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Racing Chat - Saturday 5th November

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Got a couple of doubles waiting on flightline. 

Also have a double with rebels romance and life is good. Wife has went each way on lig too. She had ew on 2nd in last race.

Have a couple of free bets and don't know whether to throw on epicentre and taiba as the way its been going lately 2nd horse has bit my butt.

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5 hours ago, Zilzalian said:

for what its worth these are what i am backing tonight be silly not to do a few ew

429 emaraaty ana 20/1

550 mise en scene 33/1

630 kimari 11/2

710 malavath 18/1

840 rebels romance 11/2

oh and flightline should win by 10+L

half decent profit on this lot. pity that 50/1 shot got in the way of my bloody forecast on emaraaty Ana and creative force. Sometimes its the little bets that count.


Screenshot 2022-11-05 214705.png

Edited by Zilzalian
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10 hours ago, fd1972uk said:

Well probably up a little on profit (cash wise) so not bad.

Bit annoyed for wife as life is good looked like it chucked it near the end.

Life is good was the pacemaker, doesn't get further than he went.

I guess the yards agreed on that strategy before the race and to be fair nothing else went on and given the top horse's ability you'd have thought the entire field would have needed to try and get ahead of him before he flew and muck the tempo up.

I feel your pain though.  

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