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£100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (36% Complete)


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  • Torque changed the title to £100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (3% Complete)
1 hour ago, aldric said:

You have had a few great runs in here from memory.  Why not go for £1k or something as we know you will get too scared to continue at some point!

I seem to remember you banked some money at some point?

Whats the furthest you have hot?

I've got up to 1k a few times, banked some profit or taken back stake once or twice. Best run from a return perspective was the very first, not sure what the best run is in terms of consecutive bets.

If nothing else, this thread shows - just like a lot of others on this part of the forum - how hard it can be to hit winners even at the shortest odds. Some of the losers I've hit have been borderline unbelievable, but then again they would be with the odds involved.

Last night was nearly another loser that you really couldn't have seen coming, with the best team in the NBA nearly losing to the worst team who didn't even have all their players available.

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  • Torque changed the title to £100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (5% Complete)
  • Torque changed the title to £100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (6% Complete)
  • Torque changed the title to £100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (7% Complete)
  • Torque changed the title to £100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (8% Complete)
  • Torque changed the title to £100 to £100,000 Glory Hunt (9% Complete)

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