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Thinking of reinventing myself


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I have been thinking about closing down all my accounts and starting again, but with a different alias. And in true X Factor fashion I was thinking of putting up some suggestions on here as a poll and taking on the winner of the poll. I need something that is unlikely to be used on the majority of the sites I use, and be original. Any ideas? Will pick my fave 5 or so and consider taking on the winning moniker. Over to you,,, :loon

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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself make it something that makes you appear CLUELESS rather than something that makes you look fearless even a girls name............. average and poor players will call you more often in MTT's and Freerolls when they think you are a bit below what they expect from a poker tough guy!! :lol:lol:lol:lol I play as a bird on betfred all the time and sometimes its funny to see the chauvenistic pricks re-raise you when you are holding monsters :D

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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself You may hit one snag as some sites won't allow two accounts to have the same bank account registered. I don't know how you would cancel the bank account from your current name, but I guess it must be possible. As for a name, if you go the female route, how about MissTake or MissRead or MissTell. Or male variation Mister Tell (missed a ....). sorry, I'll get my coat ...... :eyes

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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself Depends on the network. I've had few problems with having multiple accounts on any of the Tribeca, Cryptologic or Prima Poker networks (I've had to have a few drastic reboots which might have helped things....I didn't deliberately reboot, my laptop just fooked up a couple fo times. :().

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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself

I have been thinking about closing down all my accounts and starting again, but with a different alias. And in true X Factor fashion I was thinking of putting up some suggestions on here as a poll and taking on the winner of the poll. I need something that is unlikely to be used on the majority of the sites I use, and be original. Any ideas? Will pick my fave 5 or so and consider taking on the winning moniker. Over to you,,, :loon
Seeing as you totally ignored me (again) tonight on SO i'd suggest : Mutton Jeff or so you can say "i'm a Lady" how about KillaQueen
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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself I would like something that works in live games too. I have played a few times live and invariably the chat gets round to asking about online monikors, so it would need to be something thats not too odd. "so andy, what is your online nick?" "flubablubalub" "okaaaayy, why would that be then?"

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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself

:rollin :rollin :rollin I take it the wife gets to name your horses then.
Funnily enough no, I've named them all so far. I try to make it link to the names of both parents and the advantage is they can't tell you they don't like it ! Legendkiller - you might need to give us 5 names and we'll vote ! :D
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Re: Thinking of reinventing myself

make it something that makes you appear CLUELESS rather than something that makes you look fearless
In that case friskyfitz would be my advice as nick.. :lol :lol :lol But as the other says.. Girls name should be the one.. I heard that pokergirl from ladbrokes (who is a danish man) had trouble finding people to play against with his first male nick.. But after he changed to pokergirl, even though people saw he was winning, they would still play him, couse they thought it was a girl, so they would problably win it back...
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