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8yr old handicap chases

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This is one that i've been following for some time and involves backing 8 yr olds only in HANDICAP CHASES. As their will be no confusion on what horses to follow i will place the selections on this thread starting 1st of Feb. The price range for these horses will be 3/1 upto 14/1 only and i will start with a 100pt bank and i will have 1pt EW on each horse. Their are approx 110 bets a season and in 2005 produced a 170% roi. You must only follow the horses selected by me and their may be more than 1 horse in the race from time to time. This system and the selections will be put on this thread the night before racing and is a real life system. It will run until the 31st of March and longer if it goes well. It will be updated at regular intervals at SPs only.

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Re: 8yr old handicap chases %Man, may i ask just one question. If you are betting at SP how would you know that Korelo was going to be under 3/1 and the other one was going to be over 14/1 at the time of putting bets on? A horse could be 3/1 at the off but return 11/4, just curious. Best of luck anyway mate.

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Re: 8yr old handicap chases I know for sure because if their was one running 9 times out of ten i'd be in the bookies. i know its not an exact science but the 3/1 to 14/1 is to give a bit of value to the bets and thats what the stats are based on but most of the SPs will be in the 5/1 to 8/1 range. the ones today were the prices taken out of the R Post. I hope to put up the horses the night before so you could check on the bookie sites on the net. I would not put you of betting one at less than 3/1 if it went less providing it was one of my selections. This is in know way just pick any 8yr old and the admin on this site ask you to state your aims for the system being used and if i can be of any further help please let me know.

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Re: 8yr old handicap chases Thanks for the reply, the only reason i ask is that some systems on the PL get a good following and if you are putting up horses the night before and some guys back them blind and then the horse drifts or shortens dramatically and all of a sudden they are 'non qualifiers'. If you reccomend backing them just before the off then thats great. Good luck with this.

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Re: 8yr old handicap chases BILLY The way things are going with the weather be lucky to get a runner. the trouble is once Feb starts i will have to put the selections up the night before because of work. But i dont think people will be shoveling it on as you say. There will not be a bet every day and there will be approx 10 a month on past stats and if i found that was happening i would take steps to rectfy it. I do go in the bookies most days as my job allows me to.

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Re: 8yr old handicap chases I said i would start on Feb 1st but with heavy frost where i live not working today. There is 1 horse going today and thats Miss Shakira 3.30 and the sp on s/life web site was 5/1. This is an amataur race and the horse is going further than in the past. If theirs racing tomorrow their would be know selections but it's looking good for the first day of the trial.

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