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SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament


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Well i've only gone and qualified for this on Interpoker for tomorrow night :D Played in a six seater qualifier for $58 buy in. Tomorrow night's buy in is $530 :loon Once played in a £120 tournament but this will be my biggest by far! Over $80k to the winner and pays down to 120 places... :hope

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament 651 entries in the end. So far in the first 12mins i've had AA,KK,KK and AA all for about 120 chips lol The pocket 7's i had,someone made a large raise pre flop so i folded only to see a 7 on the flop :sad That was a big pot!!!

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament Dream over! Bad beat or what. I got dealt pocket kings got raised so i re-raise and he calls.Flop is 5 7 2 rainbow so i go all in and he calls me with AJ os. You know what comes a dam Ace on the turn :wall Gutted i really played well and to go out like that :@

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament The thing that caight my eye more than anything was two things. 1. It was very tight and very respectful of the other players until the money stages. 2. Once the money stages began, all hell broke loose and I didn't see one hand where there wasn't an all in or a big raise (not one!). To be honest it took me by surprise in a big way and I was almost left standing wondering what had hit me. There was someone who had 8 times less chips than I had, and it showed it all to me that she eventually finished 4th with $48000 in her pocket. To me, once the money stages hits in that kind of tourney, it's almost like a heads up match but with 6 players - I'll be ready next time. :ok

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament Yes got to agree with you Paul. I felt that i was playing a true game of poker(probably something to do with the buy in) Don't the blinds soon come around in a six seater tournament.(no jokes please) When i went out in 184th place it was starting to get a bit frantic,i would have loved to have stayed around for the final table. I bet it wasn't boring!!!

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament A very unoriginal observation, but it might be more worth being aggressive just before the money. Conventional wisdom is that this is when players get scared and play too tightly to avoid leaving with nothing. It might be even more true in an event like this where (I presume) just getting in the money earns an amount that is significant for most players, especially those who have qualified via a satellite. Not that I've ever played in anything this big myself ...

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament Far point Slapdash... although i think sometimes i am too aggresive. Maybe i should have just called his initial raise and when the Ace came on the turn i could have got out with minimal damage. But sometimes when you give 1 free card it can be costly! I feel that i played correctly and anyone who wants to put his tournament on the line with AJ o/s when the flop has not produced nothing is foolhardy to say the least. Anyway onward and upward!

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament wp both of you. I'd love to play in a big tournament like this, the closest I've came to something like that was the Betfair multiplier last year (finished just short of the cash). Its better than the freeroll crapshoots wew play most days:clap :beer

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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament

A very unoriginal observation, but it might be more worth being aggressive just before the money. Conventional wisdom is that this is when players get scared and play too tightly to avoid leaving with nothing. It might be even more true in an event like this where (I presume) just getting in the money earns an amount that is significant for most players, especially those who have qualified via a satellite. Not that I've ever played in anything this big myself ...
I am aware that most go extremely tight with money close and I wanted to bully the table being the big stack, but I had 4 very short stacks which caused a big problem. I knew and saw it happen twice with me and 2nd big stack, a slight raise and they were all in for their 4k to my 15k. I really did want to bully them, but with 4 short stacks it wasn't that easy. :sad
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Re: SIXPAK $600,000 GTD Tournament Fair point, Paul. It's funny how big an effect short stacks can have, even when they don't have much chance of winning themselves. Jomell, I was really commenting on Paul's observation on how things changed when it got to the money. I didn't intend to criticize how you played. Anyway, well played both.

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