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Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News


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Ok ....first the bad news. Sporting Odds have been in contact with me and confirmed that tonights Dollar Up is the last that they will run. So its your last chance to hit glory in this little piece of history!!! Lets make it a PL win :ok But the good news is that Sporting Odds have offered to replace it with an exclusive Punters Lounge tournament through March, just for PL'rs........and they will give us a $500 prize fund to distribute to the winners :clap :clap We're finalising exact details at the moment - hopefully I'll get them up in the next day or so though ..... so watch this space, and prepare for a PL Paaaaaaaarty!!! Thanks to Sporting Odds and Joe :clap :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News shame - though glad i had such a great january :) Looking forward to the PL special - how do they work? i.e. how can only 'us' register and not any old magyar? Damo :cheers ps wondering if they are cutting back on the freebies in general? when I asked about rake back they said that all games are being reveiewed to best reward regular players (or something similar)

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

how do they work? i.e. how can only 'us' register and not any old magyar?
I don't know - that's one of the things we are sorting out - but rest assured, this is a PL exclusive event :ok
ps wondering if they are cutting back on the freebies in general?
I think it's more a question of transfering their marketing budget to other things, rather than cutting back ...... if you look at champions league, world cup, super sunday etc ..... their marketing department is as busy as ever :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

What tounry are we going to use every month AFTER March to decide who is the best PL Poker Player?
Well, we have all of March to decide that!!! There is still the intention to get the PL exlusive league running, as well as the MTT - for March, they are "merged" into this special event, but beyond March both should exist in their own right :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News are you saying that SO are prepared to host a PL only tounry every week past March? Or I am being thick? Damo :cheers

Well, we have all of March to decide that!!! There is still the intention to get the PL exlusive league running, as well as the MTT - for March, they are "merged" into this special event, but beyond March both should exist in their own right :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

im sure we could find something similar somewhere' date='as long as everyones on the lookout:loon[/quote'] The Dollar Up was exceptional value........ The Europoker network has a Dollar tourney, with $2500 added (I think) - but has thousands of entries......... might be one option ........
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News noticed on goal poker lots of other smaller and insignificant forums have private tourneys both freeroll and very small buy in where gp have added $50 one forum had league matches 1 - 9. freeones attracted about 25 players but the $2 buy ins only got 5 or 6 even though every one had $50 added so could maybe strike some kind of deal with them

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News just been looking a bit more and one forum has a private tourney every wednesday on GP running for 5 weeks no buy in $150 added every week about 50 -60 enter if they would do this for us and we put $1 buy in meaning people would have to deposit on this site how many would we get

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News For the SO dollar Up we typically have 40 players turn up, from a pool of about 65 players over the month - I imagine numbers would be similar. We are in talks with a few sites about sponsorship of the PL league :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

GaF' date=' not looked into it, but does Betfred, Playgate,Titan, CD Poker, or any of the other rooms on that network have a $1 MTT that we could use?[/quote'] Ok, to answer my own question, just looked at Betfred and they have a $500 guaranteed MTT (max 500 players) for $1 + 10c entry fee. They also have a $1000 guaranteed for $3 + 30c. Or a $2500 guaranteed for $5 + 50c. There is a finished $2500 game which had 228 players starting. What do you think?
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News Corey Bruhn, the guy behind "Smackdog Poker" (http://www.smackdogpoker.com) may be able to point you in the direction of poker sites that host private leagues... For example, the March leagues will be on Poker.com and Absolute, but Paradise, amongst others, has been used in the past... Corey and the other guys on Smackdog are a friendly bunch, and the only reason that I dont play much on Smackdog anymore is because its US based, with most games starting at 8 or 9 pm EST, so 1 or 2 AM here, which "on a schoolnight" isnt good...

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

an exclusive Punters Lounge tournament through March' date=' just for PL'rs........and they will give us a $500 prize fund to distribute to the winners [/quote'] Ok - I got this slightly wrong ...... SO (or more specifically Boss) don't yet have the technology to block games off ..... so anyone who is prepared to pay the $1 + $0.10 entry fee will be able to enter ........ however the $500 added prize money will only be available to PL'rs on the basis of our league table :ok Will get a thread up shortly.... but in summary...... Buy in will be $1 + $0.10 Games will be at 19:30 GMT every Monday and Wednesday Structure will be similar to Tikays - so 2000 starting chips and slow blinds League table will use same points structure as Dollar Up (so best 4 from 9 games to count) Prize money will be distributed - 1st:$225 2nd:$125 3rd:$75 4th:$40 5th:$25 6th:$10 First game will be tomorrow (Wednesday 1st March at 19:30 GMT)
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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News good one for organising the game tomorrow night. surely sporting odds can organise setting up a game for you like they are doing in march? id say of you wanted it pl only then they would have it such that ur username would have to be registered first or something. even if it wasnt with added money but say $5/$10 entry instead i would still be more than willing to play.

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Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News Sorry - was a bit negative and self-centred in my most recent post. :$ I think it's quite a coup for the forum for SO to put this on for us, and would like to pay tribute to GaF for sorting it out. I also reckon the amount of 'feedback' that we (as a forum) have given SO with regards to connectivity, multi-regging and the Hungarian issues etc. must have played a part in their decision. :ok

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