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STT - AA first hand


STT - AA first hand  

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    • All in, hope to get a caller and double up
    • Raise
    • Limp In

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Re: STT - AA first hand Personally I think I'd raise, as a first hand all in is surely likely to be a waste of AA? Although, I've heard a few people say early on go all in and try to double up quick to bide time to play safe till people knock each other out. :loon

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Re: STT - AA first hand ....what is it they say? It's only a pair? It's only an 80% favourite against any other random hand (barring the other unlikely AA holding)? Most if not all would suggest 'raise' but it depends if some stupid buggers before or after you, go all-in or something....even then I'd call the all-in/large raise and hope to dodge the myriad of 20% chances that'd help the fooker(s). :lol You won't win all the time though. Some bugger will catch a card or two that they'll need and send you straight out on the first hand. :(

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Re: STT - AA first hand First hand in a stt, with pocket rockets? no question at all. It's an all-in . In an STT esp at lower limits (below $20), the standard of play can be poor. An all in first hand isn't unusal. In fact I see then 50%+ of the time. You go all in first hand and you will be called, nothing surer. Better to go all in and be up against 1 other person (likely the worst player at the table), with a great chance of winning and doubling (steroman says 80% chance, I read 88%), than having 5 people call your raise and have some villian get three 2's or drawing for a flush or straight. In summary, an all in will likely leave you heads up with 1 other player, a raise can lead to 4 or 5 players drawing away at your aces. Pretty sure the EV is better heads up.

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Re: STT - AA first hand In a low value STT it would have to be All In. If you put in a big raise (say 50% of your chips) you'd expect to get some muppet re-raising All In. On the first hand you'd expect at least one caller and you're winning at that point. Don't give them a chance to see if they hit anything on the flop.

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Re: STT - AA first hand surprised people are suggesting a raise, surely this will only encourage a large number of callers, which the AA plays poorly against, it's only a pair after all, if you slow play it, the chances are it'll not hold up. You've gotta smash people out the hand, and go heads up. Worse case you take the blinds only, gotta be better than raising and chancing the loss of half your stack

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Re: STT - AA first hand Selected raise because AA may be the best hand pre-flop , but comes the flop , it may not be that case anymore . Someone may have got trips or hit 2 pair . Easier for you to get away from that hand too .

surprised people are suggesting a raise' date=' surely this will only encourage a large number of callers, which the AA plays poorly against, it's only a pair after all, if you slow play it, the chances are it'll not hold up. You've gotta smash people out the hand, and go heads up. Worse case you take the blinds only, gotta be better than raising and chancing the loss of half your stack[/quote']
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Re: STT - AA first hand

surprised people are suggesting a raise' date=' surely this will only encourage a large number of callers, which the AA plays poorly against, it's only a pair after all, if you slow play it, the chances are it'll not hold up. You've gotta smash people out the hand, and go heads up. Worse case you take the blinds only, gotta be better than raising and chancing the loss of half your stack[/quote'] The option is to go all in and hope to double up. If the all in gets called you still only have a pair and a pair that will see the community cards. If you want to discourage betting raise 4 or 5 times the blind, if you get called you have it covered if not you've won the same. After the flop the game changes. Would you go all in with Ac Ad if the flop showed Js Qs Ks - 4 outs for the straight against a possible made straight, flush or trips? I'd say the sensible thing on a STT first hand (10 players) would be the raise.
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Re: STT - AA first hand

surprised people are suggesting a raise' date=' surely this will only encourage a large number of callers, which the AA plays poorly against, it's only a pair after all, if you slow play it, the chances are it'll not hold up. You've gotta smash people out the hand, and go heads up. Worse case you take the blinds only, gotta be better than raising and chancing the loss of half your stack[/quote'] In my experience of STT's (not much compared to some people here I know) someone who raises all-in from early position on the first hand can expect to get called by at least one or 2 people quite often. I presume because the callers just think the original raiser is just an all-in muppet.
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Re: STT - AA first hand

no of course not.
The point I'm trying to make is that the bet with AA is to steal the pot, all in, if called could take you out of the game, a hefty raise should scare most people off but if not you still manage to survive for more hands if your AAs don't hold up.
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Re: STT - AA first hand

The point I'm trying to make is that the bet with AA is to steal the pot' date=' all in, if called could take you out of the game, a hefty raise should scare most people off but if not you still manage to survive for more hands if your AAs don't hold up.[/quote'] The problem I see with this is that at that level of STT (
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Re: STT - AA first hand I agree with Foolsgold on this one. I only really play Low-Limit STTs and would hope for a caller or two if I pushed all-in, often with rubbish. I'd expect to finish in the money every time if I started the game with twice anyone elses chips. In my opinion it's worth the risk of going out 1st hand for that long-term 80%+ chance of doubling up.

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Re: STT - AA first hand I'm going to be honest here. First hand in an STT people generally want to play, so they'll chuck their chips in for almost anything. So. I will flat call (risky I know, but....). EVEN if the person after me just min. raises, you will find that all the others will call THAT raise at least. Maybe you'll get some one who thinks they can represent AA and go all in. The fact is when it came round to me with all those chips already committed I will push all in, and take my chances. It can put as much as another 20% of dead 'money' in the middle and STILL leave you heads up. It will also make the other players wary of your sneaky plays. (btw First time I had KK in a live game I flat called then re-raised all in to a raise... and managed to get out there alive :dude) On the other hand if I limp and no one raises I'll be quite happy to lay it down in the face of an unfriendly flop and go back to waiting for them to knock each other out. :ok

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Re: STT - AA first hand I voted for Raise. The amount of the raise depends on the players and the stack they have. I always hope to get someone out of his cave and force an all in on him. With AA I prefer 1 on 1 so the raise must let couple of others fold. Lately, I've been playing STT & MTT @ DreamPoker and we sit with 5 peepz at a table so getting a 1 on 1 isn't so hard. I've been lucky lately with AA. Most of the times I do a nice raise and someone else thinks: what the heck, a call is almost every single chip I have so let's just go all in. And that's the way uhu uhu I like it! :D

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Re: STT - AA first hand Definitely a raise... maybe 4 or 5 times BB... to get only 1 or 2 callers... NEVER an all in hand from starters... you would only pick up the blinds unless there were any Hungarians at your table... (yes, still bitter about yesterday :@ )... and he would probably outdraw you on turn AND river... :wall :wall

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Re: STT - AA first hand

First hand in an STT people generally want to play, so they'll chuck their chips in for almost anything. So. I will flat call (risky I know, but....).
Is that really your experience with first hands in stt's??? :unsure Mine is completely the opposite... Most are very tight in the first hands... Myself... I hope to get such bad cards that I can fold them in the 3 first rounds... To make everyone THINK I am really tight... THEN I start bullying :)
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Re: STT - AA first hand

Is that really your experience with first hands in stt's??? :unsure Mine is completely the opposite... Most are very tight in the first hands... Myself... I hope to get such bad cards that I can fold them in the 3 first rounds... To make everyone THINK I am really tight... THEN I start bullying :)
pen hun dont you normally play $100+ buyin stt's tho? most of us here are referring to the play on low limit
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Re: STT - AA first hand

I'm going to be honest here. First hand in an STT people generally want to play, so they'll chuck their chips in for almost anything. So. I will flat call (risky I know, but....). EVEN if the person after me just min. raises, you will find that all the others will call THAT raise at least. Maybe you'll get some one who thinks they can represent AA and go all in. The fact is when it came round to me with all those chips already committed I will push all in, and take my chances. It can put as much as another 20% of dead 'money' in the middle and STILL leave you heads up. It will also make the other players wary of your sneaky plays. (btw First time I had KK in a live game I flat called then re-raised all in to a raise... and managed to get out there alive :dude) On the other hand if I limp and no one raises I'll be quite happy to lay it down in the face of an unfriendly flop and go back to waiting for them to knock each other out. :ok
Agree with that entirely, limp to get the ball rolling then re-raise any raises all-in. You can almost gurantee there's at least one person in this particular situation who thinks you're bluffing and will call you.
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Re: STT - AA first hand

pen hun dont you normally play $100+ buyin stt's tho? most of us here are referring to the play on low limit Well, not NORMALLY $100 stt's... but once in a while... I normally play $50... and sometimes $30... and I guess you are right that the game is a lot different with a higher buy in... That is one of the reasons I play higher stake... so I can be the ONLY muppet there :lol :lol :lol
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