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Is not very good and I can not see how you can claim to be the worlds best forum when there is hardly any posts. I admit I am a losing punter but I was told (must have been from someone who works here) that there are lots of clued up people here. Where are these people? You are lucky to get 5 threads on here a day and most of these are just "systems". I came here for help with my punting but have found none.

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Re: This forum Well it's a massive coincindence then as someone has just joined with the exact same IP as you, but ok fair enough. ;) Take a look around, you'll find winners everywhere, but you'll also find losers, that's betting I'm afraid, but you can be sure there are more winners than losers on here. ;)

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Re: This forum You sound like a lot of fun tank. A few posts, you declare everyone losers ... then claim there is too much information. The point of the systems, is that you follow the ones you like. The point of the threads is that they have more in depth info about certain punts. Im just hoping that you will be supplying us with winner after winner.

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Re: This forum I have already said I am no good at punting, I will try to give you tips and actually have one for exeter 18th which I will share with you. Maybe I was looking for the wrong sort of things, ie looking for a good tip for the day rather than systems which may or may not have a good day. I will give these systems a chance and maybe I am a losing punter because I try to gain too much too quickly.

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Re: This forum kin hell, there's a few of us on here who slog our guts out & this has pissed me off. This forum used to be fairly quiet but over the last 18 months has really thrived. ok, not every tip or info is a winner, but we have plenty of people in profit on their threads. YOU HAVE TO READ THROUGH THESE! if you dont like it, go somewhere else or pay for your info, remember this info here is FREE!!! GL in whatever you decide to do.

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Re: This forum You say you want help with your punting, does this mean you just want Tips or advise or what. You say theirs to many systems and only 5 threads a day and after being a member only 6 days the forums not very good.Well my best advice to you is buy a pair of glasses because you seem to be blind. Myself personally like to use system and stats in my threads and I try to give systems that work long term and make a profit but in most cases leave it up to you and other people if they wish to use them. For instance the Lucky or Unlucky 13 system is 100pts up since the beginning of April. Some are down at the moment but nothing that a couple of winners would put them in the black. Also try to give stats that might help for that days racing like the other day DETTORI 17/11 wins at Folk in APRIL ,to me I would be looking what he was riding that day and he had 3 runners and 2 won and Johnston at Catt today had good stats for that meeting and had 1 winner at 7/1 from four runners. Also 545 members looked at this forum today and plenty of browsers as well and if it was like you said nobody would bother.Have a good look at the P/L and yields of some of the guys on hear and you may think differently. % MAN

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Re: This forum

No I am not in any loop I just know the person who owns this horse.
To be quite frank, the fact you know the owner only means you get as first hand info as you can (or the owner wants to) - this doesn't necessarily guarantee a win. But hey, will be looking forward to the info come Tuesday;) On the other hand, your very unfortunate start of this thread didn't win you a lot of appreciation, esp. as the slagging was not based on exact or thorough knowledge. Also, forum life in not like receiving tips from tipsters, which was probably what you expected.
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Re: This forum

Is it not possible you can create a new thread every day with your selections and the system they are from rather than make us trawl through months of information just to get to the relevant information.
There is a button New posts above, which shows you only threads with new posts (since your last visit. Anyway, in the system, you also need some background knowledge why this or that donkey or camel has made it to be a nap or rag exactly today.
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Re: This forum

Is it not possible you can create a new thread every day with your selections and the system they are from rather than make us trawl through months of information just to get to the relevant information.
don't really understand why anyone would need to do this other than to disguise their p/l record. You can creat a thread every day if you wish, but i personally like to keep my racing diary on here which shows my p/l for the season. Most tipsters would, especially the mainstays on here throughout the year. We have a number of people that flit in, give a few tips & then disappear, normally cos they lose. This forum is about the sharing of information, how you decide to use it is up to you. Please also check out the systems page where you will find at least 4 horse racing systems in profit (slapdash, onedunme & my very own).
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Re: This forum I must agree with the Tank guy, I'm afraid. I joined this site a couple of months ago and I must agree it is rubbish. I'm only about a thousand pounds richer since joining. These so-called tipsters need to up their game!:tongue2

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Re: This forum For what its worth... When I joined here, this year, I had just started really looking at gambling, apart from a flutter or 2 on 'biggies' like the world cup or grand national, It's fair to say I was worthy of the title "newbie punter". In the time before I joined and started reading this forum my first few months of regular gambling where dismal, probably running at around 50%-60% loss. However since I started reading this forum, using their knowledge to further my knowledge and narrow my choices, and paying particular attention to the 'main-stay' tipsters of the forum (most of which have replied in this thread, you guys know who you are ;) ) my trends have turned around dramatically! In the first 2 months since joining I saw my losing trend bend the other way and now I am achieving break even on my inital (expensive) flurry's, with my overall perhaps as high as 110% roi now. Now If I, a newbie, with little time but a bit of will power can turn around a trend so bad as that using JUST this forum, how on earth can it be full of losers? Now I admit that when I first came here, it was daunting, soo many picks and so little to help me choose, everyone had a ream of knowledge, sometimes contradictory, and reading through and catching up on the forum took time, alot of it... But the word of the day is perseverance, if you use this forum as a tool rather than a tipster service, you can not only make a profit but also learn how to bet smarter. I am...

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