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Just switched on ATR and saw a weird 5.00  race at Wolves  

I am a believer in maths. For every length a horse gains on the second in the last 100 yards it is 1lb better than its forms shows. 

I've just watched no 6 from virtually a pull up move by the Jockey (whip in the wrong hand?) suddenly take off when the jockey put  down the whip. He took seven lengths out of the strong galloping front two horses in the blink of a eye.


I bet neither the stewards or ATR will ask the obvious question.  Was it pulled?

Posted (edited)

If you've ever played one of those racing games .......if a horse has stats 50 stamina ....50 speed ....and its your job to use every bit of both and get to the line just as the tanks run out .....so the front runners tanks Are falling constantly.....whereas horse b who started slow and and has only used 20 stamina and 23 speed has both to burn so the jockey can do a proverbial "floor it " .....and try and make up the deficit before the tanks run out .....that's horse racing .....if yiur a great jockey you can time the tanks right on the line .......and bear in mind each horse has diff tanks .....25 speed 65 stamina .......30 stamina ..65 speed ....etc ....that's why some horses are hold up .....and others front run ....they are using their "tanks " to best effect ? 

That's why if you pick a class horse that has say 50 speed 60 stamina ...and it starts slow near to the back .....7 times out of 10 it will make a huge run near the end of the race making up 5 6 7 lengths.....just burning everything he's got left ....sometimes the get there ...sometimes they leave it too late 

Edited by richard-westwood

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