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GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes!


GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes!  

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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes! Was tempted to suggest that - HOWEVER the final is on Sunday, so there is no time to get a replay sorted....... Have checked the original email to Goalpoker and a 20:30 BST start was definitely specified.......

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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes!

Very tough luck, Andy and Red! Did you know it was an 8pm start, Red?
Yes, I did know it was an 8pm start, but thought I'd give the first 15 minutes a miss as I would just have been folding my cards anyway. ;) I'd settle for a complimentary $100k satellite entry in 'compensation' though.:hope Red.
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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes! After doing a bit of digging, I think I can shed some light on what happened with me tonight. The player down to play in the final tonight was "BIG ANDY" My gp nickname is "BIGANDY" Now once the qualifying was finished, i`m presuming the qualifiers for tonight had to be passed on to the gp people by I presume, GaF? I suspect somewhere after that, the names were manually entered for the tourney and that space inbetween "Big" and "Andy" was crucially put in when it shouldn`t have been. I suspect there`s a "Big Andy" who`s registered on gp that was in a nice tourney tonight and wasn`t aware of it. Come to think of it, he`s probably got the $40 that I haven`t been paid yet for my finishing position in the league (anybody else been paid yet?:unsure ). If I can find him and get his details I`ll send him the shirt off my back too:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin any chance you can check your records GaF? cus another thing I`ve remembered thinking back was when I was looking for the tourney this afternoon before 600ner kindly helped me out, I checked the "registered in tournaments" facility and it had me down as not being registered for anything.:sad it all seems to add up.

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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes! This is the email I sent

The 9 qualifiers are:










The game should take place at 20:30 BST on Friday 23rd June.
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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes!

Come to think of it' date=' he`s probably got the $40 that I haven`t been paid yet for my finishing position in the league (anybody else been paid yet?:unsure ). [b']If I can find him and get his details I`ll send him the shirt off my back too:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
Andy,despite your disappointment I still detect a sense of humour - superb! :lol :lol :lol :lol TQM
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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes!

bye the way do i win anything for winning the leauge outright????????????
Yes - details in post 1. I'll take respoonsability for that though - think I forgot to send it through to Goalpoker!!! Will get it sorted, but noone will probably see it till Monday, so a little patience would be appreciated......
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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes! red & andy thats what u call a badbeat:cry fill really sorry for you guys trev said he could not play tonight from a earlier thread so was suprised to see you both go out maybe gp will sort you both out . i might have got croc's hands had u both played:unsure

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Re: GoalPoker League with WSOP Chances & Other Prizes!

A bit harsh. It would be nice to have been informed that sit-outs would be removed.:@
I think that's standard policy on Goalpoker mate.... nothing "special" for our tourney. I sympathise with your situation, but don't think we can "blame" Goalpoker for that......
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