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PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

Pocket Lady

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Mr V and I have talked about going to play in a live poker tourney, and I know he has talked to a few PLers such as The Pro about meeting up and having a go. Now there are quite a few of us on PL from the Stoke area, and I know there are quite a few in Brum, so how about arranging to all meet up one night? Regardless of what happened in London/Sandown if there is sufficient interest from Stoke I know Mr V will be quite happy to hire a minibus and share the cost, as he'll be driving anyway. We know Big Andy was there in a rebuy tourney, and he said it was an all in frenzy which doesn't appeal too much to me, but if there was a ltd. rebuy/add on or even a freezeout that wouldn't be too bad. So. What do you think? If we get some numbers we could then arrange a day/time suitable for the majority.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? I`d be interested PL, but as I explained to you at London, the live rebuy tourneys ive been involved in were sheer madness for the first hour, not enjoyable at all. Theres also the added element in lower buy in tourneys of not having a designated dealer, having to deal yourself, or someone on your table, I find is a distraction (I was collared with doing it:wall ). I`ve no problem of paying a higher buy in to a dealer dealt tourney so I can concentrate on the game in hand. Having said that, I`d still probably turn up for the craic :tongue2

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? Surely we could get 10 people together for a private tourney? Not sure about prices anywhere else (aside from Dudley which was bloody expensive) but the Birmingham Casino we used last time charged £10 for a table on a thursday night (Did I mention I'm allowed back now?;)). We could make it £5-10 freezout and play a few games amongst ourselves. Not sure I'd be too interested at all about playing rebuy. It's just not poker IMO.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? My two pence worth again... I have played many times at Walsall and I would suggest not going on a Friday (£5) or Saturday (£10). The one good thing about both of those is that rebuy is only 1 hour, whereas all the other days it is 1.5 hours. They now have a couple of weekdays where the buy-in is £20 (+ £2 entry fee). The play is definitely a little better, but you do still get the odd clown who will go on tilt and throw hundreds of pounds into it, pretty much going all-in every hand until he wins a pot. Where the buy-ins are less than £20, players must do their own dealing (or as is normally the case one person deals). Games of £20 or more and the casino provides the dealers. Where we do our own dealing, there may end up being 11 players at a table sometimes until players drop out. And finally, Walsall have now changed the final table qualification - only 9 players on the final table and only final table pays. They did stop allowing deals, but I'm not sure if they are allowed again now. So, 1st suggestion is to play a minimum of £20 buy-in. 2nd suggestion... Since about November 2004 the place is now crammed with internet players... mainly young kids who started playing on the internet or watching some of the rubbish poker programmes that are now on telly, and who think that any picture card is good no matter what the other card is. Now, these players don't win tourneys, but they do take good players out by getting lucky now and again. Anyway, for this reason my trips to the casino became much less frequent as I was no longer enjoying it. Last April a new casino opened up - Broadway Plaza - on Ladywood Middleway, just off Broad Street/Hagley Road in Birmingham. It is a millions times nicer than the Grosvenor at Walsall, and the standard of poker play is generally much higher... in fact most of the better players from Walsall are now playing here. Buy-ins are £20 but with no entry fee (a £2 saving for a later STT online :ok ), again lasting 90 minutes. They don't have Saturday games at the moment, so when I go, I go on a Friday. There seem to be 80-90 players these days on Fridays. For lower numbers (and therefore a smaller prize pool) Wednesdays are a good option. The casino provide the dealers for all games. I believe deals are sometimes done (only if everyone agrees... I could tell you another little story about that) and 10 places normally pay. Both casinos do have cash games as players drop out of the tourney, but I steer clear of those. Ok, that's the backgound, take your pick. My recommendation would be the Broadway, but I do understand that it adds even more mileage to your journey's from the north. As for a date... well, on Saturday 11th March it is my (cough cough) birthday. I was planning on going to the Broadway for a game on Friday 10th. If people are interested we could do that. If you would rather play at Walsall, then I would suggest a Monday or Tuesday (I think) night. If you look at www.cheeseypoker.co.uk, you can see the schedules for both Walsall and Broadway casinos (the latter being thanks to me because I asked Awsome Ali if she wouldn't mind adding it). You can also see results, payouts, buy-in, and number of players. And finally, yes, I'm most definitely interested.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

Paul, was it only £10 for that table at the Stanley joint :eek was it because the place resembled a building site though ?, if not we could all head there, that`s great value, even though the dealer had to be put right once or twice:lol
Yep. When I called and the manager said £10, I said 'what, each?' and he just went errrm no 10 quid. Might have been something to do with the refurb but I think it was more likely because it was thursday night and they knew there'd be no-one in anyway. I'm interested, but definitely more interested in a private tourney than a crazy rebuy MTT. PS. should say I don't mind travelling a bit either
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

I would reccomend walsall if you want a good tourny with good value for money. Yes the first hour can be hectic but pic a night with a £20 rebuy and you will get dealers thrown in.
£20 rebuy is too much for me, especially as there's a good chance I'd lose all my chips to some nutter playing rebuy bingo. We've got to go for freezeout to make it really worthwhile surely?
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

I heard yesterday that there is a casino in Stoke. What is that like for poker?
Stanleys - Hanley - Stoke has the following: Tournaments - Mon, Wed, Fri £5 Pot Limit Holdem. Every other Wed £10 Pot Limit Holdem Guranteed £2,000. Start time 9:00 pm Cash Tables - On tournament nights starting at 11:00 pm. £25 Buyin Pot Limit Dealers Choice. Haven't been to play at any casinos so I couldn't comment on whether or not the standard of play/players is good or muppet.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

£20 rebuy is too much for me, especially as there's a good chance I'd lose all my chips to some nutter playing rebuy bingo. We've got to go for freezeout to make it really worthwhile surely?
You won't find a freezeout anywhere unless it's a major comp, but then the buy-in is in the hundreds of pounds. Every tourney has a buy-in period normally because that's how the prize money gets bumped up.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? Paul, £20 might sound steep but in the last £5 rebuy I played, I had 1 re-buy and 1 add-on which came to £15 after the initial buy in, and I was being bloody conservative compared to some. 2 guys on my table must`ve bought in 9 or 10 times, seriously. I think there was just a few people who called it a day after they lost their 1st lot of chips. Thinking back (staffy might correct me as he was there too), it was a £1k guaranteed prize pool, there was 60 entrants @ £5 (£300), by the time the rebuys and add ons had finished after the first break, I think the prize pool had topped £1,200 which by my maths makes it £900 purely in re-buys/add ons. That 1st hour is a bit mental but after that is when the real poker starts.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? And to add to Big Andy's post, the first time I won at Walsall, Saturday night, £10 buy-in, I didn't need a single buy-in and did a top-up for £10, total £20... and won £1010. You don't have to play like crazy, just play premium hands, but really you ought to have a 'bankroll'. I allow myself £50 total for a £10 game, or £60 for a £20 game... that's 2 buy-ins. Having said that, if I see I'm not getting anything, then I may leave before that - no point in throwing good money away.

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

Paul' date=' £20 might sound steep but in the last £5 rebuy I played, I had 1 re-buy and 1 add-on which came to £15 after the initial buy in, and I was being bloody conservative compared to some. 2 guys on my table must`ve bought in 9 or 10 times, seriously. I think there was just a few people who called it a day after they lost their 1st lot of chips. Thinking back (staffy might correct me as he was there too), it was a £1k guaranteed prize pool, there was 60 entrants @ £5 (£300), by the time the rebuys and add ons had finished after the first break, I think the prize pool had topped £1,200 which by my maths makes it £900 purely in re-buys/add ons. That 1st hour is a bit mental but after that is when the real poker starts.[/quote'] So in a £20 rebuy 1 rebuy and 1 add-on is £60. No way I'm buying in for £60, my skills just don't justify it.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? Hiya guys. We have to consider that any buy in for you lot is double for myself and P-Lady. Thats fair enough etc., but a £20 rebuy would be steep for us, especially as 1st-timers. I like the idea PaulM had about hiring a table and dealer at that casino, and I like The Pro's idea about "Broadway Plaza - on Ladywood Middleway". Any night is good for us really, although The Pro suggested "Saturday 11th March". That'd be good for us as our anniversary is 2 days after.:ok

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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

So in a £20 rebuy 1 rebuy and 1 add-on is £60. No way I'm buying in for £60' date=' my skills just don't justify it.[/quote'] Paul Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have done quite well in the DU haven't you? Well, this is just another MTT. And you don't have to buy-in or top-up. I don't always, if I don't feel lucky I just leave. A few weeks ago, I left after only 20 mins (11 hands)... could see it wasn't going to be my day. But, I guess each to their own, I won't force anyone.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

Paul Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have done quite well in the DU haven't you? Well, this is just another MTT. And you don't have to buy-in or top-up. I don't always, if I don't feel lucky I just leave. A few weeks ago, I left after only 20 mins (11 hands)... could see it wasn't going to be my day. But, I guess each to their own, I won't force anyone.
I'm quite aware of what it is but there's a hell of a difference between a 60p freezout with £500 added and a £20 rebuy. I know rebuying/topping-up isn't compulsory but if you don't you're at a massive disadvantage, and blowing 20 sheets on what is essentially a lottery for the first hour doesn't appeal to me one bit. I'd rather spend the £20 getting pissed. I'll give the Broadway and the Stanley a call at some point over the weekend see what the deal is with getting a private table. Only drawback might be that we have to do it on a weeknight which is definitely tricky for me and I suspect might be for a few others, especially the ones travelling. Although maybe not if we can do it with plenty of notice.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

I'll give the Broadway and the Stanley a call at some point over the weekend see what the deal is with getting a private table.
I can save you the time about the Broadway because I asked exactly the same question myself last week... They don't do 'private' tables as such. It would be classed as a cash game and costs £5 per person per hour. Furthermore, if there were seats available and someone else wanted to join then we cannot stop them, i.e. they don't do private tables. This to me sounds quite expensive... £5 per hour PLUS stake money. I think that could come to a lot more than £60. One thing I've just remembered about is membership. At the Broadway you can become a member on the night; you just need to bring some ID with you. As for Walsall, I think it is still 24 hours to become a member, although any current member can sign in up to 6 guests. I don't know what the rules are at other casinos.
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

I can save you the time about the Broadway because I asked exactly the same question myself last week... They don't do 'private' tables as such. It would be classed as a cash game and costs £5 per person per hour. Furthermore, if there were seats available and someone else wanted to join then we cannot stop them, i.e. they don't do private tables. This to me sounds quite expensive... £5 per hour PLUS stake money. I think that could come to a lot more than £60. One thing I've just remembered about is membership. At the Broadway you can become a member on the night; you just need to bring some ID with you. As for Walsall, I think it is still 24 hours to become a member, although any current member can sign in up to 6 guests. I don't know what the rules are at other casinos.
Yeah anywhere can sign up on the day now, the law was changed on the day we all last went to Worcester. Still need passport/drivers licence though. Interesting that they don't let you have a private table for tournament style games, maybe there just isn't the call for it. The Dudley casino let us have a table for £50p/h at the first worcester meet so the stanley is starting to look enticing. Hopefully the flat £10 charge wasn't just a one-off. Would anyone be interested in doing it on a weeknight if we can get a cheap table?
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

Hopefully the flat £10 charge wasn't just a one-off. Would anyone be interested in doing it on a weeknight if we can get a cheap table?
I'm interested so long as it isn't a cash game. Not into cash games, much prefer tourneys. Were you planning on cash game or tourney? And if tourney, what would the buy-in be?
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

I'm interested so long as it isn't a cash game. Not into cash games' date=' much prefer tourneys. Were you planning on cash game or tourney? And if tourney, what would the buy-in be?[/quote'] Well at the racedays we had £10 buy-in, with first 3 paid. So we wouldn't be playing for big bucks, more the pride (just ask Big Andy current PL live poker champion:ok)
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Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino?? Have been to the Friday £5 rebuy at Walsall once, my first and only casino experience so far, and i quite enjoyed it. The prospect of dealing doesn't appeal, but on that night whichever table i was on someone volunteered, and although there were a couple of arseholes most people were happy not to deal and therefore were sympathetic to any errors made. I would be up for it again on a night out with the PL Mob, but as talk has shifted towards having a PL Live tournament can i ask why we need to pay a casino to hire a table - do we not just need a venue? I am sure we have the equipment between us, and then the dealing won't be a problem either. Would express my preference for a low buyin too as my poker career does not support the wife and kids (yet!!)

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