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GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006


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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

Apparently he left the hotel at 2:30 am looking for that Gay bar......
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

Great pics:clap :lol:lol:lol:lol@ Big Andy and the dealer.
The other dealer didn`t laugh later on when I unwittingly ate his toasted sarnie. He was right fcukin savage about it, I thought he was gonna chin me so I chucked him a fiver for a drink. :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

The other dealer didn`t laugh later on when I unwittingly ate his toasted sarnie. He was right fcukin savage about it, I thought he was gonna chin me so I chucked him a fiver for a drink. :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon
I'd forgotten about that. Andy nicking the dealer's dinner:lol:lol Unwittingly my arse, I had the other half and very nice it was too:loon
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006 totally totally gutted that i didn't make it:cry :cry but what a laugh i've had anyway looking at the pics!!!!!:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin hope to meet you all at the next one

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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

If ya do make the next one angel. dont play blackjack along side Danno....hes a bad influence!! We were the 2 disconnects on the 2nd STT we had haha...oh just one more hand etc etc
Deffo on that one, decided to finish at blackjack was only about £30 down, cashed in. then danno went back on and I lost at least another £50:cry:cry:cry:cry
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

Deffo on that one' date=' decided to finish at blackjack was only about £30 down, cashed in. then danno went back on and I lost at least another £50:cry:cry:cry:cry[/quote'] Im Lucky, i ended up level! then came 2nd in the stt we had, spent next to nothing, cant get much better than that!
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

What a night - I've still not recovered! I have a few pics to post and will put them on tomorrow. It was nice to meet a few new faces and had a great night thanks to Paul for organising the casino.:ok
lightweight! nice meeting you and andy, looking forward to york now!:ok
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006 :rollin :rollin :rollin Oh man what a tread. Im crying here with laughter :lol. Great to see old ugly mugs, new ugly mugs and beautiful women. Looks like every one had a great time :clap, but who the hell won? Im jealous too :sad. Wish I was there.

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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

:rollin :rollin :rollin Oh man what a tread. Im crying here with laughter :lol. Great to see old ugly mugs, new ugly mugs and beautiful women. Looks like every one had a great time :clap, but who the hell won? Im jealous too :sad. Wish I was there.
Yeah, Hen... you should have been there :) ...there's always next time :clap
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Guest gazza271

Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006 Just got in from nights and sitting here with a beer and PMSL Looks like a fantastic night :lol :lol :lol

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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006 Cheers lads and ladies for a quality evening - good to put faces to names, but wish i had chosen a different username all those years ago, as I felt a bit of a tit introducing myself lol. Am really glad i went before Pen got snap happy!

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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

The other dealer didn`t laugh later on when I unwittingly ate his toasted sarnie. He was right fcukin savage about it, I thought he was gonna chin me so I chucked him a fiver for a drink. :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon
What a laugh :rollin looks like you lot had a great night, maybe next time me and -ed- will be able to come too, I'm sure Ed can outdo Big Andy in the can't be taken anywhere stakes. (He once won a trip to see a snooker final and attend the after match party, him and his dad got plastered,:cheers gave the finalist abuse about what he did wrong:spank , knocked over the champagne fountain :$ and stole an ashtray in full view of everyone.:unsure He then had the gall to write a letter to complain that the cue he won was sub standard!!!) :ok
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

Cheers lads and ladies for a quality evening - good to put faces to names, but wish i had chosen a different username all those years ago, as I felt a bit of a tit introducing myself lol. Am really glad i went before Pen got snap happy!
Actually... it was Jeffers who took most of the pics :D ....
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006

Christ for a man that was struggling to stand up straight' date=' he didn't do a bad job did he!![/quote'] No, he did a great job. I wouldnt have been able to put this gallery together if it hadn't been for him :D I just gave him my camera, and said: Have fun with it, Jeffers... And he did :lol :lol
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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006 Nice pictures taken there . Some were real funny . Especially the one which banged into the fruit machine :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin . Definitely a cracking night for u people :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Re: GALLERY, PL Live in Birmingham, March 2006 :clap Heard a mention of this in the other thread,, I don't even remember doing that:$ , I wondered why i was a little sore when i got home!!:loon :rollin :rollin :rollin And as regards Jeffers taking the pics. He is one top guy in my books where does he put all that beer!!

Kevsul and Morlspin (the licking one :loon ) You should get a double room the next time instead of two singles :lol birmingham0436rs.jpg
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