emails within minutes. :hope for you

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