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How to make poker even MORE fun


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Was at this private game thingy last night... playing poker, having a few drinks and a lot of laughs... Well... to spice things up we had an "all-in-whiskey" at the table.... and everyone who went all in or called an all in had to drink straight from the bottle... :beer Just here to pass on inspiration :lol ... truely an extra dimension of the poker game :loon

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Re: How to make poker even MORE fun When we were kids we played poker for the wierdest stuff like drinking water for example. After an hour of playing the looser gets so sick from drinking too much water it's sad :). Also stuff like snorting household powders, it was so stupid, but fun at the same time :)

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Re: How to make poker even MORE fun pen, make it vodka and i`ll fly over and join in your next private game ! :loon :beer :nana btw, does the All-in`er have to drink it whether he wins or only if he loses. nikola, i must remember never to play a live game with you and your mates:puke

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Re: How to make poker even MORE fun

pen, make it vodka and i`ll fly over and join in your next private game ! :loon :beer :nana btw, does the All-in`er have to drink it whether he wins or only if he loses. nikola, i must remember never to play a live game with you and your mates:puke
BA, you drink before the cards are turned over...so either way... you will hit that whiskey bottle I am afraid ...
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