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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm see you in Tikay's sharpy - going for the double tonite - win the Dollar Up leader board AND win Tikay's tourney as well :) See you on the final table Damo :cheers

Well i'm gonna leave it to you tonight.Gonna concentrate on Tikays tourny instead.Best of luck all Plers.:ok
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm GaF - is it minimum 3 for the wooden spoon? I really don't want it! :$ Also, I think some of your average calculations are up the spout towards the bottom of the table. Mind you, I've just suffered my first disconnect (well boot out actually - are they the same thing?) on SO, so hope that doesn't happen again.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Good luck to the guys fighting for 1st place!!! :ok The yellow jersey is washed and ironed and the avatar has been polished - be sad to see it go!! :cry Having loads of disconnection problems on SO (just for a change) so will just be in the Dollar Up. I would've entered Tikay's tourney but not worth the $10 risk for hours of headbutting the screen! :lol Good luck to everyone in that too. :hope

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Nice post TQM :ok agree about the disconnect - you don't think that sporting would balls this up, not on this nite! :) Damo

Good luck to the guys fighting for 1st place!!! :ok The yellow jersey is washed and ironed and the avatar has been polished - be sad to see it go!! :cry Having loads of disconnection problems on SO (just for a change) so will just be in the Dollar Up. I would've entered Tikay's tourney but not worth the $10 risk for hours of headbutting the screen! :lol Good luck to everyone in that too. :hope
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Well I am at death's door because of a col....er deadly virus that is giving me headaches and sneezes. Despite this I'm gonna do my best - I think to have any chance I need a top 3, but there you go. GOOD LUCK Damo!!!;) That should do it. :lol

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm boy flu..... thanks Mr V - yeah a top 3 would give u a chance hmmmmm ULTRA tight for me tonite - I might even fold KK pre flop Damo :cheers

Well I am at death's door because of a col....er deadly virus that is giving me headaches and sneezes. Despite this I'm gonna do my best - I think to have any chance I need a top 3, but there you go. GOOD LUCK Damo!!!;) That should do it. :lol
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm

GaF - is it minimum 3 for the wooden spoon? I really don't want it! :$ Also, I think some of your average calculations are up the spout towards the bottom of the table. Mind you, I've just suffered my first disconnect (well boot out actually - are they the same thing?) on SO, so hope that doesn't happen again.
Yes - 3 games for the wooden spoon. Which averages do you think are wrong? Just had a quick look and the ones I looked at seem ok (they're all rounded down - but other than that, as they should be....if it's close i'll look beyond the integers.....)
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm munkimafia, osbin, gman among others at the bottom I am assuming the greens are your 4 best? Damo

Yes - 3 games for the wooden spoon. Which averages do you think are wrong? Just had a quick look and the ones I looked at seem ok (they're all rounded down - but other than that, as they should be....if it's close i'll look beyond the integers.....)
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm

Which averages do you think are wrong? Just had a quick look and the ones I looked at seem ok (they're all rounded down - but other than that, as they should be....if it's close i'll look beyond the integers.....)
Mine for starters. I got more than 1! ;) Basically from Brookes down I think...
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm obviously the 4th best hand in the game isn't worth reraising with..... ho hum Damo ul matey ***************************** EDIT: or the third apparently short stack with QQ am all in - A4 calls and guess what........ ho hum, out in 73rd - maybe just enough to squeak it, unless mr V wins the tounry :)

Spunked all my chips away re-raising all-in with JJ. He calls and turns over QQ' date=' cue lecture about how I made a bad bet. He must have mistaken me for someone who gives a toss:zzz:zzz:zzz[/quote']
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm ul Damo - i was there with TT following you out. Was hoping my allin would stop anyone following me with just one good card, but obviously not. sorry i didn't chat - was disconnected for most of the game (on and off)

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm no probs matey - hadn't been at the table long oh well - roll on weds :) Damo :cheers

ul Damo - i was there with TT following you out. Was hoping my allin would stop anyone following me with just one good card, but obviously not. sorry i didn't chat - was disconnected for most of the game (on and off)
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Just done some quick maths - if it's right - for Mr V v Damo - 7th place for Mr V and I need to look at decimal places - 6th or Better and Mr V beats Damo - 8th or worse and Damo beats Mr V - haven't looked at anyone else yet...... Still going in Tikay - as soon as I'm out, will do a full update.......

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Out in 16th - my first money finish in the dollar up :cow Was in BB with AQ I reraised a guy who had been nicking my blinds, he called, flop looked tame - i went all in - he had caught a pair - and ended up with a full boat!! :lol

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