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VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006


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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I'm with morl and others on this. Getting sick of getting transfered to a table where someone has been playing against sit-outs and has amassed a large chip stack. You then get "bullied" and when you decide to make a stand you get beaten by a rags hand. If you can get through it, it becomes a decent tourney with good banter, but getting pretty frustrated at the moment. Moan over, off to Poland in the morning.Can't fliiping wait. Dobranoc.

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 Those of you who are getting "sick of it" - if you just play to say 2500 chips or so, then sit out - you get in front of all the discons, so still get substantial points - if you have a couple of discons at your table - should regualrly be achievable in 30 mins or so? You're saving a couple of hours a game, and probably losing just a handful of points (I would argue, you may actually get as many points when you consider the "disasters" when you carry on playing - and end up getting your AA cracked by 72o).

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

Those of you who are getting "sick of it" - if you just play to say 2500 chips or so, then sit out - you get in front of all the discons, so still get substantial points - if you have a couple of discons at your table - should regualrly be achievable in 30 mins or so? You're saving a couple of hours a game, and probably losing just a handful of points (I would argue, you may actually get as many points when you consider the "disasters" when you carry on playing - and end up getting your AA cracked by 72o).
We had all this last year too Gaf, 13months of it is why were sick lol
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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

Getting to the last 60, which i have no problem in doing most nights, is pointless when you have say 4-5k in chips, when chip stealers and discon players have over 20k, to make a dent is hard! Morls
I experienced this first-hand this afternoon. I started on one of the late tables with 3 other players and managed to get to around 3.5k chips, but then the table closed and I got moved. The first thing that happened on the new table was a message in the chat window, saying "welcome to hell, you've joined a blind stealers table", coming from a player on 4k. I looked around the table and saw 5 disconnects, a player on 1.5k, and another on 20k. It didn't take long to realise what was going on, as the massive chip leader was raising a lot, not enough to put you all-in, but a significant amount for those less fortunate. To cut a long story short, after a few hands I got a good one, getting an Ace high straight on the turn, went all-in, only to get called by 'mr big shot' who got a flush on the river, so I went out in 184th place. :wall I still haven't qualifiedy for Monday yet, but as it *should* be a bounty game also, I'd like to be there to see what happens. I also saw that the grand final is going to be on Wednesday 5th April. A Wednesday again!? Where is the sense in that!? :eyes Another tick for the 'I'm just going for the prizes now, I can't be bothered with the final/leaderboard' train of thought I'm afraid...
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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I was greeted with the same message steve, now me and soulmaster are deliberately taking 10 seconds per play to do anything, slow the game right down and just sit tight. Its the crappest game ive ever played, but its effective. Just emailed Oscar and see what his answers are.

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 Nothing worse than some guy thinking he's a poker big shot and bragging about it! Nothing annoys them more than the whole time wasting tactic! I know it's frustrating but if there are a couple of you doing it, sitting tight and wasting time, then it will only be a matter of time, and hopefully with little hands played until the table closes and you all get moved. I know time wasting isn't the done thing but neither is bully-boy tactics!

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 From when i started playing this,30 games too late,I incurred the "one table wonder" who had gained 18,000 chips and then preceded to destroy any chance by calling with owt. Started just to play slow but it doesn't half make you sick when the A's get beat by donkey poo.I gave up on this a while back, can't even bear to play just to qualify for the weekly final. Like i said on a post ages ago its not "the King of Poker" it's the "king of luck who lands with a table o sit outs".ClydeFrog has left the building! Hmmm though i could be hired to play just to Feck someones game up. EDIT:Oh yeah gave up playing a month ago on this and im still getting games and points added.

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

I know time wasting isn't the done thing but neither is bully-boy tactics!
Just don't understand the mentality of these bullys! I'll gladly take discon money on offer, but from then on i just want to play the game. Where on earth is the satisfaction in just blind-stealing live players? :\ If u have more chips.. sure you can buy into more flops but there's no skill to just continually raising everyone out. Met one on my last table after catching the blinds on both my table shifts... A R S E.. just after I'd managed to haul myself back up above the discons. Joined the table with two poor sods all-in to a guy with 20k. Then it was just me and him and the remainder of discons...started putting my coat on right then..oh well lasted a further 12 rounds with only 880 left. ;)
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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 Frustrating....Thats all I can call this afternoon... 2 of us on the table, more of a head to head. Built up a nice stack of 6k, thought I'd sit out as I havn't qualified. Next thing he goes into turbo mode with raising to take the blinds. I started playing again only to get 2 bad beats and I'm out. :wall Point is, I think I would have done the same :D Swings and roundabouts springs to mind. Oi morl....where did you get that stack from????:ok

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

From a nice discon table, then a guy came on and started to bully me haha flop 9 10 j 7 3 he bet 600 i re raised 2400 he re raised 6000 i went all in with 22k he called his 10k showed 8 i had the kq niceeeeeee :nana
1 of my bad beats was like that this afternoon :wall
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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I'm such a muppet :eek Going all in just 'cos I actually made the high pair on the board. All I was thinking was what are the chances he has two jacks - d'oh. Stupid Stupid jacks. How the hell was I to know he had matched the damn 2 and 3 in his hand. Damn Damn Damn where was my Queen when I needed her:cry

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 Yep Roll on the bounty hunt - might get lucky. Certainly alot easier than desperately trying to climb the leaderboard. (especially the way I've been playing this week! Only myself to blame but damn it I'm better at babysitting than I am looking after me) Bounty man we are coming to get u :rollin :rollin Good luck all for tomorrow :hope

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Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 leave the bounty man alone, hes mine!!!! 75th and 44th today, over 310 playing in the 8pm, getting massive this is, but still, some good points made today. Good luck all and ill see you tomorrow for my mondayitis to set in, my game falls apart and ill be in bed by 8.15. morls!

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