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Is this a bad beat?


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I got dealt AKo, raised 4xBB and got one caller (BB). Flop is low rags, he goes all-in, I call and he turns over KQs. Turn comes Q, river is A. I then get pretty bad abuse from 2 people saying I bad beat him. Is this right given that I was ahead when the money went in?

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Re: Is this a bad beat?

I got dealt AKo, raised 4xBB and got one caller (BB). Flop is low rags, he goes all-in, I call and he turns over KQs. Turn comes Q, river is A. I then get pretty bad abuse from 2 people saying I bad beat him. Is this right given that I was ahead when the money went in?
Not at all, you had him dominated. He was your bitch. You did river him, but that's not so bad:tongue2.
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Re: Is this a bad beat? What site was it ?? Purely for "Profit-making and causing unrest" purposes :lol:lol:lol As for a bad beat??? Complete bollox Rivered fair and funny :clap:clap:clap Would love to see the grin on his face after the turn being instantly wiped!! :rollin:rollin:rollin

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