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poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST


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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST Telepe1: Kc, Kd Jollybhoy then showed JJ. Sorry bout that one GaF. I have you down as a very aggressive player , so when your re-raise only covered the pot, I thought you were trying to push me off it. I didn't want to see another card, so all-in it was.:$

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud...... :clap :clap :clap :clap well done Little Brother :clap :clap :clap :clap This was the first time he ever got far in a mtt... and he never tried playing with that many chips before... You did one hell of a good job...:clap :clap Very well played... I am impressed :eek :eek :eek XXXXXXXXXX Sorry Ronay, forgot about you in my awe... well played

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST Well played Lars - that was great fun if not exhausting. Sad thing is I really do have to pull an all-nighter now. Kitchen wall to paint & carpets to clean if I want my deposit back. Least am in a good mood for it tho' :D

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST :clap :clap Well played Lars :clap :clap Jubiiiii indeed!!! Glad to see you used MY chips wisely too - which is more than I did :\ - slipped down to 4th in the leaderboard now - :sad :sad one final chance to redeem myself next week - now where is that Harrington book??:unsure

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Re: poker.co.uk PL League - Leg 4 - Monday 15th May 21:15 BST

:clap :clap Well played Lars :clap :clap Jubiiiii indeed!!! Glad to see you used MY chips wisely too - which is more than I did :\ - slipped down to 4th in the leaderboard now - :sad :sad one final chance to redeem myself next week - now where is that Harrington book??:unsure
Ahhh! that book! Mmmm, where did I put it? I remember, but if you really want it, you'll need forceps, a jar of vaseline and Mr Harrington ......... Good luck :ok
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